I'm heading off to college in a few days. Do you Sup Forumsros have any advice or stories to share?

I'm heading off to college in a few days. Do you Sup Forumsros have any advice or stories to share?

Study, you will get fatter,guaranteed, smarter depends

Enjoy being in debt faggot.

college, moreso than highschool, is about learning how to learn and proving you can use what you've learned. Not necessarily about learning everything you'll ever need to learn.


Don't be a fucking retard and skip class and stupid shit like that. Get your school shit together and make sure you know what you want to do. Consider a double major or a minor.
Always ask for advice if you're unsure about what to do, there are many professors out there who are willing to help if you ask them for it.

Be wary of whom you lend money to, might not always see it come back but it's the price to be paid becoming a better judge of character. Also don't be someone's and do only one sided favours.

If you miss a single day unwarranted (I.e. you aren't sick or are not in the middle of an emergency) you WILL miss more days and therefore hurt yourself by missing out on education.

Don't go to college.. you'll end up wasting 4 years of your life and putting yourself thousands of dollars in debt with no guarantee that anything will come of it.. just skip the bullshit and get a job

If you're going to a 4 yr university, each day of class is roughly 120$. So each time you skip a class, you're basically throwing away 120$

fucking honestly this

unless you have a definite path and already a guarantee of a job like your dad is a doctor and you will work at the practice or something like that, just work.

companies hire people who know how to do the job. they don't give a fuck about your degree. they are there to get shit done. college really is a trade school.

theres a fucking reason this is the most common response you get. even though youre a young fuck and we would rather troll you we know the deaths of not going to class. fucking go to fucking class. go on Sup Forums on your fucking phone in class if you have to. just go

If you are american, enjoy being in a huge debt just so that some fat pink haired non-binary landwhale can trash talk you for being white and call it a class.

Don't get a stupid worthless degree. Get a degree you can actually get a job with. Do many dumbasses at my school have business and marketing degrees, all those degrees get you are sit jobs paying 15 dollars per hour.

At this point I wouldn't even recommend a trade school unless you're getting into some serious engineering but I went to a trade school for hvac only to get out and find that no one gave a shit.. they all wanted 2 years experience with a single company

Work towards a useful degree that can get you a job. Business, Nursing, Engineering, Law, and some science degrees are worth going for in most cases,].

Get a degree in something that you can make money with and take the side classes in what you're interested in. If someone tells you the opposite don't listen to them. College is too expensive in 2017 to do for its own sake.

Take it from me, don't skip class.
It's a slippery slope.

Business degrees are worthless and law is a very bad return on your time / money unless you make it into one of the best 10 schools in the country (you won't) or get a full ride to one of the top 20 (you won't unless you're a minority).

You are so wrong. It's more like get a GOOD FUCKING DEGREE. I'm getting a master's in accounting at a top 15 accounting school and there are recruiters in the school almost daily. The school has a rate above 95% of students get a job after they graduate and a high percent also have a job lined before they graduate. Just don't be a dumbass and get a degree such as biology or any other worthless degree.

I see a lot of "don't miss class" tips on here which I can only assume ar3 from people who fucked up and missed classes.. Is there anyone in here who has actually found success from going to college?

How much have your parents helped you? Not criticizing just curious

dont everyones parents just pay?

No Eric not everyone's parents can afford it

Ignore bitches, get money. The party scene is for losers with no career goals. Join a decent frat, the networking alone is worth it.

Remember, the choices you make now affect the rest of your life in ways you can not fully comprehend. Choose wisely.

Avoid pointless degrees like biology, psychology (easy ass class, so of course people think they can major in this), Art, and English (unless you plan on teaching the shit in another country.


the old' 95% have a job after they graduate

you know that is a complete fucking lie told by literally every single school in the country right? my school used to do it. i majored in advertising. as a senior project we literally wrote that ad campaign for the school. it was plastered on billboards and on online ads.

it was based on a fucking 200 person survey done over the phone and only counting people who answered favorably.

I skipped a lot of classes in college. I skipped no classes in grad school. I went from a 2.28 (I did very well on the GRE) to a 3.39.

Cool.. how much are you making per year?

ACTUALLY read your books and do your assignments.

nothing prepares you for an exam like actually doing the classwork and paying attention in class. then you dont even have to study, you already know it

If you're at a school where it is reasonable. Join a fraternity. Fucking worth it. Don't listen to any of the other faggots. Even a campus with a small greek population is better than being a fucking GDI.

keep your shit in line and don't fall for the liberal arts meme

get a useful degree in a big field like healthcare

meanwhile, have the fucking time of your life honestly, because no matter what way you split it, after college, if you have a "good" job or not, life is fucking 0.

everyone tries to have fun and they fail so then they start competing over who can buy the best ring and propose the earliest. then who has the biggest and best and most expensive wedding, then competing over kids. then competing over where they live and how expensive their house is.

it literally never fucking ends until you die.

so have some fun kid.

How does the frat help you get a job?

in the same way having a lot of friends and contacts does. or doesn't, it doesn't fucking matter

it's fucking so much fun and you get laid. that's literally it. why does it have to be anything more?

Disagree. Go into a program you love. You might not make a lot of money, but you a chance on doing something you love. Or you get a business degree, might make more money, and be miserable doing something you hate.

Also remember that a degree doesn't guarantee anyone a job, it just helps improve the odds.

Make friends with people.

The last four years of my life have been extremely lonely. Bad roommates, bad dorm hall with no real social activities,bad club, then a bad fraternity, more bad roommates and finally graduation.

networking. because all those dudes you got close to could be potential "ins" for you where they work.

Hearing things like this make me so happy I never cared about my social status. Dropped out of high school skipped college and got a job at a courier service. Now I'm making $40,000 a year no kids and I can literally do whatever I want with my time off without caring what people think

ok normie

There is a middle ground here you fucking child.. I'm working a job I'm not passionate about but I don't fucking hate it. Still, I'd say do what you love.

You have to pay for school and hang out with douchbags to get laid? Just go to a bar or something dude

do not listen to this user. get something that will pay the bills and support your family. "doing something you love" is a meme.

want to be happy? make enough money to not have to worry about how youre gonna pay for shit. then have hobbies and friends/family to fulfill you.

But you went to school with them.. how does knowing them help you get a job at the same company they did? You have literally the same qualifications

95k. I clean up hazardous waste sites. Undergrad molecular biology/biochem, masters in environmental public health. I've been doing this for 26 years.

College can be very valuable. Work hard and go to a good one, and if you're not in a good one, transfer.


Take your grades seriously - you may go to grad school later and grades = scholarship/elite programs/both.

Focus on shit you like. You'll work harder because a lot of it is fun.

Once you've accomplished a decent amount, you're stable enough to figure out the rest of life.

because in 5, maybe 10 years they might be a useful reference or even someone in charge if youre looking to work there

C's get degrees but not a good job afterward. If you have to skip a few weekend parties to get that C to a B then fucking do it.

That being said networking is a powerful thing and if you have the time, you should definitely make as many friends and contacts as you can.

40k lol

so you have an entry level job?

>hey I went to school with this guy 10 years ago and I'm gonna stick my neck out to get him a job here

Nah, not a child. I just turned 52. Nonetheless, that is a quite mixed message you're sending there, user...

kek poorfags

Yup considering considering I'm basically right out of high school and am already making more than friends of mine who did go to a 4 year and I'm still working my way up I think I'm doing alright

Yeah that's how networking works. Are you retarded?

I think you might be

this is literally how networking works you fucking idiot

>go to about 40% of my classes
>pass with 61% better than most faggots

lectures are fucking worthless most of the time if you have natural intelligence and can teach yourself shit

Hmm if that's true good for you.. but I'm also going to assume the school you went to probably isn't as cheap as it was 26 years ago

Cool so I could network with anyone I knew from high school?

This hasn't been my experience. I found that if one doesn't love the field, you won't have the passion to do well.

If just making coin is all you want in life, that's fine, I guess, but that sounds boring as fuck. I love what I do, and I'm happy that I can make reasonable coin doing it. I can't imagine doing something I didn't like, day in/day out, just for more money.

Similar, 14 years, 81k per annum. Grad school got me a job even without the advanced degree and shit undergrad grades.

Oh, definitely. Juniata College, $8300 my first year, $10,500 or so my senior year, and that is tuition, room, board. Grad school tuition in Birmingham, Alabama was about $1000/quarter.

I can't imagine paying for private college these days.

Is law school worth if i pay most of it off with thw GI bill? Minority here btw

Be sure to wear your MAGA hat everywhere you go.

Thats why i say unless you are still living with your parents or someone is gonna pay for you its not worth going to college now.. just take $300,000 to vegas and bet it on 17 red.. same exact odds that you will be rich

How much money could i make from lawsuits if i get harassed/attacked or discriminated by wearing one?

Depends. Are you white?


Or a woman

become a niggers bitch. let him fuck your girlfriend and also let him fuck you whilst youre dressed as your girlfriend. grow pigtails and take injections to increase your breast size

I did. I grew up poor, joined national guard to get college $$, lived like shit. Went to law school, didn't get great jobs, but over 10 years later founded a firm and now I'm doing great. I will probably make 500 grand this year. But there were years when I didn't have $50 left over at the end of the month, month after fucking month.

Here's the thing man: there actually have been studies (notably economist Ray C. Fair) that noted that class attendance is positively correlated with better grades. Even for students who worked many hours to support their schooling, better attendance was strongly associated with better grades. So, go to fucking class, take some notes.

The other thing I would suggest is study strategically. I was the first person in my family to go to college so I didn't have a foundation of this. But there is SO much shit you can read on the internet for free, that gives you great ideas on how to structure your studying.

Does this all sound like "eat your peas" kind of bullshit? It probably does. But it works. It's like anything- hard work on the fundamentals, is the best way to succeed. It's a long hard slog that takes years, but you can do it, as thousands of others do every year.

Best of luck to you OP.

You are the common factor in all these interactions and non-relationships


not if you knew them well enough for them to know how much of a fucking moron you are.