Why in the world does North Korea think they can take on the entire world? They have literally no allies...

Why in the world does North Korea think they can take on the entire world? They have literally no allies, as the Chinese president is said to hate Kim and the Chinese Government has openly denounced North Koreas missile tests. Why the hell do they think they have a chance against the U.S alone?

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they don't think that.

Well clearly they do, as they are threatening Guam and antagonizing the East. They're really cruisin' for a bruisin'.

They most likely don't think this. Instead they are probably thinking that the rest of the world is scared of the consequences of toppling them, and nukes getting detonated or 'lost' in the process, to actually attempt it. When North Korea falls, you can probably bet it will be due to internal issues, albeit with some external manipulation.

have you ever tried to cum in your own mouth?

Stop taking their bait. They've been doing the same shit for years.

the only thing the Kim dynasty really cares about is staying in power

they will never actually attack another nation because they know they would immediately be destroyed

the constant threats and antagonism is to remind America that if we try to strike first, they can at least kill huge civilian populations in south korea and japan

The U.S has top-notch anti-missile defenses. There is literally nothing they can do to us.

NK doesn't have the smartest leadership in the world.


But do they have any on Guam and is there enough time to stop a nuke at that range?

>take on the entire world
You mean "defend own borders"?

I doubt it. They're most likely safe and since it could be a primary target I'm sure it's well defended.

You're only half right. If NK shoots first then China won't back them up. But if NK gets shot first then China will help them. Then meanwhile Putin will do what he wants in the middle east when everyone is distracted.

Uhhhh, I don't know. The chinese president hates Kim and only tolerates him. I doubt they'd help in any situation.

Something tells me that Putin is using north Korea as a distraction, i feel as though NK is secretly backed by Putin, which is why they feel so fearless. But america is going to be so distracted by NK that Putin will use it to his advantage to either ambush america or something else and to get us out of the middle East. If it was a distraction to go after the middle East that means Putin is most likely afraid of America's military and is not ready for war against us.

I'd say they only keep up with him bc it's a buffer between China and SC/JP where the US has alot of units

I don't think Putin hates America enough to start a war that would be absolutely catastrophic for them.

The problem also is that China does a lot of business with NK, and they don't want to lose their business but they also don't believe what he is doing is very smart. I think China is a powerful country and america is in a lot of debt towards them. If america fell they would own us

But they can fuck shit up for South Korea, Japan, and China, which will seriously fuck with the US economy. Especially any damage to the Chinese economy.

I'm sure they would rather lose NKs business than start a war that would destroy them. Remember, the U.S has allies as well.

Ya I believe it would but I think trumps biggest fear is to get into a war against Russia. That's a big country and strong military, China is dangerous too we want to make sure they are our allies. Don't forget we were in a war with Vietnam and that's a small country but america lost A Lot in that war

Vietnam was a complicated war. Not to mention there weren't even that many casualties. "The US did not suffer huge casualties.
58,000 Americans were killed in comparison to at a minimum, 400,000 North Vietnamese soldiers and 200,000 South Vietnamese soldiers. Anywhere between half a million to 2 million Vietnamese civilians were killed. 200,000-500,000 Cambodians and Laotians died as well when the war spilled over to other countries. Americans make up less than 4% of the deaths in Vietnam."

Ya but China is a very powerful country, their military is strong too and they have lots of power against most countries. Our national debt clock is almost entirely from them. Last time I looked at the debt clock it was $20 trillion in debt. That's very bad and our currency is called fiat currency and "supposed" to be backed by gold. But fiat currency has a 100% downfall, countries like china and russia are just waiting for america to fall so they can take over

Why exactly did we lose that war though? It was such a small country? What allies did Vietnam have?

google it fren


America has a lot of issues internally right now, this is off topic but I wish I knew a little more about it. Like what does antifa want? They want to end fascism and socialism? But I don't understand why they think there is such a problem with capitalism too? Can someone explain to me more about it? And does BLM have anything to do with it?

>america is in a lot of debt towards them.

As they are towards anyone who holds any US treasury notes or savings bonds. China holds a substantial amount of US treasuries. That is what is meant by the US being in debt to them. It's not a bad thing, and it's not something that they can really use to fuck with us. All they can do is either continue holding or sell them off early at a potential loss. It is in China's best interests that the US economy and government remain stable.

Ik debt isn't bad and that we actually need it to be stable but does america even have that money? I thought we only had about $10 trillion flowing through our economy and to have more debt than that just seems like it's gonna throw us off