Sup Forums on suicide watch


Yup you read that right. If Canadians voted today, Trudeau would have gotten a SUPER MAJORITY. Just goes to show you Canada was and will always be a Liberal and multicultural country.

I'm glad conservatives are a dying breed, they've only done bad.

>Trudeau is a c-cuck
Women think the dude's attractive as fuck, typical for virgins to project their insecurity...
>He's stupid/riding off his dad
Yeah stupid enough to get a MAJORITY government given to him by Canadians
>He's bringing in refugees/stopped bombing mission
Yeah that's what we do, we're a peacekeeping nation. Clean up your own mess Amerifats
>fuck immigrants
Yeah you're mad that immigrants earn more, are more educated, commit leds crime and aren't as likely to be on welfare than their Canadian born counterparts

Canadians wanted REAL CHANGE, Harper's dark decade is over.

Maybe it's you guys that need help. Anyways prep the bull.

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Also this idiot is dellusional. Americans are cucks and will always pay for Canadas and Europes defense.

I have never seen a single post on this board that expressed interest in canada, it's politics or canadian persons.

good anythings better than harper

Nobody actually hates him that doesn't live in Canada. It is just fun to do so.

kek do trump supporters actually think he can do anything? canada is literally above the usa and they cant make us do shit. feels good knowing im graduating uni with no debt while americans cant even get a simple doctor's check

this desu, hes like the good looking guy in hs that got all the girls while Sup Forums was playing vidya in the library

>>fuck immigrants
>Yeah you're mad that immigrants earn more, are more educated, commit leds crime and aren't as likely to be on welfare than their Canadian born counterparts

White people are m-masterrace though...

You're like a continental connected Puerto Rico, without any redeeming qualities, although the spics do still have men in their pretend country.

none of what he says will happen. Sup Forums users are just as gullible as plebbit bernie fags.

Shut the fuck up you fucking LEAF.

Are you perhaps retarded? He has so much support because it's the first time that the liberal SJW cuck generation has been old enough to vote. It means nothing, unless of course you are a liberal SJW cuck.

Anyway he is a meme prime minister and the election was more or less insignificant. Our economy is fucked either way.

Samefagging this fucking hard

reminder every Canadian political party is supportive of immigration. what you ganna white cuck boi

Just like he'd never get the nom, right my increasingly nervous vassal state citizen?

Americans have foolish pride, but Canadians have hate and envy. You talk about how great things are now, but you're incredibly rude to each other in subtle ways. You don't notice it because you're in it, but the reality is that the only thing holding your country together is the ability to make business in the United States. And it would be so easy for the CIA to push a few buttons and send Ontario and Quebec on a course of mutually assured destruction. It's easier to do that than it is to get Israelis and Palestinians to kill each other. And that is why you'll always be a beta tier country to your Chad Thundercock neighbors to the south.

Kill yourself

Western seperation when?

fuck the rest of you hippys

>7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force and number four in exports. We [USA] lead the world in only three categories. Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending

Ayy lmao murica #1. Pls stop using our flag when traveling abroad

Americans, imagine what it would be like if your national identity was an SJW. Imagine how painful it is to hear your leader tell other countries what Canadians think.

>Yeah you're mad that immigrants earn more, are more educated, commit leds crime and aren't as likely to be on welfare than their Canadian born counterparts

Liberals actually believe this

American hate thread too desu

Yeah we have alot of niggers. Youre welcome for the national defense.

fk you m8

It already happens here.

I don't know why you communists focus on mediocrity so much.

I don't give a shit about the bottom, I only care about the top.

You guys can fuck off too, back to france smelly foot cheese

Should right wingers of the commonwealth just annex Northern Ireland?

He hasn't done anything wrong but he hasn't done anything amazing either. Makes sense that those who voted for him would keep him.

>Canadian shit posters

Please save us, Emperor Trump.

Hey, when you guys separate, can I come too? It shit being surrounded by leftist SJW's all the time.


but true