Character is a violent criminal who kills people

>character is a violent criminal who kills people
>gets upset about animal dying

>describe one thing
>describe something else

Kill people doesn't mean you are an nihilist

Name one movie where that happens.
You can't.

if i was a violent criminal who kills people i would get upset if someone kills my dog

I've seen dead bodies on the road from traffic accidents or murders, but none have ever brought me down as much as seeing a crumpled cat or dog on the street.

>Character is a violent contract killer
>Doesn't kill women or children because of muh ethics

John Wick

animals are innocent lad. humans are actual scum cunts who are supreme faggot shitfucks who deserve to die.

just not me tho im a good guy lol

>Character is Amish
>Still plays bowling


>public bathroom scene
>doesn't zoom in and show character obsessively inspecting his ass wipes to see if fecal matter is present or if his anus is clean

i actually kind of feel like this, but i defiantly deserve to die.

Name $800m break-even movies where that happens

how is this Sup Forums, I have been seeing this everywhere, is it a meme now to call everything Sup Forums

go back to Sup Forums

Anthony soprano nearly killed chrisotfer for siting on a dog

Dumb frogposter.

they've been triggered so hard they have a paranoid persecution complex now


pls leave tony

name one kino

pepe the frog is a white supremacist meme. It is not welcome on Sup Forums. If you want to post a frog here post Emma Stone