If asians are smarter than whites, then how come they didn't colonise and take over the world like whites did?

If asians are smarter than whites, then how come they didn't colonise and take over the world like whites did?

geopolitics matter user

>mongols didn't rule the entire planet back then
go die faggot

How did colonialising work out for the countries that did it?

Because life in China during the 1600's and 1700's was better than life in America. Most Chinese people didn't want to drop everything and settle in a new world because they were content in China. Compared to the European wars of religions and Napoleons rise China was a pretty nice place. Same thing with Japan, they were having a grand ole time.

"Should we enter the land of the browns, they shall one day enter the lands of our own."
- Emperor Fushisuma, ~1024 AD

They tried in 30's

This is prophen level foresight

pretty damn well i would say.

Because we did it for them




They were fine before Westernized religious bullshit.

"smarter". Nah m8, they're decent test takers and that's about it. That 104-106 IQ is mostly because they literally practice this kind of shit. Enviornment can shave or add about 6-10 points. That's why you have Irish with an average of 95 and the English with 98/99

The Chinese blamed the Mongol invasion, conquest, and occupation on the fact that they had been "too open" with other peoples. They felt they had abandoned their tradition and had forgotten their ancestors. Their solution was to close themselves off from the world. They did that from the 1400s until the early 1800s.

It was somewhat similar for the Japanese. They were initially content with trade with the West, but after people started converting to Christianity the daimyo freaked out and expelled them (except for the Dutch). Save for their brief invasion of Korea in the 1580s they didn't really interact with the outside world until the early 1800s (again).

>how come they didn't colonise and take over the world like whites did?


Aggression and intelligence are two different things.

Because they had the foresight to know it would come back to bite them in the ass in the form of vengeful and entitled minorities.

>be white
>colonize the world
>now have white countries with dindus

>be asians
>now have homogenous society

Hindsight might be 20/20 but they made the right choice

Whereas the whites viewed themselves as superior and thought they should therefore spread their civilization everywhere, the Chinese and Japanese felt they would risk sullying their culture and people by interacting with other cultures and peoples.

Asians haven't been trying to save the world from Jews and nigger hordes.

But when all the white people are dead, you'll have a continent full of nearly half the world's population and no feasible way to blame them for Africa dying of starvation.

Have fun with that.

>The Mongols meme

They "ruled" some farms in bumfuck Asia for a few years.

Because this guy was born in Europe

Asian culture is too tied to homeostasis, this is their way of managing things.There is no way they would colonize the world.Too much social changes would split them into small states again and stop colonization eventually.They didnt develop mentality or ways to colonize, as they are less agressive and less alpha overall, its all genetic, they just tend to fear to enforce their culture and overlordship on others, as, in their homeland experience, it causes too many problems.

Asian's are betas

Because there was no need to for them.

Speaking shortly, they don't have that ''spark'' that some white people had that pulled them to explore and conquer.

Its simple really, Whites are the best combination of smart and stupid. We are spread out on our bell curve. We also are the strongest race pound for pound on earth.

Iv'e had a chink explain it to me after figuring out how smart i am.

"Many stupid whites to do war, many smart whites like you to command them, and they obey"

We are very well suited to military combat. Add in the fact that we are the most inventive race on earth and you have the three things you need to succeed in taking land.

The top weapons
The strongest soldiers who will obey their leaders
Some of the smartest people on earth leading them.

>>now have homogenous society
they're catching up with america and europe slowly unfortunately

> smarter than whites,
"smart" isn't a useful term
smarter at memorization or smarter at improvising?
Smarter at complex math or smarter at planning a expedition with unknowns and smarter at getting the right alliances?
Some of these smarts were more useful then, some of them are more useful now.

>g-good testtakers
t.700 sat

Because they aren't.

The only Asians represented in these types of tests (in the first world) are the children of the ones who made it out, i.e. the cream of the crop.

Other sources, such as those from chink government, must be taken with a mines worth of salt.

China was historically isolationist

Japan tried to and got BTFO