Anti police riots in France

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Would American cops shoot a guy like that person on 4:10 ?

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They're smashing their cars and brandishing weapons. No shit they'd get shot. American cops aren't pussies and will gladly put a few in a "troubled youth"

Why are they rioting?

They should get filled with rubber.

Because they're faggots

The rioter should have trusted that aluminum pole at the frog-niggerpig's face/throat.

Muh labour law and muh police violence I think.
Any Frenchies who can specify?

Frenchies are literal niggers

from what I can gather from scant online UK press coverage, the government is forcing through labour laws/reforms that neither the unemployed/workers or industries are happy with.
President is trying to "cement his legacy" before his term is up and is ripping the country to pieces.

>American cops aren't pussies

"Wahh, He's got a spoon shoot him!"

American cops are the biggest pussies on the planet.

Why is Paris filled with antifa?

>that neither the unemployed/workers or industries are happy with
Wrong, these are backed by companies and employers and unpopular among unions and lazy workers. Under current french labour law it is almost impossible to fire a bad employee. This law is to make it easier to encourage companies to be more willing to hire, especially for short term positions, without fearing an uphill battle to rid themselves of employees who don't do their job, especially when the unions keep opposing it.

the only thing that those videos show over and over and over again is that the police is getting shafted by the lefties politicians and have to take a beating by leftis demonstrators, protected by the same politician.

Right on point man. The mayor of Brussels always willfully weakens his police force when leftist demonstrate. But when right wing hooligans protested last month he immediately issued a declaration condoning 'fascist violence' and forced ALL politicians to sign the declaration

It was sad seeing that cop car burn, and the cop having to abandon his post. This is not the europe I hold dear.
Just having to walk away and let it burn, pretty symbolic.


It's because female politicians reduce the police force to nothing but a bunch of social workers.

>policeman is literally being assaulted with a melee weapon
>can't/won't do anything but take it silently

And this is why Europe will fall.

From Napoleon to Hollande, the fall of France.

Most of those guys after 3:30 could have been shot

Nah. "Protestors" destroyed a number of police vehicles in both Ferguson AND Baltimore and didn't get shot.

>Any Frenchies who can specify?
They are a leftist group against police violence, and they are a plague.
They are becoming more and more harmful since the death of two africans hiding inside an electric power plant (such a good idea ...).

>On the pic, a protest in the memory of the two young -Zyed and Bouna

Destroying an empty vehicle is different from actually hitting an officer, or throwing fireworks into their car.

thats the driver

>the death of two africans hiding inside an electric power plant

That happened 11 years ago right?

white burning nigger's car

Why are frenchfag so fucking cowards? They are literally humillating the police and they are not doing anything

Yes exactly ;)

Is France a third world country yet? It is alredy to show the same signs that Spain had

French people are degenerate brats. The garbage bins of Europe. They need to repent for what they did to the world when they spread their revolutionary degeneracy, and to atone for their sins.