Rate my shitty edgy sketch

rate my shitty edgy sketch

more shitty sketches

Actually pretty nice, good job OP

still a faggot


needed that


post more fukkin sords

no more swords most of the rest of my stuff is faggot shit but I do have this

ok fine more faggot shit is ok

sweet thanks bud


is this gonna get sexual? :D


no unfortunately that's the closest I ever got to drawing lewd shit

I feel like if I'm not at least 20x better than I am anything I make like that will just be cringy and embarrassing so I just don't try


I exclusively draw bad and cringy lewds

pic related

nice I can admire that self confidence

just make your lewd dreams into reality

don't think I have any more on this PC though :(

I can also admire your skill with poses I struggle with that shit everytime I try to draw anything

I sleep

I used a reference cause I'm shit

good night


shitty edge / 10