>Made less money than Independence Day Resurgence
What went wrong?
>Made less money than Independence Day Resurgence
What went wrong?
The shitty marketing and the fact it was just there. I like the movie but it really doesn't have a purpose or a reason to exist other than to make money.
The moment had gone.
Star Trek needs to find its feet in the world of TV again, and cultivate the next generation of fans. I can't imagine a Trek convention would have many people in attendance if it were held tomorrow, and those who did attend, certainly wouldn't be fresh-faced.
>What went wrong?
Bad marketing has got to be the core of it. It's a good movie that fully lives up to the potential of the Trek reboot, seeing it struggle is a shame.
Who cares about some nerd shit in space holly shit my dad watched that for Christ's sake.
i'd like to see a graphic comparing the number of people kirk kills in sixty-something episodes of TOS compared to 3 movies by abrahms
surely we live in the dark ages of film
Fatigue from Star Trek Into Darkness combined with alienating their core audience with that first trailer.
What's your problem, Shat's a Jew, too.
>shitty marketing
You can't promote what was shit to begin with.
I honeatly dont know its much better than the first one and into darkness desu. I actually had fun.
Jew Jew is such a fucking hack, jesus, no idea how he can be so bland.
It must have been an act of sabotage
>What went wrong?
Its stale. Time for Hollywood to come up with new ideas
the plot was super predictable schlock. The franchise deserves better than a Fast and the Furious director and Simon Pegg.
nobody cared about star trek after star wars came out
wow didnt know this one
wtf i love star trek now!
Who would you like then?
I don't think he was really that involved with this one other than being listed as a producer. He always said he cared about Star Wars much more than Star Trek, which angered the old fanbase before he even made the first one.
>the plot was super predictable schlock.
Here's the thing about complaining about plots being "predictable" - plots should not be a mystery to a literate viewer or reader. That you can tell what's happening is just a sign that you're capable of comprehending what they're telling you. An adult should not expect to be mystified by a story the way a child might.
>The frachise deserves better
I mean, not really.
I know he was only a producer thats why this one was good
I saw this again the other week, and it really is a perfect gift for the 50th Anniversary. As a whole Paramount/CBS have really fucked up this year with their promotion of this movie and 50th.
They didn't kill a big enough star to make people care. Should have offed Quinto or Pine instead of Yelchin.
movie wise. nobody had been able to make a goo
d Star Trek movie since 4 everyone after that has been pretty bad especially the TNG era movies.
I expected some kind of emotional response other than boredom and frustration at being able to tell what would happen long before I was "supposed" to. It removed any kind of suspense to be able to see that shit coming a mile away because its pretty much the same shit from the last 2 movies.
Nicholas Meyer, but he's busy writing the new Star Trek TV series.