Give me your cast
Give me your plot
Give me your cast
Give me your plot
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying it doesn't already exist
Dane DeHaan as moot
John Cho as Hiro
Paul Dano as snacks
Plot: none, it's gay porn
Hugh Jackman as me
George Clooney as Green Roasted
Brad Pitt as Cosmic
Jonah Hill as an overweight NEET shit poster who sits inside all day posting pictures of frogs.
Emma Stone as his waifu/love interest who doesn't know he exist and is always getting banged by Chad played by Ryan Gosling until one day Chad finds her cheating on him with a black man played by Idris Elba.
Jonah Hill who is Chad's ugly fat friend tells him it's going to be OK because they have each other and the internet.
They continue shit posting with each other on Sup Forums and Chad leaks the Stacy's nudes on Sup Forums for everyone to see, thus shaming her and making her commit suicide.
Chad and NEET feel nothing and continue shit posting on Sup Forums, while BBC doesn't give a fuck either and just continues banging other white girls.
Directed by Harmony Korine.
Jack Black plays all the characters. All his alternate personalities are all the boards. He goes on an epic journey to destroy all of modern pc culture. In the end, wakes up and realizes he was dreaming it the whole time when he fell asleep on his dragon dildo.
you know what? fuck it. I'm writing this screenplay with these actors in mind. got nothing else better to do.
what should be the title? Dumb Frogposters?
The Anonymous Life of Frogs
Nah this is it
also going to use the names Chad and Stacy and probably Jerome for the BBC whats a beta name for the main character?
Mr. Robot as Submit Box
Wallace Shawn as Captcha
Holmes Osborne as Cunny
Robert Wisdom as Niggerspam
George C. Scott's Skeleton as Saoirsepost
Harmony Korine directs
How can we make this happen?
Harmony Korine is the only one who could direct a Sup Forums flick tbqhf.
Maybe Kevin Smith if he stopped smoking pot.
David D. Davidson (The D. stands for David)
of course, duh why didn't I think of it?
Maybe Todd Solondz as well. The movie Palindromes is basically like a movie that was written on Sup Forums in one hour
Cast them:
Robert Paulson
Mr. Momsen
All we need is a great screenplay and to advertise it as a deep arthouse movie. And maybe getting Jack to think it'll get him an Oscar.
jesse eisenberg as moot
I'm starting work on it familla
also check em dubs
I had a great idea for psychological film in which the main character get obsessed with a chan board. Posting on it non-stop and eventually he starts to believe what the other posters are saying. What he never realizes is that all of the other poster were bots the whole time. Controlled by who, I haven't thought that far ahead. But the main idea was that if a person lived around an anonymous environment, he would never know who was actually speaking to him.
>intermission shows the Chandelier music video dubbed with real human being
Would watch it only for that
Documentary about the past, present and future possibilities of the site. Chanology, influence on MSM and the world.
The movie will win Oscars if get -->
Maybe an animated movie about all the different boards joining forces to do something, like fight off an evil force. I don't know what it would be though, since they'd all have to agree on something and I wouldn't want it to be dated soon afterwards, like fighting off against the SJW's. That's a trend that isn't going to last.
keep it going
moar familla
My contribution to the script:
>And why would I want them?
Get to the part with the stupid frog posts
I smell a classic in the making
soon familla soon, it's only the first page. I'm stretching this to at least 60 pages.
continuing the epic
Who plays Fedora Guy?
Who plays Pepe the Frog?
Enjoying this so far, is it supposed to be a comedy, drana, dramedy or what?
dark comedy/drama
If you guys want I will finish this tonight and probably post a PDF of it in the /swg/ thread later on.
>not opening on a vietnam battlefield with CCR blaring in the background
>I bet you're wondering how I got here...
>freeze frame on guy caught in a fire ball
>No, that ain't me...
Cuts to basement
>that's me
I would read the whole thing
My cast will be of my dick and balls. Plaster. For the world to see.
My plot will be my grave, after I kill myself for replying to this thread.
I already got the basic plot and title so just let me finish it and post it in another thread or /swg/ thread via PDF.
Who knows it might be a thing? Get Max Landis to produce it.
post it google docs so this can be a famalam project.
Fat Eliot
I hope the ghost of the supreme gentlemen makes a cameo
the NEET is probably going to have a framed picture of him in his bedroom or something.
For You
Go user, craft your masterpiece so we might revel in its glory
Kek, what as bout chicken tenders? And David should cum the second his mom starts calling him.
Keeping this thread bumped
moar incoming
I'm sorry but I have to also include the normie shit
>Chad banging Stacy
Where's my trigger warning
it's a Sup Forums movie user, there is always going to be Chad banging Stacy.
Add a scene where the main character is baneposting at 2 in the morning snickering to himself half naked.
Make that 4:30 in the morning
keeping this thread alive
needs the record scratch meme
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
EP 1:
EP 13:
Is this kino?
> Jerome
> Not using Idris
A movie about Moot having to deal with the popularity and infamy of the site while trying to still have a social life at a young age, eventually with him stepping down from admin.
Like Social Network but a dark comedy with more emphasis on the site and its evolution than the creator's life.
BBC is always Tyrone. Tyrone is default standard.
At the end of the movie, it turns out that all the posters were him. Google Bloody Board.
OR it was a government agency who took interest in him and is trying to condition him to be useful to them.
DJ Qualls as Moot
Ezra Miller as Hiro Newmoot
Paul Dano as Sam Hyde
scrub this ^
and from make it into an incest with his mum
Ding ding ding we have a winner. Its subtle and fits the shit naming conventions of romance films. Like me before you
>No, that ain't me...
jesse eisenberg as moot
natalie portman as mallory blair
idris elba as hiroshima nagasaki
the story is about moot getting cucked so hard he sells Sup Forums
>No, that ain't me...
>It ain't me starts playing
Meme magic is at play. Write that shit nigga
>Sophie Turner as user
>Movie follows her journey from normie to redpilled Sup Forums shitposter
>Also starring CIA as Chad
Agony of the Amphibians
Holy fuck, I was so uncomfortable watching Palindromes.