The Truth about UFOs

If you would believe as the flying saucer cultists would have us believe. That the majority of saucer reports are do to visitations. Then that would mean you have a very strange situation. That would mean several spaceships are coming to Earth over interstellar distances every day. As if all the Anthropologists in the world were to converge on one of the Andaman Islands in the Indian ocean because they just invented the fish net or something. I think it's much more reasonable if you want to speculate on the possibility of extra-terrestrial intelligence, that there are very rare visits from extra-terrestrials to the earth. There is no evidence for this, I just say that's not implausible, but to have several visits a day I think is a strain credulity.

I think a key to what's behind the real belief of flying saucers is most easily obtained if you look at the contact myths. There are several thousand people in the United States who claimed to have had personal contact with the inhabitants of flying saucers. And if you examine these myths you find that there are some peculiar irregularities...

The inhabitants of saucers are benevolent ( They really care for our wellbeing), They're omnipotent (extremely powerful), omniscient (extremely knowledgeable) and they often wear long white robes. Now this combination is something I've heard in another context. This isn't science, this is religion. And what I suspect is happening is this, we live in very unsettled times. It used to believe in a personal, benevolent God who cared about people, and that you could pray to. But now, there are very few people who really believe that I think. Science for good or for ill has destroyed the traditional theologies and yet people have a need to believe more than ever. Well, the flying saucer myths are a really clever compromise. It's a way of having beings that come from the sky that are worried about us. That will step in and prevent us from destroying ourselves, as we very well might, and yet have it in the cloak of science s that no one can say " nonsense, that doesn't match science". It's all very Pseudo-Scientific. I would think that at least for the contact myths and probably or a lot of events of people seeing things flying over head, that what's involved is psychology and theology, and not so much the physical sciences.

atheists pretended to have problems with the intelligent design argument but now they're getting into "the Universe is a simulation, it's so obvious!"


Can't be a simulation because of how irrational numbers are applied.

Using infinite numbers to calculate in simulations would require infinite storage of data.

>how irrational numbers are applied?
where do we need to?
>infinite numbers to calculate in simulations would require infinite storage of data.
that has nothing to do with simulation argument.

Anything with circles requires pi.

Pi is an infinite number.

If you calculate circles without using pi to its nth digit, you get aberrations across the universe.

That's just one example.

UFOs are advanced humans checking up on humanity who buggered off when their civilizations collapsed and they decided to head out to space.

>Anything with circles requires pi.
no it doesn't. it is a ratio. your computer has a limited memory. you can compute a circle with it can't you?
>If you calculate circles without using pi to its nth digit, you get aberrations across the universe.
you can call pi=1 actually. It depends on you.

Sure you can. I'm talking about accuracy. When your simulation is calculating the curvature of space, any inaccuracies could fuck your universe up.

Small scale calculations can do with pi=close enough.