What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

>"in the trash it goes"

Guess he wasn't a fan.


I never see this movie talking about
Cheers m8. One of my favorite Robin Williams films

Misato best girl

>he's a good guy
fucking Reifags I swear to god.

I thought evangelion was supposed to help people with depression

Same man, and i've never met anyone else who's seen it.

anyway , Robin Williams was a known weeb

>I never see this movie talking about
because it was shit
>im a weird lonely old man and im mentally unbalanced
>i do a lot of cringey and illegal shit
>oh now the movie is over and ive been arrested and nothing of any importance fucking happened

>it's shit because i say so
finish your homework

>He's a good guy

How could he be so wrong?

>youre a kid
great argument

>not wanting to utterly devour a mentally distraught Asuka
Sounds like ourguy to me m8

>da movie lacked explosions, twists and capes
Right back at ya


no, it was supposed to make you realise that asuka a shit

how could he be good if/they killed best girl asuka, which Sup Forums agrees is the best girl?

but user, she was clearly on the beach alive and well, with virginity intact

>which Sup Forums agrees is the best girl?
>implying there's any other correct answer to that

making a real great case against yourself you fucking idiot. making fans of this trash look fantastic with all your witty and intelligent replies.

wanna know why no one talks about it? its because its bad. deal with it. if it was good, people would talk about it. its not some hidden gem. its not underrated. its just bad. good movies get recognition, bad movies dont.
>but i liked it so youre wrong
lots of people like bad shit unironically

It's like The Cable Guy

You went in thinking it was gonna be funny because Robin Williams/Jim Carrey but it's actually about a weird stalker

>so angry that he resorts to posting one of his LiveJournals

>Asuka is an absolute bitch
>Rei is practically /r9k/ the character
>Misato already has a chad bf

The only viable option is Ramiel faggots.

All the events of the movie happened after he watched End of Evangelion

Seriously why would they promote Evangelion when no one even knows what it is? Did Anno have a hand in it?
