Find a flaw, go on, find just one single flaw.
Actually he wasn't, or at east not during LOTR. It was the Witch King who lead the black riders and stabbed Frodo at Weathertop.
Find a flaw, go on, find just one single flaw.
Actually he wasn't, or at east not during LOTR. It was the Witch King who lead the black riders and stabbed Frodo at Weathertop.
the flaw is:
youre shit at writing and want a boring movie where nothing happens.
it took the Fellowship about a year to walk from the Shire to Mordor in the book. your route is about 3 times longer. so by the time they got to Mordor Sauron would have taken over Middle Earth 2 years earlier and destroying the Ring was then pointless.
your status = blown the fuck out.
>3 times longer
Hardly. More like twice as long, and not nearly as risky. Sam and Frodo had a tonne of delays on their trip as well, which made the journey longer than it should have been.
>spend months extra on the road
yeah dont think they would have enough time
>go west to grey havens
>take boat south
>take randon river until osgiliath
>walk the rest
It's the scenic route! If you're gonna go on a road trip to Mordor with your bros you may as well take in the sights.
Isn't Angmar/Gundabad filled with orcs?
>be hairy asian sized manlet on a dangerous mission
>take a nice boat trip with the help of mages, elves, humans down a scenic coast
>dont even lift a finger and smoke the whole journey
>have a exciting final day where you and your friends visit the vulcano, without a fucking spider
>walk home and fuck every giant human/elves/dwarf because you saved they asses
Still would pick the boat trip over the +1 year trip of potential starvation and orc ass rape.
1. It's really long
2. Going that north means you'd freeze your ass
3. The armies of Sauron are there
4. You wouldn't have any allies near enough
Erebor was under siege in the War of the Ring
This, famalam
How did she not know what the millenium falcon looked like?
>she said it was a famous ship
>she could name the pilot and co-pilot
>she lived literally meters away from the junkyard where the millenium falcon was
>she called herself a scavenger, so she would have familiarized herself with different ships and ship types
>when Bala-Tik informs the first order he says that they are in the millenium falcon, assuming that the first order knows what it looks like because it is common knowledge
>Rey finds out from Han-Solo, after she had been on the ship and flown it, that she is on the millenium falcon
the flaw is that eagles can fly but are cunts.
The answer is bad writing.
But one could argue, that she didnt think it would be possible that this was THE millenium falcon (it wasnt an unique ship design)
Since this is supposed to be an adventure, exciting things would have happened no matter which route they would have taken :^)
she was a women. They can't tell shit. Tell a chick you got an 8 inch cock even when you are 5 and she will believe it.
That whole region is crawling with orcs and stone giants. It would also take an extremely long time, by the time they even passed the Lonely Mountain, Minas Tirith and Edoras would have both been smoking craters.
>take boat south
>get captured and killed by Haradrim
The movie went for fucking ever and was boring as all get out.
theres a shit ton of orcs in the north
and it skirts rhun where the people are loyal to sauron
>boring movie where nothing happens
>going through fucking rhudaur, gundabad, that area with the frost drakes, erebor, the whole area between rhun and mirkwood and passing near dol guldur
>nothing happens
kill yourself
That journey would take way too long and they were on a bit of a clock.
>but they had delays in LotR!
Yea, and they could have had more delays with the proposed route, since they're traveling over a lot more distance. Given what info they had, the original route was probably the best.
you are stupid,middle earth in that time is full of orcs trolls and goblins everywhere, except for the areas of greatest stronholds (lonely mountain,minas tirith etc),even more in the north so is impossible that travel.
so OPs plan is bullshit either way
Why are Orcs at war with men again? I don't really get it.
Find a flaw, I DARE you.
>why are filthy subhumans at war with man
Sauron's conquest wasn't imminent. Not until Aragorn goaded him on with the Palantir. The real reason this route is shit is because it goes past Gundabad.
Really they should have just taken a boat from the elf harbor to Gondor.
they ran out of resources on their home world (Draenor)
>not nearly as risky
You should read the book, nigger.
the sea is full of pirates,middle earth was seriously fucked in that time.
Gandalf mentions massive packs of orcs raiding to the north. It's never expanded on further than that, and it was probably just added in by JRRT just for autistic fucks such as OP here.
>w-why didn't the eagles just
>why not j-just go around!
Holy shit, I'm so sick of seeing threads like these where it's obvious the OP thinks he's so clever, but actually doesn't have a grasp on the material.
I can't imagine OP actually believes this, got to be trolling. Or possibly an actual retard one of those is the only answer.
I can confirm this, I would tell all the women I had an 8 inch cock when I was 5 and they all believed me.
that must have been awkward for your mom and sisters
>going past Gundabad
You really aren't this stupid are you OP?
Let me guess you know jack shit about Tolkien.
Why didn't they just go back to Grey Havens and ask Cirdan to lend them a ship and sail to Lebenin?
Considering it only took 18 days to get from Shire to Rivendell on foot, going back would be a quick matter
Because eventually the crew of the ship would try to get the ring.
the corsairs of Umbar work for Sauron,try to fight a fleet of war ships with a little transport ship.
also this
more than one ship of same design/model with different names?
What was Gandalf's plan if he still led the Fellowship after Moria? Of course he wasn't going to try and take on the Black Gates, but what other route would have come up with?
i think it would've been fairly close to what frodo ended up doing, except maybe he wouldn't pass through the swamps.
i suspect he would have to split the party eventually in need of diversion regardless, not really sure how he'd handle the isengard situation though, he probably would avoid saruman altogether, or at least try to.
of course, the fellowship members' contribution to the war effort diverted enough resources from mordor to open up a path for frodo, even before aragorn provoked sauron for the battle of minas tirith, so there's a good chance if the party stuck to gandalf's path all would be lost.
It would have added a year to the journey and went through the most dangerous and barren parts of the world you retard
There was all sorts of shit going on in Mirkwood forest. Armies of orcs. The movie doesn't show this and I don't remember how far the books themselves go into the details, but Sauron's orcs weren't just rotting away in Mordor until they captured Osgiliath and Minas Tirith. They were waging military campaigns all over.