How do I hook up with girls much younger than me...

How do I hook up with girls much younger than me? I'm 23 and I work around a lot of teen girls (legal ages) that I want to hook up with. Assume I'm decently good looking and in shape, but without much money. Most of these girls come from well-off families (I work in a rich neighborhood).

It seems like there's two types: girls that are too shy to hold much of a conversation, and girls that try to be really flirty, but once I flirt back they back off, as if they're just testing their flirting, like it's a skill. I'm not a complete autist, but I'm not exactly a pick-up artist either. How do I pick me up one of these high schoolers?

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Use tinder you stupid faggot

>Too old to be hot
>Too young to have anything interesting to say
Why would you want to?

Whip out your dick. They will get the idea.

Jesus christ man tell em you have cigarettes back at your place and bang em. Shit's not hard.

You ask if they want to hang out and do hoodrat things. It's fun to do bad things

Guessing there not of drinking age but buy them booze or tell them your parents are out of town and your throwing a party. Keep the ratio 1 dude per 3 chicks if possible

Chad here.

More like drunk highschool rapist.

every single girl in that picture is ugly as fuck

>How do I hook up with girls much younger than me?

- Be rich

- Be famous -AND-
- Be good-looking

Virgin detected

You can give the image of having money.
Spend all your money on good clothing, good shoes, good car. All image. Then don't let them see you're poor af.

You seem like you're trying too hard. Don't be pushy. Act like you don't give a fuck. Buy them drugs or alcohol.
Also, there are plenty of females out there just keep trying but don't make it a priority. Everything takes time.


Fucking a teen girl is very easy. Be exciting and interesting, act like her father, insult her, tell her the plans you have for her. All will just agree and follow along. Beat the shit out her father when you meet him and all is goo.



Not enough penis for you ?

Step 1: Be attractive
Step 2: Don't be unattractive


You have absolutely nothing to offer them if you don't have much money. A young girl can find decently good looking, in shape men that are their own age in a heartbeat. If they come from well off families, then they're used to going out and having fun. What exactly can you offer them? You have to give in order to receive, and offering them sex isn't anything special when they can get it whenever they want.

moar of her and sauce? Any nudes??


Probably, right?
I don't go out much or travel. So basically I have to get rich and attract them with cash?

Caseyface. And yeah lots.

Please post, kind sir.

Not rich, just make enough money to take them out once, and have a good enough time so they want to go back to your place. You'll need money to dress nice, get a hair cut, get an expensive looking watch, wear classy shoes and create a look that appeals to them. You're going to have to stand out and make yourself more appealing than you normally would, because these girls are smart enough to know they have option.

Use Bing.

What are some good looking haircuts?