>ywn have a father so based that he names you after a god
Ywn have a father so based that he names you after a god
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Too bad Nic is autistic and bound to be a bad parent.
Kid looked cute, now he'll have all the problems of a hapa and more.
>a hapa
You know that actually refers to a half-Hawaiian, not a half-Asian, right?
goddam, if ur dad is nick cage, then you can be anything
also, its terrible what happened
so RIP nick, RIP
What is his name? Is it Ares? Poseidon? Darkseid?
Kal-El. Not even joking. Not sure why OP said 'a god' and not 'literally fucking Superman'. How is the kid even supposed to live up to such a name?
That's a cartoon, not a god
Nic cage is a fucking wacko I love it
>Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
What is that retarded thing on his arm?
>you will never be nicolas cage but you are lucky enough to live in a time to bear witness to him
It is bittersweet feeling
nic cage
he's from Sup Forums he doesn't know his asshole from his dickhole
Sup Forums is however always right. Hawaii Hawei, Howie Manell, same difference, they're all coloreds.
He named his pet goblin after himself?
Hapa refers to half-Asians, retards. Just because the term originated in Hawaii, doesn't mean it only refers to Hawaiians.
God is a cartoon so it's fine.
And you're still a faggot. Life is filled with embarrassments, like you to your dad.
Show some respect to your God
I bet he beats him with that cane whenever he tries to eat a dog.
Not the guy that said hapa but they don't seem to see the difference in Hawaii. My mother lived there for about five years and they called her hapa howli or whatever. She had never been there before and had no Polynesian genetics. She just sort of looked like a halfer.
>another WM-AF offspring
>another Elliott in the making
farm the rice pay the price
tfw my dad killed himself, we never did stuff together, he just did cocaine and smoke cigars
i wish i had a dad like Nic Cage
Cage and his sons, Weston and Kal-El
hey tv/ what's that movie where he is on a plane and has to give is daughter a bunny or something?
>you will never get a bunny from Nick Cage
You do know she dumped him a few months ago right?
this picture is fucking awesome
just got done watching Wild at Heart for the first time
godbless based Nicolas Cage, he's pure kino every time
He doomed his son by choosing to breed with a chink and then he lets the kid get fat after he gives him a retarded name. I literally can't think of a worse father.
Brad Pitt let his wife adopt foreign kids and turn his biological daughter into a tranny.
Lol the kid is fucking crosseyed.
Incoming future Elliott Rodger
His daughter stopped doing that. And at least he didn't ruin any kid's lives.
You're wrong. She cut her hair, wears boys clothes, and only answers to the name John. Also, when the Pitt-Jolie kids cameoed in Kung Fu Panda 3, she played a boy panda where the others played ones that corresponded with their genders likely due to her insistence.
Poor Jon Voight.
at least she can eventually change her mind
nic cages son cant change his dna
>farm the rice pay the price
top kek
>white dad/ asian mom
Looking forward to his first school shooting.
>at least she can eventually change her mind
Not if they pump her full of testosterone and suppress estrogen during puberty.
Had sex. Don't care.
>giving your kid ANYTHING other than a generic name
it's the most narcissistic shit ever. already vicariously living through your kid morphing them into who you want them to be.
special names are for special faggots. you get a generic name, and then through your own experiences make it a memorable name or not.
hate this fucking shit. if you're American, just take your fucking Bible name and stfu
it's hawaiian pidgin for a half-asian, you stupid fucking faggot cuck
jesus fucking christ you're dim, how long would it have taken you to check? two cunting seconds?
kill yourself, you worthless sack of shit
whats up with all the triggered gook faggots from "r/asianmasculinity" and why aren't they range banned?
>farm the rice pay the price
>farm the rice pay the price
>from r/asian masculinity
>clearly shitting on elliott
that's not how it works friendo
i don't think you understand the rodge my man
All the posts put emphasis on "WHITE DAD". The faggot chinks are always triggered by that. I think it's just one poster too.
it started from a dude on /r9k/ years ago. but like the barneyfag, its impossible to know at this point if it is still one guy or a following has developed.
>from a hollywood dad
Will he break the record?
White dad is a problem because Asian females tend to be lower hanging fruit, so betas settle for them often. When it's a European female paired with an Asian male it means the guy not only is more alpha than his Asian peers, but also more alpha than some alpha Europeans.
>farm the rice pay the price
Well the asian guy could settle for a low hanging white girl
Doomed his son to what?
Half Asian men are at worst as "bad off" as Asian men are, which is fine because Asian men can still get Asian girls .
going insane/being ugly
why is he so based bros
More often than not the asian is still punching up. Even Sup Forums and /r9k/ know these relationships result in spree shooters or sluts.
>can still get asian girls
kek. asian girls go for white guys
i see plenty with darkies too
I'm not even white or asian but this stereotype has held water from my own anecdotal experience.
Those are for niggers usually. Submissive Asian women are more submissive than submissive Euro women.
He's in a decent comfy Showtime show right now while his weird as fuck daughter and her pussy whipped husband wallow in stagnant careers raising fugee kids and a tranny.
Imagine being such a tremendous idiot that you name your kid "Kal-El" because you're slated to appear in a Superman movie, and the movie promptly gets canceled. What a collection of stupidity that whole thing was. The kid probably got picked on constantly, all because dad is an idiot.
>I'm buying this for... my son. Yeah, my son!
He decided to have a hapa. That's the least of his problems.
hes bound to be a school shooter anyway so..
No, it all adds up.
This, it pretty much guarantees a shooting will take place when you add up hapa and a shit tier name that gets him bullied.
Kid was born after Superman Lives fell through user.
white girls hella alpha fuck that man, anything else is easier to please
white girls are pricier
asians tend to also be vain and shallow but don't mind slumming it with a middle-class dude because they're more prone to shop for things on sale
>not wanting to be in a relationship with somebody who's really hard-working
>usually above-average intelligence
>often really loyal and driven
Did it ever occur to you that they might be really cute to some guys? I mean come on. I don't buy them subservient Asian wife bullshit. They're usually extremely assertive and will kick you in the ass if you're lazy. Manga and shit like that does not do them justice. It's written by soured beta male Asians. Every Asian woman I've dated has been the opposite of their stereotypical description.
his kid has the eyes of that pornstar who played piano
curse of the half-breed
>even Sup Forums and /r9k/
It's just yuu, gook.
lel enjoy your knockoff white
I'll have the original
the only thing Asia has produced are cheap knockoffs of western stuff and that includes their women. Whites have a higher amount of Neanderthal masterrace DNA in them.
t. Piss skinned smelly chink
Humans aren't all that different from dogs. In fact they're remarkably similar. Train the little fucker not to be a crazy person and maybe, just maybe they won't shoot up the mall.
I'm dating a white blonde chick quite literally at the moment. Still, fuck you in the face if you actually buy into that subservient Asian housewife nonsense.
this is the dumbest thing i have read in a while.grats.
Go eat your babies, Xu
The hopes of playing superman clearly hadn't, though. That makes it even funnier.
con air
>both pack animals
>both driven by physical and emotional ambitions
>both have very expressive faces
No, we're two legs and an upper cerebral cortex from being them. Having evolved right next to them for centuries will do that.
go bank an ugly chink,todd.
It's just the norm, I don't dispute that Asians with strong personalities exist, they're just the exception. And when they compare an European man to an Asian man, the European has the better looks and ranks higher in the alpha-omega hierarchy too. A man who is a beta among Europeans can be an alpha among Asians.
He's a degenerate race traitor
His kids will be the next Elliot Rodger, all WMAF kids are maladjusted freaks
>neanderthal masterrace
I don't care about the rest of this shitposting, but neanderthals were literal subhumans possibly wiped out by true humans, they're the master race of nothing
>this is what beta weebs believe
>tfw yellow fever but could never inflict my son with the manletitus, lack of facial hair, ugliness and microcock of a white-asian mongrel
Actually, the genetic code of several human lines suggests that they were bred out of existence. Not killed like people would tend to believe. We basically fucked them into a lack of existence. Or they fucked us. Nobody really knows for sure. To the point where they merged into the genome. Feel the back of you head. If there's a knot there you probably have some level of neanderthal genetics in you. It's been suggested that it exists because they needed it to support a much higher muscle content in the muscles surrounding their shoulders and neck.
lel, they were the master race and we owe our IQ that's vastly superior to niggers' to them. Euros and Asians have neanderthal admixture. Sapiens won due to sheer numbers, but they were the master race and the prime predator. And I'm proud of carrying Neanderthal DNA.
same guy lol
>beta weebs
I'm not a beta neither a weeb, you fucking cuck. Stop projecting your inadequacies.
>Actually, the genetic code of several human lines suggests that they were bred out of existence.
Basically what is being done to Europeans nowadays through social engineering. Literal white genocide.
>can only name one example of a half-asian being a wack job
>enough to create a causal link