Halt and catch fire

*gay lover exits; arbitrary token punjab entrance*

"You take it black, right?"

now, what exactly did Joe mean by this question?

he wasn't using metaphors, he was too caught up in his world of bullshit and possible aids to use innuendo with his indian flunky.

also by the next weeks promos, hes going to end up fucking cameron again.

"I love nigger cocks and Apple computers."

now, what exactly did this andro gaybait stinky feet goddess mean by this assertion?

yeah. i'm guessing she runs back to him for validation since her oneitis just coldly rejected her reconciliation in this one

another guess i have is that since the writing is brilliant in this season that the reference to eggs benedict after the sex sesh means donna is gonna get preggo

bumping for great justice

I think its the other way around, I honestly think her oneitis is joe, seeing as the fact that she has chemistry with one guy and none with the other. When the fat dude with a beard is giving her shit, I think she is still angry at joe.

i believe that may be the intention now but i don't think it always was

also she still seems angry at him when they met at the school guest lecture thing. trying to get under his skin saying she doesn't buy that he has really changed. if you contrast how easily she got over leaving the other dude and how fucked up she was with joe and business stuff and all of it. anger is a thin line from love/hate

also, although this season has been mostly garbage writing wise, the scene between cam and bos was great. and i love how she pauses cause she expects him to stop and try to coax her back into the car

maybe but like I said here. It is because she has deep trust issues and they're both fucked up people, so you have that spark together and you go looking for it only to find out it isn't there with other people and only after you lose the new one, do you think about the old one.

Which also goes for mutiny considering their themes about 'starting over' were referenced over and over and now she is possibly losing her company, so the writing is good in that way that they're weaving these themes together.

she loves joe and he loves her

i think joe going more for guys has a lot to do with him being turned off of women the same way cam seems turned off of men

the only reason i find that to be worth mentioning is that it seemed a lot like joe's bisexuality was more a product of his personality and borderline sociopathy early on. but i think he's actually deeply, deeply empathetic and romantic as well

anyways, this ep was far and away the best of this season

you're right, i think

does anyone on this board watch this show

I've watched every episode and always watch when its on. Not sure its going to help the shows numbers.

the first 2 seasons were some of the best tv i've ever seen. this new one will do it in for sure though i think, despite the reasons for it being bad have a lot to do with trying to make it more palatable

i do user, it's by far my favorite thing
and it's also ded, i have no idea why, but it is


>being gay
>in the 80s

This is going to end badly, isn't it?

that was what possible AIDS was for user, but it looks like he made it so far

he came close to getting aids or has aids. the scene on his porch after the phone call from the clinic is him feeling relief of some sort. with joe that could
mean that the end is in sight for him now, he probably does have the hiv

Never seen the show but Cameron is dreamy jizz jizz jizz, Is she part Canadian, a dyke or both? Also is the show any good? I guess I should ask.

her feet smell like flowers and her butthole tastes like candy

Gross her feet don't smell like feet?

Unrelated to her but anyone ever jack off to a cute chicks used flip flop smell when you know you have no chance with her anymore, but she left them at yours so it's fair game really?



very historically inaccurate

im glad computers and coding are gay and the people who are super into them have 0 personality

I like this show a lot and this season has been great so far.

cam and joe to reunite by end of season only for joe to reveal that he is indeed hiv positive. it will be the knife twist ending. they'll be so happy after putting aside their differences and working on some proto-internet project that shits all over mutiny, then they'll look in each other's eyes as the music swells, and they'll kiss and come close to fucking but then joe will be like "cam, i have to tell you something..."

its so terrible and completely possible but I still think he got good news.

People dont smile when they get a death sentence

this isn't a hunter s thompson novel