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Wow great, people are starving, getting shot or bombed to death, kids losing their parents.

What they need now is Cate Blanchett in New York or London or whatever performing a poem for them.

I'd like for her to drop her big fat bum on my ready and waiting face!

Most of them take expensive cell phones, Nikes, gold chains and tens of thousands of euros.

Celebrities are little more than advertisements for whatever message Jews are forcing at the moment. She probably doesn't even handle her own twitter.


Rich people telling poor people how to live their lives & feigning moral superiority.

Fuck ridley right in her sheltered little cunt.


I'd fight instead of fleeing like a fucking coward.


Ask for anything Daisy and I'll post it.

Ugly pits, did she have implants or does she really have disgusting folds like that naturally?

t. 19 year old tendies eating basement dwelling obese nerd who would actually legit shit his pants the first time he'd be threatened at gunpoint

Nothing beats people like you talking about what "you would just do" if you were stuck in a city like aleppo right now

Depends on the photo. Sometimes they're textured, sometimes not.

why doesn't she donate her teeth to refugees?


What's Aleppo?

>In my country Christian's churches feed the poor, recollect clothes, give them a place to sleep, etc
>Muslim mosques do nothing, only ask for money
>Jewish sinagoges do nothing, only ask for money
Why do we allow these faggots in here? they don't adapt to our way of living they actually try to impose theirs, fuck them, go to your fucking country.

post her pussy

yes, she has the smallest breast implants ever invented


any item of clothes that presses tightly against her crotch
the better the shot of her crotch the better

I've been "stuck" in Sarajevo and survived it just fine, you people are just pussies.

Btw, 99% of these people aren't fleeing war zones.

Struck a nerve, Rasheed? Maybe if you cared more about your own children than chasing European ones then your sand niglet wouldn't have drowned when you were safe in Turkey.

Bless you user, could you post the more recent workout pic/gifs of her where her ass and thighs look well thick?

Meh, I expected something about prolapses.

why doesnt the UN set up a safe zone within Syria ?

The answer: because globalist jews want to flood the first world white countries with minorities to lessen their influence and give more power to the elite

in canada all our churches just absorb money while organizations like the shriners and salvation army actually help people

all organized religion is a scam

l. ron hubbard was a pedo too and he started a religion.

it's too bad that nobody believes anyone when they say they've talked to god nowadays. otherwise tons of Sup Forums posters would be starting religions and marrying 11 year olds.

Well shes a brit, also hairy vag.

I thought she quit social media?

LOL, look at how many churches are in the US and how shit things are for the poor there. Fuck off, cunt

Fuck all organized religion t-b-h Shit like this is why I'm agnostic.

things aren't bad for the poor in the US. yes, black people live in crime infested ghettoes, but compared to other countries the standard of living is still a lot better. it's not the USA's fault that black people are ok with not having jobs or supporting their children.

>hairy vag

Wot? Do they not shave much over there? I like pubic hair desu

Closest there is.

Don't have the more recent one but I have these two.





nice b8

Welcome to Hollywood. A handful of celebs actually invest serious time and effort into their causes (like Clooney, who literally bought a satellite to track poachers), but it's mostly just 'look at me, i'm a good person!'.

Yet these same celebrities would step over a homeless person to buy an over priced Starbucks coffee.

Los Angeles is full to the brim with 'em, but fuck them let's build a home for a non citizen.

why are brit women the ugliest?

Those are mostly protestant churches. Protestants don't give a shit about the poor.

>Los Angeles is full to the brim with 'em, but fuck them let's build a home for a non citizen.

That's more of a European issue. Like in Southern Italy (which is incredibly poor), people are protesting because they're giving migrants brand new, fully furnished apartments for free while the Italians live in slums.


not knowing the power of celeb poetry:

Leelee Sobieski healed a nation after 9/11

>that left pic
Nigga, that bitch looks scary af.


Britbong women peak at 12 year old

I'd step ON a homeless person if they were between me and my coffee...

fuck off rasheed

Haha nice conspiracy theory there.

I would unironically shoot those annoying homeless faggots if it was legal, most of them are fucking crazy anyway

No, they wax it all off, they're fucking disgusting whores.

Another filthy rich lefty completely separated from average citizen life and not destined to live with consequences of bringing in muslims to your country, shilling for taking them.


if our shitty government stopped sticking their noses in other countries business we wouldn't have refugees, fuck you daisy


You'd have refugees either way, these people are product of the borders your government drew up like 100 years ago.

I wouldn't mind seeing Daisy Ridley with refugees, if you know what I mean.

no most of these people are the product of the welfare state we drew up like 75 years ago.

Fun fact: Did you know Saudi Arabia and other rich muslim countries of the Arabian peninsula have taken in a total of 0 "refugees" (who in the west are economic migrants for the most part) despite being the main exporters of wahabi islam and working closely with the american government to destabilize the region? Isn't that just funy Jimbob?

Because they know that if they take in any more radical Sunnis their entire government will collapse. They're barely hanging on as it is. Apparently, educating your people to believe that an islamic state is the best government can backfire on you when an actual islamic state appears just to the north.

>He thinks it's a wacky theory

It it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a fucking duck.

Why do you think Soros spends millions destabilizing western societies by funding groups of useful idiots?


>Saudi Arabia and other rich muslim countries of the Arabian peninsula have taken in a total of 0 "refugee
not to mention our 'allies' like Israel and Turkey

Show sources or gtfo.

i'm not him but do you really expect this guy to have a bunch of sources on hand to spoonfeed people? go look it up

iirc those borders were drawn up by the British and the French, over here in the 'kwa we just stupidly enforce them.

>being a lazy man's atheist
Nut up or shut up. there should be no name for 'I don't want to pick a side'

Just one source that proves the ridiculous conspiracy theory about flooding white countries with minorities.

Thought she was good? Lol

I take my gun, ammo and as much water as possible. Toy, toothbrush? Fucking how out of touch can you get.

How can it be all those things when it's literally happening right now user?

But having an open mind by professing one doesn't know what happens when one dies, is truly the way to go about things. Don't you know this? You religious/atheist people stick to beliefs you can't back up with facts, instead of being free-flowing and interpreting each new piece of vital information as it comes.

Quite frankly, you're all fucking laughable.

>waaaaaah bringing attention to problems or using your status in society to voice your beliefs is wrong waaaaaah

You people are really bad at proving your shit.

There's nothing credible about "da joos" or Soros doing it but mass migration from the Middle East is seen as a potent geopolitical weapon by certain countries.


Are you retarded?


Why don't muslim refugees go to muslim countries if they want help?


Because those countries are actually smart and won't shoot themselves in the foot

because they don't want them

fair question, the answer is that muslim countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia won't take them in

They do and they have, you clueless Sup Forumsyp. Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon have taken in more refugees than literally every European country


You people are seriously pathetic.

Want me to do your work for you? Ok, here you are, the first link is an official European Commission plan, and the second is a good collection of references that you can research for yourself, with lists of documents and organizations and foundations dating back to the 1920s.



I bet you didn't even know 95% of these existed.

>not realizing you're in a free for all salmon run thread

But they are muslim?

Why do they go away?

muslims annot stop fighting each other

I want to knock her stupid toothy grin down her dumb cunt throat.

The Soros trove at DCLeaks is full of information about how just one power broker's organization works to influence national and international politics.

>Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon
all border syria...

Why are the alt-right so concerned with letting muslims in? Muslims are caucasoids, they're basically white.

Muslims aren't a race you inbred mango lloyd.

Gas yourself

>Muslims are caucasoids
Muslims are members of a religion you stupid fucking cuck faggot.