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when did Alex Jones lessen down on the conspiracy shit, get more mad, become more entertaining and more redpilled and be a living meme?

No joke I used to dislike this guy for years and dismiss him as everything, especially a loon.

But he's so based now. He's absolutely taking the piss.

He's taking Brain Force that's why. :^)

>forest bathing
>muh filters
>under the moon
Where were you when Alex took the warewolf pill?
also it looks like he's growing fur already

And you can get it on sale before the shopping cart elves drop the discount by Friday at Infowars.com / store.

That's infowars.com / store.

This is fucking bizarre


has he taken the ultimate red pill?

No globalists out there.

Alex is insane but I fucking love him.

its called nature u dipshit

does this bear also shit in the woods

>cue shameless battlefield theme ripoff

Thats the most redpilled video i've ever seen him do.

>nature, you dip in shit

So they're talking about something that plenty of people do all the time like it's some new-age healing technique?

yesss good goy.. stay inside!

outside is bad for your health!


Its what happens when you trust the filterman

he's right you know

Alex Jones is the prototypical dadbod

cant tell if hes fat or not its weird

is he strong? he looks strong

>living meme
You got that right.


hes powerful.

this dude is supposed to be 42 years old?

LMAO more like 55 years old

Getting out into nature is brilliant.

It depresses me that my local area is all farmland and no forest.
Pic related.

>No way Alex is in his forties, more like 52 or 53

Strongfat + dadbod = Battletoad mode.

>no way Alex is 40, he's at least 52
>Alex thought it was a compliment when he first started reading

hes strongfat

Does filterman not know about giardia?

that's because he's Bill Hicks

post your favorite alex rants

glasses on
>glasses off
glasses on
>glasses off


no way he's 42

watter filtters dontt woorrk

only weak, fluoridated children need to worry about such things

He looks very strong tbqh. Naturally solid frame. If he got into power lifting he'd be a monster.

tfw we are becoming loons

he was /fit/ as fuck when he was younger
but then he started getting older and didn't realize that means you have to watch what you eat, so he became Porky Pig for a bit
eventually he started working out again and turned into the fucking monster of a human you see today

>not bathing in rivers



I actually prefer rivers to lakes, because it's fun to play around with the stream

that's the real alex jones before he was replaced by bill hicks

the real alex jones had a thin sharp nose

holy shit that is just like a sam hyde video alex is that ridiculous lololol

Lakes are also warmer and more stale.

Warm water is bad for you and feels like shit to jump into.

I've been here for seven years



he's my guilty pleasure

it would explain how "goes against the globalists" but only got fat and old instead of getting killed

His head and neck look less fit than the rest of him.

>alex jones films himself in a river


>monster of a human

Monster seems right. Still a fat fuck.


Dad bod is nu-male, low T, sexless, muscleless and often pear shaped. Alex looks like a linebacker that kept eating 3500 calories a day after high school football and got chunky.

Has he commented on this?

Also le weedman's wife in an ingame email

yeah. he totally admits it bro

The only thing that's been keeping me from going to the river and swimming is my gyno.

I hate this place

He is a bit chubby but he has that strong Neanderthal Germanic body build. Look at how wide his shoulders and pectorals are.

He commented on it in that OP video actually.


It's the smell

Swimming in rivers is pretty fantastic in fairness. I used to go salmon fishing in Russia with my Dad and on really hot days we'd take off our waders and bathe in that beautiful glacier run off water. God I miss it.

Hey Alex


>giving a shit about being ottermode while married and over forty
You'll learn one day kid.

nothing works here

holy fuck this is amazing.

He's a BEAST


How do I get hairy chest gains like that?

That's one green river

Filter the estrogens in your water.

>jew wife
>jew producers for Infowars
>employs STRATFOR employees

nuff said

This. The REAL Alex Jones wasn't a shill, just look at him: youtu.be/wH9zZ2ef2uk

And just a year later:


is there any actual evidence other than that he gained weight and "looks" different?

He doesn't just look different, he sounds different with a slightly different accent with different enunciation, his build is different, and his facial profile is totally different.

I don't disagree, I just wish there were sources where someone made an in depth claim and supported it. I can't really make the decision he has replaced the original Alex Jones based on this little evidence. I'm surprised no one has really got to great lengths to prove this (unless people have and I just haven't seen it yet)

He's gonna sell a lot of infowars protein pills

all you would need is a water bottle that he throws away and any bill hicks family member DNA

>Taking 45 days to get sunburned and suck your gut in a bit

Lizards can change their DNA.


pls respond


go to 2:30, reading comments on the live feed

It looks like his boy needs a dose of super male.

>they knew his wife was a money-grubbing status-lover even back then


Bro, How do you get Alex Jones mode?

Oh, I thought the cunt was referring to the "real" alex jones thing.

do you think you could beat Alex Jones in a fight?


He's a 4th degree black belt in crazy. It would be a slobberknocker.

I'd KO him with a roundhouse kick.

It was a joke

Has anyone tried any of the info wars store stuff?

>100% Vegan
You let me down Alex.
Shit should be made with bull's blood or something.

>bull's blood
But who preps the bull?