What are some albums with marine or nautical themes?

What are some albums with marine or nautical themes?

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It's actually a very good album


This is essentially the electronic/hip-hop version of the Mollusk.


y'all need more library music in your collections

Most of my library music is plant-based.

Please suggest more aquatic library music.

I have this one so far.



Oxygen by Gaston Borreani I suppose

Tennis - Cape Dory


isis oceanic man

I think that's pretty clear space oriented, or at least broadly "science" in general, based on the track titles.

so they don't have to be particularly good albums then?

If you're talking about Ocean Eyes, it's actually good. Your choice really isnt bad either tho




Ween- the mollusk
The amity affliction- let the ocean take me





Isn't that album more about drinking water though?

IIRC it doesn't really have marine/nautical themes.

Blue - iamamiwhoami


thrice - the alchemy index vols. i & ii