Is UK the ultimate cuckoldry ?

Is UK the ultimate cuckoldry ?

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idk you tell me

So, Britian hates its own Queen now?
Jesus the Anglo race is dying.
Norman-Englanders! Preserve our Blood! Move to the countryside!

gee oh golly we finally made the brits hate their own Queen.

Press F to pay respects for Britain


>implying the countryside isn't 100% white

>England can't have a German queen
LOVING this meme. We are Anglo-saxon, a Germanic people, would you prefer we had a celtic king from Ireland?

>Le ebin not liking the Queen meme
You all should really get on hang your lefties

no they dont, only the people who suck the cock of labour and complain for the sake of complaining

I bet that's some fucking faggot from South Armagh shitposting.

British Republicans are universally fucking kikes. Ignore anything denouncing the the monarchy. They are the only bulwark of British traditionalism, religion and culture holding what is left of Britain together. Protect them.

This used to be Monarchist board.

That hat is worth a lot more than £1,000,000

>unironically being a west brit
What's your story, Mick? British ex-pat? Orangeman on a bombing run?