Fluffy abuse thread

Fluffy abuse thread





this is Hugbox thread now









bumping because op is too much of a faggot to contribute

this is not /mlp/


haven't seen this one yet, thanks



the eyes on this pinky pie makes me want to scoop them out with a spoon






you guys are fucking mental tards. This isnt something a human does.


>Not condemning loli or actual animal rekt threads

give me a break, faggot. they're fake, entirely fictional creatures that don't always get abused. fuck off


Sometimes fluffies get love and other times abuse, it's a two way street


anybody got the rest of this one?

When mental faggots samefag

The humane thing to do is gas the fluffy posters.

cry moar /trash/fag. the more you do the harder I get















I like to think Fluffies are so stupid that they don't know what death is and they think "wuv and huggies" is all they need to come back even if they've been torn in half.

But I also like the term "forever sleepies" since it's so pathetic sounding but that would imply that they do know what death is to some extent so I'm not sure what to prefer.

Haha oh my god was this made by a 4 year old?




>gets butthurt over fake cartoon violence
>encourages infliction of harm on actual people who post fake fictional stuff

I am not a fluffyposter myself but you're just exposed yourself as a real mental retard. Or you're just a retarded kid, which is more likely. Thankfuly you're back in school in less than a week.

That is some brutal enf

I like the idea that they live in denial of death but do instinctively understand it, evidenced by the 'wan die' loop.

Shit wrong image

this one is very good





another one


fucking kek


I got you fam

All fluffies are bad fluffies. Fluffies should be handled in one of three ways based on the severity of their crimes:

1. Swift death
2. Slow and painful death
3. Life of suffering followed by eventual death.

If the fluffy hasn't done anything to deserve it yet, just be aware: the moment you start treating them like anything other than trash you put them on the path to becoming a smarty.



Can anyone shed a light on this stuff? I'm not even shaming you guys I'm just confused


there was a good pic explaining the whole thing
unfortunately i don't have it



Replied to wrong post, sorry


thanks bruv


thats some good shit m8



never have I been so torn as to whether or not I should torture or cuddle..

Since this thread of fictional abuse of equally fictional animals exists, you are clearly wrong...

Ooh edgy edgy

call me a moralfag but this one really hurts to watch



shit i posted it in wrong order
this one is first

sounds interesting, do you have the background story?


Basic explanation...

fuck forgot the picture

the third one

fourth one

last one

Should shove the bell button up a foal's anus. Probably the blue one. Then ring the bell repeatedly while they both huu huu huu. I'd keep ringing until the sister agreed to give me mouth enfies. Then after I got good feels from her I'd viciously pick him up off the bell and make his ass prolapse. He'd cry so I'd give him medicine if the sister gave me mouth mouth enfies. After I came I'd put honey up his prolapsed ass and sit him on an ant hill.

When the fuck's this nigga gonna release the last one? Seriously, how long has it been?

How many of you own a D20?