I still think that's ranking BvS too high.
You lack kino, so your shit is invalid
Bvs is kino. Everything else is Reddit trash you pleb
Marvelcuck spotted
BvS UE is the missing kino, op just expected that to be the first reply to let everyone know
kino smino
Pretty sad that Deadpool was the best capeshit this year and had a budget of peanuts and some vodka.
I don't know about Doctor Strange yet. It could either be really good or feel like Inception: The Capeshit Adaptation.
Kino means cinema just in german.
The ultimate edition was even worse than the theater version though.
>capable of kino-status
Spotted the pleb.
Kino > ciné > film > movie > flick > shit
I take it you're new here.
its cinemá you plebeian scum
How so?
Never saw the UE personally because of how fucking abysmal the theatrical release was but I've heard it was the better version
the scenes added didn't improve the movie at all
basically just extended the runtime of an already shit movie
dont listen to the shills
BvS - Movie
Suicide Squad - Flick
Deadpool - Reddit
How can you possibly enjoy Deadpool
It's all reddit. Capeshit is cancer.
I think you meant to say
there is no good or bad there is only cape
I watched 25 min of this garbage movie the walked out of the theater pissed
Ya I don't get the appeal
Where are Ninja Turtles?
>implying one has to be a marvel cuck to place DC films low on the ranks
Get fukt, DCuck.
I'm just not a capeshitter
You forget to put the word "thief" on suicide squad
By enjoying it.
If I post reasons why I enjoyed it you'll just call me reddit and dismiss my claims so why try?
Personally I just don't see how that type of movie is popular outside of a middle school, but I understand that movie preferences are subjective. I just don't really care for the character at all and what he has become, which is just cheap fart and sex jokes.