reminder that the Tyrell with Elliot is another personality
reminder that Joanna and Mr X are going to find Tyrell or Tyrell's body at Scott Knowles' house next episode
reminder that the Tyrell with Elliot is another personality
reminder that Joanna and Mr X are going to find Tyrell or Tyrell's body at Scott Knowles' house next episode
no pls
I want a full season with Tyrell
Is Elliot the most unreliable narrator in all of fiction? Nothing, not one scene is actually happening exactly the way we see it.
why were people saying Tyrell looked different last night? Some even said he looked fat.
He looked the same perfect murderous prince he has always been
I don't want this to be true
please Email don't do this to me, don't kill him right after bringing him back
>elliot is tyrell
>thats why his wife & bodyguard asked elliot to find tyrell
God i'm so sick of this show, but I just have to know ho this trainwreck ends.
daily reminder that its a shit show with 90% filling until "le epic nerdy twist" comes out.
Also every girl are disgusting, especially the FBI agent which doesn't look at all like an FBI agent and i understand now why americans hate NYC.
I want to KISS fbi's CUUUUTE FACE reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I figured it out lads:
The Alf-verse is the true universe, everything else is a dream
been so long since we seen him maybe.
tyrell was real until he got ded, now he is another personality in elliot's mind. that's what the theory is now. father, son, and holy ghost.
>Email's face going into S2
>he emptied his recicle bin
>he did a dban
>he ran ccleaner
>he deleted his partitions
>he disabled his pagefile
>inb4 Dark Army endgame is to manipulate the economy to force everyone to upload into the Matrix, where we can all pretend to be anime characters forever
his hair was definitely different
it was the voice that got me, it sounded more raucous, and his accent wasn't nearly as prominent for some of his lines. I caught it at the beginning, but the rest of the lines not as much
But he was also talking with a raised voice for most of them where the accent becomes less distinct, and I think Email did that on purpose
Mr Reddit is so deep
I just wannan discuss twists all day if of a mr Reddit show
time manipulation.
>White Rose is so butthurt for being a tranny that he wants to eliminate all differences in people by bringing about the singularity
Tyrell was a real person and Elliot is a real person. Up till now we've just been assuming Mr Robot was lying to Elliot about killing Tyrell just to shut him up, and now since he showed up we're all supposed to think that was true.
But Mr Robot could have been telling the truth the whole time and Elliot just created a new personality after he killed Tyrell
Mr Robot doesn't know about stage 2 (from what we can tell) and neither does Elliot, but stage 2 is Elliot's plan. He created it using a new third personality, Tyrell, that Mr Robot is afraid of (which is why he disappeared after the phone call came in)
>he uninstalled wizard
What did she mean by this?
>tyrells ghost is haunting elliot
That makes more sense but I'm still sick of the show.
Elliots reactions have been quite over-the-top recently.
I'm sick of "hurr durr nothing is necessarily what you think it is because Elliot is so crazy #deep".
Also, the quirky trans gender chinks antics are annoying as is the whole Angela storyline.
Separating the episodes was a mistake desu. The fanbase is pissed.
Though we all knew it's a ratings grab by USA, it's heavily hampered the show itself.
More and more I'm thinking fuck network TV. The new barons, Hulu, Amazon and Netflix, are the future.
I was low key done with this show when they revealed that elliot was actually in prison the whole time.
wow, such a twist. nobody saw that coming. fuck off esmail
i'm surprised this show didn't get picked up by netflix.
i can't think of the last show on USA that i gave a shit about. really interesting choice for usa to pick it up.
>not installing bonzi buddy and having your friendly monkey pal take care of all those things for you
just hat he purged his logs
>"low key"
>didn't see the prison """""twist""""" coming from a mile away
you're in the wrong place senpai
They're obviously not pulling a "Tyrell is inside Elliot's mind" thing.
Email is a hack but not enough to go down that route, also Elliot is regaining his sanity ever since the prison episode so throwing that out now don't make sense.
can someone post screencaps of tyrell in the latest episode
>elliot is regaining his sanity ever since the prison episode
are we watching the same show? I've had less faith in Elliot as a narrator since after he admitted he lied to us about being in prison than while he was intentionally keeping us in the dark
can somebody link the commodore 64 page?a
Even if you were too dim to work it out yourself, pretty much every thread of this season had a comment suggesting it as the next big reveal.
Yeah but as i said that was the prison episode, after that he's more and more open and shit, and he's also accepting his problems and dealing with them, even learning how to do so (aka last episode)
>Elliot is regaining his sanity ever since the prison episode
He absolutely isnt tho.
You ever cried during sex Sup Forums?
I steadfastly believe that USA will clutch onto this as long as they can. Mr. Robot will get a fourth season.
People speak of ratings, how they affect a show...and while that would be true on a "Fuck everything" anarchic network like Fox, USA understands that in the 2010s if you want to be a player, respected at the table, you need monarchy.
Mr. Robot wasn't ignored at the Emmys. And I hope, and I believe, that Rami will win. If he does, USA will clutch the show to its bosom.
And, will continue letting Esmail do what the fuck he wants. People forget that S01 had awful ratings as well, and I don't know if many people know how TV works right now, but if they didn't have faith in the man, S02 WOULD NOT have happened the way it has.
USA is gambling. And they'll win. That is my belief.
>USA is gambling. And they'll win.
>From the network that brought you Royal Pains and Monk
yeah didn't quite like angela's plot until this episode. teaming up with whiterose redeems it to me, interested in what she'll do now
yes to both questions
holy spirit
bravo email
got damn lok at dem arms he's been lifting in his trailer during the entire season while everyone else has been filming
I don't necessarily subscribe to the Angela like old dudes meme. More like, she subscribes to power, given how pathetic her father is [in her mind].
She's an interesting character. I don't think she needs some big tweest, she's interesting in her own right.
I'm Canadian, so apologies. Monk was a huge hit in our country, didn't know it came from USA.
that was my first reaction to this shot, mirin those shoulders goddamn
i hope this will become the norm, i'm kind of glad this is happening. maybe cable networks will wise the fuck up that people don't want fucking reality shows and instead want an actual television show that isn't the generic trash they've been vomiting out for 20 years.
there was a small part of me hoping that it wouldn't be real. that he wuldn't be so predictable.
obviously I was wrong
Breaking Bad was in a similar position and was a cult hit but not widely watched for the first couple of seasons, then emmy wins made it blow up massively.
Though I doubt Mr Robot is going to win any of the emmys it's nominated for it still might help boost reputation
it already won a Creative Arts Emmy.
here's a brightened up one
forgot pic
i think fangirls were expecting him to be lithe and whatnot like elliot but he was pretty toned during his gay sex scene in S1. He's looking even better this season
Are we all ready for next weeks time travelling shark jump?
his cheeks are looking a bit chubbier there actually. Am I imagining it?
Does anyone have a face close up from s1?
i'm really hoping that Angela isn't being threatened or brainwashed and that she is now a firm believer in Whiterose's agenda, whatever it may be.
She has become such an interesting character since S1 when I thought for sure I'd not care for her at all.
I expect flying delorians at this point.
>implying it won't be the most interesting thing to happen to a show since LOST
all Esmail has to do is ground it in some sort of logic (Primer time machines, BTTF timeline fidelity) and it will be GOAT
this desu
I don't get why people hate Angela's character this season. There was maybe 1 episode where I was confused with what the fuck they were doing with her, but apart from that she's been a pretty solid character
its not going to be time travel
its going to be augmented reality matrix shit
Yeah I've spoken of how prior to BrBa and Mad Men, AMC was a fucking movie rerun channel. It was nothing. And, post those two shows, is nothing. Unfortunate.
USA realizes this. They have lighting in a bottle.
I hope not. The show isn't ready. We, as viewers, are mired in pure character drama. To introduce some meta fuckery is to make a mistake. Pic related.
I hope so too. Can you rewire hatred? Yes, if the person behind the hatred is weak.
Sup Forums will hate this of course "wtf she acted this way and now she's acting this way?!" They aren't paying attention. Angela is a doomed, tragic, Kafka-esque, spelling out her own demise with each step.
I like her. But am fascinated by her delusions.
Plus I'd love it for there to be a shift in the imbalance of the relationships she has with both Elliot and Darlene with her now being someone with more knowledge and power.
I am pretty sure Whiterose's agenda isn't something great or admirable tho, he doesnt fit the description of a hero
Elliot is a robot. His other personality is Alexa and he talks to Dom through her Amazon Echo™
>mirin shoulders that even I have as a guy who hasn't worked out in years
Fucking hell people are so easily impressed by the simplest things these days.
depends on your definition of hero.
This whole show takes place inside an episode of ALF.
she's mine, user.
>if this show was on netflix we could have had hardcore bdsm sex scenes involving joanna
Trust me. I'm a huge fan of Trenton. I live in Toronto, I've dated a few Muslims. To them, family is EVERYTHING.
To leave them is a huge characterization error. To leave them is such a pain to drive one mad.
And honestly, Trenton's reason's for the 5/9 hack, were entirely for her family. Moreover than anyone else.
Romero was curious to see how society would react, Mobley wanted a name for himself, Elliot wanted to save the world, Darlene fucking despised Evil-Corp, Trenton just wanted to save her family from oblivion.
And yet, she must abandon the only reason she took part, because she took part. Fucking heartbreaking, desu.
Someone who thinks about everything but himself
>reminder that the Tyrell with Elliot is another personality
reminder that i'm the one who came up with the Tyrell as a new personality that's fracturing the host after Elliott or Mr. Robot killed him theory around the time the first two episodes were leaked/released early.
I honestly love her character too, I'm really hoping that Whiterose took her and Mobley like she did with Angela and perhaps now they are on her side.
I couldn't tell though due to that conversation Whiterose had with her chinese lackey that Darlene intercepted if they in fact did get them. But Dom did say they lost both Trenton and Mobley, so FBI doesn't have them either.
the angela scene is fucking cringe
How do you explain the scenes with Tyrell's wife tho
If Tyrell is Elliot the entire show is garbage
She's Angela. Alf was phone.Entire show is on Melmac.
Mobley is gone within the wilderness that is the USA. Trenton is more difficult.
Esmail wrote himself into the classic cliffhanger corner. I'm pissed at him for that.
I've enjoyed the show. But holy fuck, he has so much to explain for, that he cannot possibly explain within Network TV's given 50 minutes.
Sometimes I wonder if he should have kept to movies and stayed away from TV. The entirety of S02 shows that he's not ready to interact with the audience in that way.
>Can hack the biggest tech conglomerate in the world
>Can't hack it and just add a couple millions to her bank account to help her family
>I've dated a few Muslims.
Found this pic of you visiting your gf's parents.
Watch out for her dad trying to honor kill you, bro.
Thing is, I don't think her parents would agree with her methods. They seem to be happy living this "american dream" but she sees it hurting her family.
I highly doubt they wouldn't wonder why they suddenly have money and go to authorities, etc. nor question why Trenton would even have this money either.
i also began all of my posts saying i have absolutely zero evidence to back up my theories. having said that, the protagonist, Elliott, is an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. the show has lied to you, is lying to you, and will continue to lie to you as long as it continues. the jail prediction was the easiest. the sister one fooled me, i admit. bravo, Esmail. see, over in /lit/ unreliable narrators aren't a novel concept and are often discussed. in Sup Forums people seem to abhor such a notion. the show is about the ride this character is taking you through. sure, he has you invest time and emotion in his plight and plot, but the main thread through all the posturing, gimmicks, and sleights of hand/mind, is how he's telling you the story. if you're having fun, roll with it. if you're not, change the program. a narrative does not falter simply because some arbitrary decision of yours to deem its entirety garbage when you dislike where it's headed.
Actually interesting theory, tho i doubt they would mix up multiple schyzo people in the show, i think only Elliot is crazy, it would be too much otherwise
the world ended, elliot is now tasked to save it.
elliot's dad was a nuclear engineer for e-corp and that's how he got cancer.
whiterose time travels to make sure that elliot doesn't fuck his plan up of nuking the planet.
>ywn be the physical side of cyber warfare
>ywn get into firefights with the FBI in China
>ywn do drive bys with your full auto 3-D printed AR15 ghost gun
>ywn do 45. ACP hard drive wipe
>people still doubt this is about alternate realities/time travel
it's literally telling you this at every turn
The show makes me genuinely uncomfortable but I keep watching it because i want to understand what's going on
And i maintain what i said, if Tyrell is Elliot the show is garbage because it's just too easy messing with people, it has to be subtle to be good
Ugly, annoying bitch.
Worst character. Cant wait until she dies.
Anyone else like how the chief keeps BTFO of the mary sue FBI bitch and shutting her down?
Why are people talking about time travel since the last episode?
This isn't gonna pull a Primer.
angela's face looks like fish
is she qwerty?
I've been a huge fan of her since I watched her ass push some asian dude through the floor of an apartment in that music video
I'm pretty sure her and Mobley are both Indian irl
When Slater said that line "She has a bit of Allah Akbar in her", it's actually true.
Great sex, though. I do recommend.
no because she's obviously not a mary sue if she has tons of flaws. quit regurgitating that alt-right buzzword
is there a link or such to take this test? i had to dvr the episode and didn't notice anything about it if they advertised it at the end
Elliot is actually Sam Beckett. Mr. Robot is Al and he is out to wreck some shit.
1. accept you're in denial
2. move on
i get where they're coming from. the chinese tranny is obsessive about time and has said things like 'i hack time'. also there were a bunch of back to the future songs in the last episode.
i get it, but time travel shit isn't going to happen. at best we're getting some matrix stuff.
I'm asking a legitimate question, shithead
She's a lonely, fucked up person with major personality disorders.
Just like Elliot, in a way.
I hear you. while i would also prefer a more subtle and nuanced build-up, i don't think Esmail is that type of writer. Terrence Winter or Richard Price he's not. however, i am not of the opinion that when one element of a show is not to my liking that the entire show is garbage. sort of like the ending to The Night Of. i wasn't taken by it, yet i stand by recommending the program to everyone because it did everything else quite well, even if it did not stick the landing. similar to The Sopranos that way or the final season of The Wire.while i don't think Mr. Robot holds a candle to either of the latter, those series also had elements that were somewhat dubious. anyhow, looking forward to the finale to see if it surprises me any.