LoL Thread

LoL Thread.

Most hated champ:

inb4 Dota 2 is better, no one gives a fuck, this is a LoL thread.

main: ahri
most hated: I don't hate any champ that much, but some are rly stupidly designed but not that annoying to play against (garen, xin zhao, ...). I guess teemo is one of the most annoying to actually play against

Rank: S2
Main: Lux
Most hated champ: Vayne

OCE Diamond 4
Fav: Lee Sin
Least Fav: Lee Sin,
too weak to play
In ranked rn FFS

anything thats a hp tank

Man dude bro i played LoL for the first time in ages ladt night and i was a lux main as well, they changed her voicepack fucking sucks dude

main: Fizz/Shen
most hated: Yasuo(i don't hate the champion, just the people that play him)

Gold 5
Most supports

zed mains also always toxic

Perma banned
Main: Draven
Hate: Cait

Plat 3
Most played victor/thresh
Most hated max Hp damage champs

Tyler is that you


Tfw both posts ended in 1. It's tyler 1000%


What do you all think about new keystone changes?

plat 2
usually hate whatever bot lane is super meta, like tristana who can take every tower in the lane when bot dies twice

Unranked only play aram
Jinx and Thresh

Singed main since season 2
Fiora and Temmo

Unranked (Only play ARAMs, last SR I played was about 2 years ago)
Main: Random, but I love me some Teemo.
Most hated: I don't hate any champ, though there were some dark times. AP Bruiser Soraka comes to mind.

>only play aram
>have mains

Not T1 just a toxic faggot expecting too much from the team

me too bro. add me pls my name is: HungryForCocks123

Challenger on JP
I hate cheesy champs
Just got my fourth account permabanned. Feels bad boys.

Well pretty much all Draven players are known to have anger problems. Draven is like a magnet to toxic guys, so it wouldn't surprise me if most if not all Draven mains have been banned at least a couple of times.

yasuo/riven but mostly because of the toxic kids that play them

Main: Necrophos
Most hated: Anti-Mage

Rank: silver 5
Main: Evelyn
Most hated: all champs who's have unlimited mana like zed, harem yasuo XP

Rank: S1
Main: Singed
Most hated champ: vayne/gnar

i don't know what it is but i can play 5 games straight without tilting but when i play 1 with draven i need to flame the entire team. Dravens a stressfull champ.
>mfw 3rd perma banned acc

Scared that they are gonna ruin the game.

I used to play ranked, but I don't have time to invest into that anymore.
You'd be astonished how many gold players I have annoyed/got tilted.

Yeah, no, your username screams toxicity

Rank: Master

Main: Syndra/Thresh
Most hated: Zac, Sejuani, J4

yea you deserve the bans

overwatch is better.


Try 6, one for making of nuggets, 2 for telling people to hangthemselves and uninstall league, 3 for telling people that there are only 2 genders, 4 for seeking accounts, 5 making rape jokes and 6 for blaming teammates when it was clearly their fault I would lose games

accounts don't mean shit still can climb to diamond any day. Sensitive league faggot.

>blaming teammates when it was clearly their fault I would lose games
ofcourse it is

im not sensitive i just hate people that think they are better than everyone else while clearly being the rock that pulls the team down

Most hates champ: vel'koz

Janna or Zac

Rank:EUW Platinum 3
Most hated champ: Ekko.


>saying the truth will get you banned

I love how progressive Riot is :))

I don't really hate any champ. Fiora can be annoying to toplane against tho.

Banned on 4 accounts for toxicity and inting, 5th account where I fuck around with sihtty builds on off meta champions is plat 2 in solo rn

Zac ganking from behind his own turret is never fun.

Main: Bard
Hate: Leona

Having to stop playing adc because most supports like playing janna and would rather be afk then fucking shield BEFORE i get poked is the reason i tilt. Majority of players are autistic and can't take criticism.

Thinking that there are more than 2 genders is a mental illness

They don't use mana. You sound like a heroin addict whining about other people not having withdrawals because they never did heroin in the first place

I've been permabanned for casually saying "nigga" to people and temp'd for resonding to one of riot's "did you know" things with something like "did you know we're completely fucking retarded, and [reality of the situation]" as the very first thing anyone said in the game

Ups the ward cost and loses you a cs or 2/min and prevents proper dmg exchanges&poke in lane. Not to mention the control and teamfight contribution later.

Rank: Master tier EUW 143lp (no joke peaked chall 433lp)
Main: Elise
Most hated: autism tanks

Okay how about they give John no mana or zilean

>Rank: Plat 5 euw
>Main: GP/Draven
>Most hated champ: syndra

Kek I would have loved to witness that

Can't find anyone normal to dick around with, everyone I play with is a pc cunt that's solely focused on ranking up and wouldn't know fun if it hit them. Where did players like you go??

Rank:S1 Promos to Gold
Main: Yi/Akali
Most hated champ: Vayne/ Riven

they would nerf their kits.

Your spells are weaker for not having mana.

Zed can't just bust his entire rotation out because he's limited by energy, he can't just buy a mana crystal for that.

Kat's individual spells are weak, because they cost nothing

well mostly we got banned :^

fun fact: the vast majority of league players started playing since season 3

Get a load of this faggot

Are you a yasuo main mid

BR Gold V

Yes, and if you can't keep me from farming that's your fault. League doesn't literally give champs the same spells, then arbitrarily decide whether or not they get mana.

Mana based casters have much more effective individual spells. You should be able to drop one rotation on me and BTFO me from ever fighting you.

Are you a silver 5? I play plenty of champs with mana, by the way. Kass is my second most played, then brand, then ziggs. all my tank top lanes have mana except vlad


Yasuo, I despise the existence of all yas players

Main: Aatrox
Most hated: Irelia

we're normal people, you just treat us like "draven mains". Play stupid games, get stupid prizes in the form of bad opinions.

rank:plat 5
main: riv
most hated champ: kogmaw

I'm just salty cause you counter velkoz so well tbh but a swain usually fucks you so I'm fine with that

Main Kat
Fuck malz and his aids

someone boost me pls

Rank: Diamond 2
Main: Heimerdinger or Teemo
Most Hated Champ: Tristana

I'm sorry but the hated triforce is riven, yasuo and draven

that's the right attitude C: it'd be an honor to farm and hide vs you until 15 minutes some day

Somewhere, up in the hills, Teemo cackles.

Teemo, he is made to cuck you


wards counter ganks people

lol no matter how many deaththreats ,rape jokes , racist remarks you make dota will never ban

Platinum 5
Ap Gragas
Non-mana champions are cancer, had all champions been designed around having a mana bar a lot of problems would have never arouse.

No shit? Ive been thinking about trying out Dota. Sick of Riots shit.

this a chat log from one of the better caster
he casted at ti finals this year aswell

this is from another pro player

Whats the point of this thread? Aren't all the fucking heroes in league basically the same? And why would you only play one hero? Like isn't that boring as shit?

Gold 4
Alternates between Caitlyn and Lee Sin

Diamond 5


Panth I guess

you are all pathetic for not being able to control your emotions over a game

Holy shit

When was this? Did you get in any trouble?

Did *he

Rank: Master
Main(s): Vlad (mid), Jaina if SP, Mundo if Jung,
Most Hated:
Yasuo, Riven, Zed, Draven (toxic players).

this is a pro players chat not mine
no he didnt get in any trouble

also this is also a team that performed in a pro event the team name was "holocaust niggers"
with the image used in the link

Get. The fuck. Outta here

Guess I'm downloading Dota kek

I wanna fuck kindred

cant find full size image but this was the team logo/image

I cannot believe they didn't get in any fucking trouble for that

they did apologise for it after like a month but thats about it off scot free

Fucking hell

When was this?

I see what you did there

april at the kiev major

Ayy another Morde Main!
Got to D5 2 weeks ago, also hate Fiora, Jayce and any ranged Top Laner