What went wrong
What went wrong
You mean what went right
He has a chin again
Plebs can't appreciate his films for their aesthetic beauty, that's all there is to it.
Absolutely nothing
His only good film is Drive.
Hubris. He's a good director, he's just blind to how terrible his own scripts/ideas are. He's proven to be capable of making great films, but when he's given the freedom to make whatever he wants, he falls flat on his face
t. pleb with no taste
General audiences are too moronic to appreciate authentic kino
Pusher trilogy
>Dull and pretentious
Valhalla Rising
Fear X
>Just fucking embarrassing
Only God Forgives
The Neon Demon
The chromosome count
His last two films are his best. There's nothing wrong with his scripts.
He didn't complete his career with fear x and now keeps making pleb trash for his internet audience that graduated from tarantino
>anything other than great
Spot the pleb.
>Just fucking embarrassing
>Only God Forgives
>The Neon Demon
The only thing embarrassing here is your taste, and the fact that you seem to be under the illusion you should be discussing the film medium in the first place.
Nicolas Winding Refn is the new Stanley Kubrick.
Remember when all his films received negative receptions at launch?
Im going to give you an honest opinion, when the trailer came out I was hyped as shit, havent seen goslyn in much but I didnt mind him, the move was amazing, the intro, the music, the atmosphere, I was having a kino orgasm...but then it happened....at the time I deluded myself into enjoying it but it cannot be denied anymore....NWR tried to be artsy and give some sort of message, I was expecting getaway driver kino and instead I get a staring contest bewteen basically 2 supermodels compared ot normal people, then some kid pops up and they go on a montage drive into a secret forest WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK? Where's the you know....ummm....FUCKING DRIVING WHILE FOOLING POLICE IN COOL SCENE AFTER SCENE.
he fucked up but he could have redeemed himself, whats next you visionary? Only God Forgives, cool Thailand or some shit, fighting, Goslyn again, this shit look like its flames.......
We all know what happened later.
His fucking career is done, he should have done heist movie after heist movie instead.
James Healey pls
other than trying to compete with an actual arts like lars, nothing
he still makes pleb movies for plebs
>watch the Refn documentaries
>realize he's just an autist who only wants to make weird movies and loves his wife and kids very much
You can hate his films but you really can't hate him as a person
>write a half-baked, dead mediocre genre flick
>remove dialogue
>add colorful gel-frames to all the lights
>roll the camera for 4 extra seconds before & after each line of dialogue
>Congrats, it's ART!!!!
It's pretty fucking saddening when people here think that Only God Forgives is a bad film.
It's like all the bad movies that keep getting posted here suddenly warped people into thinking subtle, visually striking films are somehow bad.
Well it's alright, I can simply dismiss them as people with bad taste.
Did you go to school?
Bronson was only made to show Tom Hardy's dick
pls be pasta
for me:
Fear X
Valhalla Rising
Pusher trilogy
>Just fucking embarrassing
Only God Forgives
The Neon Demon
>You can hate his films but you really can't hate him as a person
this and the same could be said for woody allen
>Masterpiece tier
Only God Forgives
>Amazing tier
Everything else
I think he just doesn't know what his doing anymore.
Also Goose has cucked him.
Drive was a fluke.
Please stop posting on Sup Forums
Bleeder was so bad. I really loved Mads in the film when he was basically playing Refn, but everything else was just so tryhard and edgy. Not sure if that was the film where the lead was acting like an ass on set and giving Refn trouble though.
You talk about things you don't understand.
He always had complete freedom.
Terrible opinion.
Yeah, that's Kim Bodnia.
He ended up in a psychiatric asylum a few months later.
Refn can be prone to anger, though. He threw a walkie-talkie at a producer, tried to shoot his mother-in-law and threw a desk at one of his teachers in highschool.
>Bleeder was so bad
Umm no, Drive was actually his worst film.
Bronson and The Neon Demon were both great.
OGF is a visual masterpiece, and only fuckwits who get bored easily dislike it.
Great taste. Don't mind the plebs that think his 10s work is good just because they started with Drive
Awful taste
It's funny how people think refn movies are art when in actuality he makes wannabe arthouse trash. People who enjoy his films are pseudo patricians who want to feel smart.
I see a lot of statements but zero arguments. You got any, sport?
>who want to feel smart.
Also nice irony
And people who dislike his films do not understand film at a "fundamental" level.
was it rape Sup Forums?
She turned 18 in March, so no
His only movies I watched are Drive, Only God Forgives, The Neon Demon, Valhalla Rising. All of them were great except Only God Forgives.
I need to be 20 beers deep before I can handle that amount of cringe
I have superior taste in kino/cinema/film/movies, the rest of you have shit taste, stick to flicks you worthless faggots
the first guy is a genuine pleb
please don't bully
There is literally no point for you to even come make statements if you're not willing to argue them. No one is impressed by "I have superior taste".
>and loves his wife and kids very much
And hates Lars
Don't even bother arguing.
It's the same shallow arguments every time from anti-Refn fags.
>Muh style over substance
>"baaaw this is preeetenshus I don't know whats happening :("
lel I just noticed that he actually asks her if it's alright if he kisses her
Bella probably thought she was next
I've only seen Drive and Neon Demon; I like Drive, it's a fine movie, but Neon Demon was the worst film I've seen in years. Just absolutely terrible, I couldn't rightfully recommend it to anyone.
I really wish I had a wife like Liv
What was bad about it?
What was so bad about it?
Like I'm genuinely interested why someone would hate such a visually stimulating movie.
I had a seizure watching it.
So you only lasted 10 minutes?
how'd you know that?
was it during this scene?
I endorse this rating
Firstly I wouldn't call it visually stunning outside of a few shots (fashion show, listening through the wall) - the bright, neon aesthetic is a bit played out at this point and there wasn't anything that stood out in terms of shot composition to me. There were better looking films this year, even. Same goes for the soundtrack, the kinda neo-80s Drive/Chromatics/Hotline Miami thing just feels tired at this point, to me. I don't see any aesthetic merit there. For such a disgusting and gruesome movie I feel that something harsher could have fit; instead of wishy washy synths maybe something like Arca's "Mutant", if you've heard that. Those are the two things I see praised most, and they did fuck all for me. Is there any point in me talking about why I thought the narrative aspects were worthless? I feel like that's been discussed to death at this point.
>you'll never kiss that sweet sweet teen lips
Agree with your points, and admire the coherent, intelligent manner in which you present them.
come to the netherlands i will buy you sweet teen lips
I bet you like Giallo films
I liked the film, but had issues with both of those things.
>disgusting and gruesome movie
Where were those parts? The only part I can think of is the very end.
The necrophilia scene was moving and the blood bath scene was so aesthetically smooth it was comfy
>Is there any point in me talking about why I thought the narrative aspects were worthless?
What do you mean though? The narrative is very simple. There's not much to deconstruct there.
I hope he gets to directed something big again. Maybe give capeshit meaning again.
his next project is a spy movie
Any recommendations?
I use those words specifically in reference to the stuff that goes on in the final third of the film, yeah, but it's not kind during the beginning / middle either.
>what do you mean though?
Like, the acting is bad, the premise is clichéd, the characters suck - that kinda thing. I don't mind that it's "simple" in the slightest, but it all felt so amateur and oh god just painful to watch honestly.
No One Lives Forever with Christina Hendricks as Cate Archer pls
>the acting is bad, the characters suck
How though
>the premise is clichéd
I don't even get what the criticism here is
Wanna fight?
The acting is bad: the early parts of the movie don't have much in the way of movement so the bulk of the "acting" here is in the dialogue. The script sucks, firstly, which doesn't help. "Are you food, or are you sex?" Are you kidding me? But the delivery on its own is flat out garbage as well. I get what he's going for, or at least I've got an idea of it - the characters are cold and inhuman, reflecting their vapidity, their morality, etc., and thus the dialogue is delivered in a machinelike manner. Long pauses, emotionlessly moving through the script, that kinda thing. But even though I get why it's like that, it still feels so fucking bad. Like, if you ever watch a video project done by a high schooler that's what the acting felt like. "The Room"-esque. I watched Lanthimos' "Lobster" recently, and it employs the same techniques to the same ends but it felt so much better. Heck, Drive was like this too, so I don't know how Refn managed to do so poorly here.
The premise is clichéd: wow the modelling industry is bad and corrupt eh what a revelation. Nothing interesting being said here so a lot rests on the execution, which was shit, therefore this movie sucks.
I can't comment much on the dialogue as it seems it's all based on how we felt hearing it so there's no objective argumentation to be had
>The premise is clichéd: wow the modelling industry is bad and corrupt eh what a revelation.
I'm sorry but this is just dumb. This is like saying
>wow WW2 was horrifying for the soldiers on the front lines what a revelation
if someone made a film about following a soldier in WW2. It's a silly "criticism". The most human and universal stories are something basic. It's like you're saying a complicated premise is automatically a bonus, I don't think it is.
>Nothing interesting being said here so a lot rests on the execution, which was shit, therefore this movie sucks.
Why should a movie "say" anything specific? It's supposed to be an experience that makes you feel something, not a lecture.
Sorry, I never meant to imply either of those things. I'm looking at aspects of the movie where one might find enjoyment, and explaining why they didn't work for me. There's no formula to art and to mandate that originality or didactic function is necessary would be retarded.
Alpha as fuck
I see. To be fair I can imagine the mindset in which this film would feel the way you describe, I just had a different mindset when watching it and enjoyed everything, I can't even fully say why. But I guess there's not much else to discuss her.