How do we get a majority of whites in America to adopt Nationalism and pride?

How do we get a majority of whites in America to adopt Nationalism and pride?

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Why? Pride is a sin. Instead of trying to always trying to feel superior to other instead you should instead be like Jesus and exercise some humility.
>When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

You don't, grandpa. White cronyism is finally dieing. What a coincidence that it's happening at the most enlightened time in human history, right?

Your white male power fantasies are over. Your positions of power are being taken away and given to people worth a damn.

Sucks to be on the wrong side of history, doesn't it?

>pride is a sin

Pride is the cornerstone of all virtues, christ-cuck. Don't you have some starving African child to adopt?

I personally believe you get minorities to embrace Nationalism first, this will remove any fears of "racism" among whites when they see non whites get swept by the wave of nationalism.

Whites being natural leaders, as history prove, would take charge once they have lost the fear of being vilified by the libwral horde

How is pride a virtue? It sounds like you are trying to justify the fact that most of your ego is resting on top of accomplishments of other people.

>cucked leaf faggot trying to make us give a shit about lazy degenerate

Taking pride in things important to you is the driving force of life.

Vanity is a sin, not pride.

By stop loving the Jews and calling Israel the best ally but you can't. Even your "nationalist" Trump love the BJD (Big Jew Dick)

The only path is for use to make ourselves models for the rest of them. Be ultra virile. Be strong. Have at least 4 white children. Raise them well. We will be patricians.

Make it a trend

Millennials love trends