Why are Milk Duds the best snack at the theatre?

What's everyone's favorite snack at the theatre? Mine definitely has to be Milk Duds, made by Hershey.

As a smart man of a reasonable weight, I've always tried to watch my intake of sugary treats. However, it is obvious to me that Milk Duds are definitely healthy and delicious, thanks to the top-quality ingredients used in its formula, including high-quality Hershey chocolate.

When I first popped bought some from the concession and opened the box, the smell was the first thing that blew me away. It smelt like I had just walked into the chocolate river in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. When I finally put one in my mouth, it felt like pure joy was melting on my taste buds. It made the movie I was watching much more enjoyable.

Does anyone else here love Milk Duds?

Milk duds suck

It's all about them whoppers

whoopers are fucking dreadful they taste like stale garbage when you bite into them

Milk Duds taste like absolute shit. Honestly all American chocolate products do. I've no idea how the consume so much of it nationally because there is something really wrong with their chocolate.

Your prose is terrible

Your taste is terrible

Your comeback is terrible

Shitass movie theater popcorn is the only thing worth buying at the theater. Candy can be snuck in and sodas are vile.

Crab claws for me please

Just no junior mints

my nipples look like milk duds


I always smuggle in doritos in my extra large sweatshirts

Milk duds are OK but they stick to my teeth

chocolate covered raisins will always be GOAT movie snacks


Junior Mints.

>Eating fruit as a snack

It's like you want people to think you're a homo

Europoor here, can confirm in Canada the candy tastes like shit compares to the uk. Piss poor selection also

You can blame over regulation and protectionism creating legal monopolies in practically any field of business over 50 years old.


Putting stuff in to prevent melting is what does it. Colder or more temperate climates don't need this, and get tastier choco as a result.

Oh shut the fuck up yiu shit taste faggot
Milk duds are based

Honestly tho Milk Duds are great movie snacks because they take a while to eat because of the chewiness, meaning I actually get about 30 minutes into the movie before my candy's gone

One of these pulled a tooth out it was so sticky

Im never having those or Dots again

Butterfingers are also awful because they get stuck inside your teeth forever

Whoopers by themselves, no

Whoppers in popcorn = god tier

I like them both

whoppers master race reporting in

milk duds are still bretty gud

frig off namefig :^)

God tier snack Op you have amazing taste

>Shitass movie theater popcorn is the only thing worth buying at the theater.
This, and tell them not to put that shitty artificial "butter" glop on it.

Itt: 50 year olds
Here's a real patrician's candy

Oh shit, I forgot about those. They're great, yeah.

These + sour Skittles are the best, Milk Duds are the best chocolate-based movie theater snack though.

sour skittles dissolve your tounge like the irish lookin dude in robocop

>sour patch kids

yeah I liked 'em but then I'd always feel like a baby because all the cool older kids would be poppin' warheads


I don't know what to say, tell your tongue to grow some balls or something.
I wish they sold these at movie theaters, sucking on one of these then taking a sip of Mountain Dew code red is godly.

milk duds are best value per penny

you also have to have sour

I wish they sold the Ikea candy at the theater. That shit is so fucking GOOD

They still make sour Warheads but I'm pretty sure they don't make the hot ones anymore. I miss those.

Because they're fucking delicious. Milk Duds, Junior Mints, and Raisinettes: the movie candy holy trinity.

My nigga

Maltesers make me feel things

Australia is warm as shit and our chocolate doesn't taste like ass like American shit.

I still wonder how some people don't like raisins. Or is it just a meme?

"How can I combine semen and tooth paste into a single entity" ; The Snack

I fully agree. Everyone else is the faggot.

They got rid of the filling in these. That was my favorite part.

For my money though, watermelon sour patch kids are the best theatre candy.

Yes it does

>they taste like stale garbage
This implies you've eaten stale garbage before.

Mini charleston Chewsin the theater box bought in advance for $1 at the grocery store is the patricians choice


fuck off kike

I want to be rich enough that when I make a home theater room I have a display case that has only the meme theater box candies. (Of course I will charge my guests $4 for extra authenticity.)

ha gotem le epic troll

ITT: Shit taste


Me? I'd serve horse legs