>Films only you like
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>Films only you like
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Fuck you, that movie was the balls as long as you didn't come to see comic book Constantine.
Stop with these obvious b8 threads.
Shut up.
I have fond memories of this movie.
When I was like 14 my cousins brought over a DVD player and had that movie and we watched it half way.
A few days later they were gone and I used the DVD player assuming the movie was in there so I could finish it, but it was actually porn.
So i watched this 7 hour DVD of porn instead of Constantine, and they never knew.
Fuck you.
twas kino though, remember the old guys ballsack hanging out from his shorts in the field?
This thread again? Fuck you!
>my superior taste consists of asian, especially korean movies
Eat shit.
This film is pure kino
I didn't know my dad shitposted on Sup Forums
Hey dad!
Literally did not happen.
>look mum i have autism
We get it
I also like the sequel.
>s-s-stop liking what I dont like :
Kill yourselves.
Mek meh
Dont you have an animepillow to hug?
Go fuck yourself.
Maze runner 1 and 2.
Far from perfect movies, but I really
enjoyed watching them.
frick you buddy
You need to stop, dude.
Your bait is getting cringey.
Fucking faggots.
Carpenter kino
>Movies only you like
Well thanks for proving I only like them
The dude is after some (you)s. What a sad way to have human interaction
Everyone on Sup Forums, rightfully, thinks this is kino
Is this the movie where some sandnigger allahu ackbars everything and all the lefties got assmad because it made sandniggers feel bad because Islam is the religion of peace?
I like all the Kinoeanu, no matter how much critics hate it.
Ya, the movie came out at a bad time too.
I dont even remeber anything else than Tilda Swinton from this Movie.
One of the most important movies of this decade and nobody hear talks about it
I gotchu bud. Good flick
I'm not the only one who likes it but it seems like I overrate it compared to everyone else.
It's literally my favourite "modern" film (post 2000).
Fucking loved it.
I'd suck Jake Gyllenhal's cock as well (no homo).
>I really didn't like the part where that dudes dick got ate but solid fish kino besides that
I fucking LOVE that film
It would have been so much better if he just died at the end instead of that stupid alternate timeline bullshit. imagine him kissing the girl at the end and irl his breathing stops and back in his mind the world starts to fade until nothing is left. Cut back to irl, pan out fade to black roll credits
Would have been a bit depressing.
Then le evil black man would have gotten his happy ending and everyone else loses.
I love this. A truly great flick.
In the last shot he'd be smiling.
IS that the real poster? Every face on their looks like someone just got photoshop
Kino right there f'am
This is the fucking best
it was a shitty ripoff of Alien and The Thing, but it was still pretty comfy
But user, This movie is good.
I like it
The humor in this is just barely above teen bullshit comedy, but when it came out i was barely above the age of enjoying teen bullshit gross-out comedy
Saw this and then went and saw Quarantine immediately after because we met a friend in the theatre who just came out of it and was bored out of his fucking tree so he watched it again with us
i don't think i could have watched quarantine twice in a row, back to back, but he had fun and we had fun so it was a good night
That's genuinely a first, everyone I recommend it to is either entirely too dumb to "get it" or calls it a convoluted, pretensious pile of selfwank
All 5/5 for me, except for Hoodwinked which I gave a 4/5
I had a lot of fun with this movie. The cinematography was great, the action scenes were slickly directed and Chow Yun Fat is always good. No, it's not the most groundbreaking movie ever but I'd happily take this over the majority of action movies we get nowadays.
me too I think i'll make tonight a Kino Reeves night
I'm starting to think this is a meme, because everyone fucking loves this movie.
Same goes for Hackers and A Knights Tale, literally nobody hates those flicks, including me.
Kino Reeves should be a new meme REAL KINO SHIT!
Literally in every thread someone (usually me) mentions Hackers, A Knights Tale or Constantine.
Proof to me that anyone hates those three movies, because they don't.
>based gianna