Are they misunderstood?
Are they misunderstood?
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No they are not and for the love of god stop it with the constant stream of star wars threads, there are atleast 5 of them going on already why the fuck do you lorefanbois care so much why
They are terrible except the last 40 minutes of Sith
No. They're shit.
They're still better than The Force Awakens, though.
Yeah they are, they're actually much worse than people think. Had they not been named Star Wars no one would care they exist.
Pod racing and the fight between Ob-Wan and Maul are the only good things about the entire trilogy, and they're both in episode 1. I can't take the fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin seriously, it's too ridiculous.
Only by people who defend them.
Plebs can't understand kino so they say it's shit
and both of those are good not because of George Lucas.
Pod racing is great because of the model designers and Ben Burtt's innovative sound design, and the Obi-Wan and Maul duel is good because of the choreography and John Williams score.
So basically everything that is bad is thanks to George Lucas.
1 is boring
2 is beyond retarded, but entertaining
3 is shit
overal still more interesting to watch than TFA
No, they're very well understood. They're a wonderful example of why a director being an auteur and having near-total control over every aspect of production doesn't necessarily mean the movie will be a masterpiece.
they're conclusive proof that the people who Lucas surrounded himself with during the OT knew what they were doing better than George did.
episode 1 in hindsight is the film that closest resembles the OT in terms of style, direction and even pacing
that being said, lucas may have gone too far in some places
that's kind of the deal with lucas
he can come up with cool concepts, but he is utter at executing them right himself
>worst characters
>worst casting
>worst dialogue
>worst plot
yeah, they're misunderstood
Only a mastermind understands how deep the prequels actually are.
your a dorable
No, patricians understand that they are examples of pure kinotography. The opinions of plebeians are irrelevant.
What are Dindu and Sheev doing there? I'm pretty sure that they weren't on the original poster
I get the feeling Episodes 2 and 3 would have been better had George not pussied out of revealing Jar Jar as a Sith Lord.
Pretty much this
Totally agree. The podrace is some top notch star wars action and is completely competently directed
Their badness is misunderstood.
Too many retards complaining about how unlike the OT it was visually and in terms of plot elements are what convinced Disney that VII had to be the same fucking movie as IV
The guaranteed commercial success of the prequel trilogy enabled Lucas to take a novelistic approach to this trilogy. The critical misgivings were misplaced because it was reviewed as three standalone blockbusters, rather than a unified story. The critics and fans who rejected the prequels are generation that don't read books, and have only Hollywood as a model of what storytelling can be. The RLM reviews typify this outlook. For patient, mature viewers, a wonderful work of art unfurls.
Episode 1 methodically introduces the characters and themes, much like the early chapters of a novel, or the early episodes of a HBO serial like The Wire. It establishes Anakin's separation anxiety, his oedipal relationship with Padme, Padme's conflict between her youthful idealism and premature political responsibility, Palpatine's politicking and Obi Wan's reluctance in mentoring Anakin.
Episode 2 seamlessly transitions from Anakin's troubled childhood to his early adult years. His difficult relationship with Obi Wan leaves him yearning for a strong father figure and leads him to Palpatine. Later, the death of his mother further pushes him into a doomed romance with Padme, his surrogate mother. Episode 3 brings all these plot points to a crescendo. Palpatine uses Padme to pull Anakin to the dark side, and it is too late for his negectful surrogate father Obi Wan to prevent it.
The themes of the prequels perfectly tie into that of the original trilogy. Anakin's lack of parental guidance creates a troubled adult. Obi Wan redeems this past error by ensuring Luke has a loving family. Luke in turn rejects the stoicism of the old Jedi and builds the rebellion on love and friendship. The saga comes full circle when Luke heals Anakin with unconditional familial love.
For all the epic intergalactic warfare, the driving vision of Lucas's Star Wars is beautifully simple: the child is the father of the man. We need loving family relationships to develop morality and courage.
Same as in Jedi.
They are misunderstood in the sense that people know that these are bad movies but don't really know why. This gives moron prequel-defenders an opening to declare that all the criticism is just Plinkett parroting. The prequels are astoundingly bad movies and it had nothing to do with jar jar, midichlorians, and bad acting.
>Same as in Jedi
Jabba's Palace is unnecessary but it's an awesome showcase of their puppets and effects
Honestly, the Darth Darth Binks reveal could've saved it somewhat, but as it stands it's a shit trilogy.
>tfw you will never watch the prequels with a hooker and pizza rolls
It's too bad the movies didn't convey any of this shit. The prequels tell a nice story, but you need 6 seasons of clone wars cartoons, a dozen novels, and wookipedia to make the story actually make sense.
These are bad movies.
Why do we need two books to even explain the very opening scene of TPM? And then it still makes no sense
All of these ideas are far more interesting on paper than they are in the movies. If he spent half as much time making interesting characters with believable relationships than he did on parallelisms and complimentary themes, he might have had another enduring, beloved trilogy on his hands. Instead we get this ridiculous mess of dumb, dense fodder for intellectualizing contrarians.
I guarantee if that actually happened the prequels would be an even bigger laughingstock than they are now. People are able to appreciate the theory in retrospect but if Episode II actually had Jar Jar revealed to be a Sith lord, it would be the subject of ridicule for years and Star Wars would be considered irredeemable.
The execution was absolute shit. Plinkett was spot on when he mentioned the whole "sitting on a couch talking" issue the prequels had.
Why are two Jedi picked to do a diplomatic mission, and then it's not even two of the most senior Councilmen with years of diplomatic experience. It's some Jedi and his still-in-training student.
Not only that. Why were they going to a blockade of trade ships? What was the reason for the blockade? And why did they want to kill the jedi and then just open the door 5 seconds after releasing the gas?
I saw the deleted scenes for Episode II and literally every single one is just people talking.
>Not only that. Why were they going to a blockade of trade ships? What was the reason for the blockade?
Space Jews. did you not put two and two together?
No sorry, I don't frequent Sup Forums
I can tell you're a Jew from that answer. In turn you can't bitch about the prequels.
Sorry, I'm not jewish
The fact that people are starting to defend the prequels just make it more fun to me. I love reading about the far fetched fan theories and crazy conspiracies.
And then there's Lucas, the biggest odd ball ever. The oddest ball of them all. Endlessly entertaining, endlessly fascinating.
The movies them selves are pure shit, and not in an entertaining way. The stuff that surrounds them are so much more interesting.
I disagree to an extent. Maybe most people would have laughed at it at first, but over the years places like Sup Forums would grow a better appreciation for the prequels because it would have been such a ballsy thing to do, and it would have also retroactively made TPM better because there's a bunch of clues foreshadowing it. Besides, it would have been the titular "I am your father" moment for the prequels, making them rhyme even better than they do now.
Kino compared to TFA
It would have been amazing. They perfectly set him up to be an ignored character. He was seen as dumb, incompetent. It should have happened. Mostly because it would have given jar jar binks meaning to exist.
As it is now, he shouldn't exist. He's not necessary with the story they went with.
He was a horrendous character, though. I know this is beating the dead horse, but he is the most annoying piece of shit ever captured on film in the history of mankind. He is the worst thing to ever appear on the silver screen. I mean, I kinda love him because he's so horrible, but he is really really shitty.
>Qui-Gon Jinn uses mind tricks all the time in TPM to get his way
>In Episode 2 it's revealed that Jar Jar was actually manipulating Qui-Gon the whole time with his mind control to influence the events in TPM
Like poetry.
That's why it would have been great. He created such a bad character that no thought was ever put into worrying about him. JJB put everyone off their guard because who would fear the moronic aqua-rastafarian.
It was a great setup for absolutely nothing
But then you'd be stuck with having the worst character even created being your main villain for 2/3s of a triology. And Lucas just isn't smart enough to make something ironically bad, like a South Park Towlie situation or something. It might make for an interesting train wreck I guess. Not that we didn't get our fill with that.
Tell me the plot of episode II for me user i.e. "in the beginning the characters were X; then Y and Z happened, now as a result B" I'll wait.
It would have made for a better moment where people realize the dark side isn't just a basic bad guy off in the distance. They would have had to change how the last two movies went but I think it would have been better. Or that maybe even the emperor had someone looming over him.
Hard mode: you can't use the terms "hamfisted", "for some reason", "for no reason", or "inexplicitly". Or "moronic", "imbecile", "embarrassing", "cringe", "career killer".....
they can't live up to the 4-5-6, but they still give us more quality starwars stories and not just a glib facsimile
TFA kind makes the prequals look like bush now we've had obama
>transition between episode 1 and 2
We will never agree on this issue, but I kind of want to see your version of the prequels. The defener's reasoning and theories would be even more bonkers, and in the end we would all win.
No, but they get more hate than they deserve.
At least I and III do, II is easily the worst. I used to just watch Coruscant scenes, then fast forward to Kamino and asteroid belt, then fast forward to the Geonosis arena
I feel like George Lucas has the right idea but his execution is absolutely shit.
The Clone Wars should be the prequel trilogy instead of what we have. Describe how Anakin, the great Jedi general slowly succumbs into the dark side after all the fucked up shit he has to experience. Instead we have a bad apple from the start who literally cannot stop sperging out every fucking. The only moment that I can tolerate Anakin from the prequels is when he hears Padme announce her pregnancy.
Look back, I don't even know why the fuck George Lucas wanted to a Star Wars romance. Psychopath bastard who stalks his crush then proceeds to slaughter a village is not a fallen hero. Anakin is literally an Elliot Rodger school shooter (well he doesn't shoot anyone but he does a good job cutting "younglings" in the academy to death). And the reason the whole galaxy turns into shit is because a teenager cannot keep it in his pant.
> and the fight between Ob-Wan and Maul
The Maul fight is the only time in this entire goddforsaken trilogy that Lucas actually manages to capture the spirit of the old swashbuckling films he loves so much.
All the small details like Maul jumping between bridges(if you watch a lot of old swordfights from Hollywood films you notice that characters do similar things to gain ground on opponents) to the Maul/Qui-Gon scene with the energy barriers showing the Jedi/Sith dichotomy far better visually then a thousand conversations about it ever does(Maul angrily smashing the barrier while Qui-Gon meditates) the whole scene gets things the rest of the series never even comes close to.
And the whole thing is done visually, there' almost no dialogue in the entire fight. It's just pure direction. And this is a side thing, but the sets for this fight are all gorgeous. I love the wide open spaces Lucas uses to let these fighters play around in.
I assume Lucas realised he accidentally created a scene of artistic merit the first time because the Dooku fight in AOTC gives me AIDS every time I watch it. It's one of the worst fight scenes in film history and literally does the opposite of everything he did well with the Maul fight.
Grape flavored light sabers are racisss
Not to mention probably the best music in all of the star wars movies.
Phantom Menace has some cool stuff but is mostly awful. Attack of the Clones is hot garbage but was used to make better material in spinoffs. Revenge of the Sith is kinda poorly acted but is so fucking fun
the nigga literally demanded it bro
In my head canon, Plagueis=Jar Jar=Snoke.
Its the dumbest reddit-tier theory. Its like "ash was dead all along on pokemon" or any of those other dumb clickbait theories you've seen for a while now.
Just a joke that people now take seriously.
They are misunderstood for being good and "deep." In reality they are shit.
The only people who like them are those who saw them as children.
your head needs checking
The difference is this theory makes a whole lot of sense if you actually read into it and don't just dismiss it because it's from a website this board uses to scapegoat everything.
This is my least favorite meme
I wouldn't put it past lucas
the clues in phantom menace were plenty..
it only never got revealed because of backlash to jar jar..
(should have hired someone better than Ahmed Best, desu)
Ahmed was great, the problem was the execution of Jar Jar. He was supposed to be this loveable underdog sort of character who is hated by everyone for being an oaf, but who ultimately redeems himself when he helps bring peace between the Gungans and the Naboo. Instead, he came off as a super annoying goofball who ended up ruining the film because of how stupid yet somehow incredibly lucky he was, which ruined people's suspension of disbelief. People probably wouldn't have minded him so much if George had toned him down.
Ahmed pls
Member when Starwars was original?
I think he's good at managing creative content and directing action. Hes terrible at writing and directing actors
Not to mention his redemption was basically killed the second he voted for palpatine
God Lucas should have been happy just being the head figure like Stan lee. He would have been happy and the prequels would have been better.
Qui-Gon peacefully meditating while Maul paces like an animal ready for the kill is such a brilliant bit of characterization through visuals I'm convinced someone who isn't Lucas came up with it and sneaked it into the movie when he wasn't looking.
>Lucas shamelessly making cameos in literally every piece of Star Wars media so he can go "DID YOU GET THAT SICK CAMEO, BRAH? *WINK*".
They could make him an alien or robot in his universe. I'd rather them add his robot model to every film and have it in at least one scene then have had him make the prequels.
>Jedi general slowly succumbs into the dark side after all the fucked up shit he has to experience
not an argument, that's what happened.
Why are C3PO and R2 in the posters here? I get they're popular characters but they do next to nothing in the prequels.
This entire image is pretty much a visual definition of contrarianism.