All memes aside for one moment, how badass was it when Bane beat the shit out of batman? The movie has a lot of shitty dialogue but everything about this scene was great.
All memes aside for one moment, how badass was it when Bane beat the shit out of batman...
Bane breaking Batman's bullet proof mask was pretty hype.
He didn't fight so good
>Shittiest fight scene in capeshit.
>Tosses explosives that are basically useless.
>gets played by some random girl he met once. This is batman who doesn't anyone.
Yeah really great.
I enjoyed the fight but I wished Batman put up a better fight. From the first two movies, we've seen Batman face nearly no competition aside from Ras but Bane just wipes the floor with him. I get the point, I just wish there was more resistance.
Nolan can into film making.
Nolan sucks at fistfights.
Watch this without sound effects and it becomes painfully obvious how fucking fake it is
>This is batman who doesn't anyone
Yes he does
This movie was garbage. Based on pure technical merit it deserves the same score as BvS.
The fucking firecrackers he throws, haha.
Buy yeah, it was great. Silencing all score was brilliant. Best scene in the movie (besides the iconic intro, of courshe)
>This is batman who doesn't anyone
Says you.
...who doesn't TRUST anyone.
simple mistake.
He should have been three times bigger. Bane is a more cartoonish villain than the Joker, this is what people miss.
for you
Nolan's batman is such a lame fighter, all he does is throw slow hooks. I thought he trained with ninjas on top of a mountain
doesn't 'what' anyone?
He just doesn't, ok?
'can into'? This is an English website, learn the language.
Hi, newhomosexual
Sup Forums is trapped in the sewer with Bane. How would you defeat him?
Reminder he is a big guy for you[/spoiler
bring friends
Shoot him before throwing him out of the sewers.
This scene was fantastic.
as if you know where this meme is from
for you
Those weren't explosives, those were supposed to be toxins to disorient Bane. That's why he tells him that it would only affect those who were uninitiated by the league of shadows.
You don't get to bring friends
You're Batman, you don't kill (Nolan Batman here, this isn't a Snyder film)
So, how would you defeat this big guy?
Can Bane beat his ass in a fistfight in the comics?
Nothing implied I'm Batman.
I guess if I was Batman I'd get my back snapped.
Oh my god dude you're a fucking loser
Bring on the hothead comments
So you don't even try to beat Bane?
doesn't TRUST anyone.
it's a simple mistake, senpai
Not as big as the mistake you've made, I fear.
Bruce Wayne?
what does it all mean?
or was it?
I mean, yes it was an effective scene because you felt like you were watching him get curbstomped in a very visceral way but no because Batman was a dumbass fucking idiot who can spank 20 guys on the way over but frustratingly won't nail masky mcsnortgas with a batarang to the facetubes or toss a fucking flashbang or just shank the guy in the leg and watch him hobble through the rest of the fight or throw sand in his eyes or literally anything that a competent Batman might do to tip the odds in your favour.
So kinda, I guess. But fuck TDKR and Nolan in general even though TDK is 90% gold.
Bale wailing on Ledger in TDK was much better
Why would someone punch a man, before breaking his back?
this is objective truth
Underrated post
the reason Bane is so great is the he (especially in the comics) beat Batman at his own game, he out prep-timed Batman the master of prep-time
>everything about this scene was great.
The staging and cinematography are nice, but the actual choreography of the fight is pretty weak (par for the course with Nolan).
>So you came back to die with your city!
>No. I came here to stop you.
What were they thinking?
Only some of Hardy's physical acting was ok, he really seems like a beast when he punches Batman after the "excomunicated" bit
They lowered the level of both characters. Batman is just a average guy throwing haymakers out of breath while Bane (instead of being a giant) is a jacked dude with explosive muscles
What would you have said marvelfag, some stupid quip
If the movie has shitty dialogue why is it so quotable, they must be doing something right
not him but literally anything else would be better
>So you came back to die with your city!
>for you
>with no survivors
>i was in the neighborhood
>no. It is YOU who's gonna die!
the fact it had no music in it was sombering
>So you came back to die with your city!
You have 2 seconds to answer
i cant, all the cops and thugs are watching
too much pressure
well, the jerk store called and they're gonna die with you!
yeah well that's just like your opinion man
Obviously he didn't come back to die with his city.
Bane was being facetious but batman was too autistic and thought he was being serious, it was a terrible line.
No, I came back to fuck you in the ass
mad max sucks and you r gay lols
No, I came back to end you.
you literally had to explain it to him
how is bane holding up batman with one hand?
bane also shatters a pillar in this movie
hes the only superhuman in nolans bat universe
this city...
... just showed you...
...that is full of people...
... ready to believe in good
tbqh he could have just stayed shut and shove bane into the building and begin to drill his asshole while talia masturbates in the background
No, I came back for you
>So you came back to die with your city?
>Came back to die
No, for you.
it would have been badass with better fight choreography and if batman had useful gadgets instead of smoke bombs.
I don't see how that's a party
That's a nice outfit, did your husband bought you that you homo
what's your fucking problem?
It would've been perfect if it was quicker (as in, quicker choreography) and Bane did a no-sell on more gadgets. Smoke grenades don't work for the same reason as cutting the lights. Batarangs miss his head or bounce off his armor. Tasers do nothing to a superhuman man constantly on drugs. Etc.
it was a bad fight scene and Bane didn't look imposing at all.
I agree. Should've made Bane slightly more genre savvy and wise to Batman. Like he watched footage of his fights and studied his every move and planned accordingly. The Anti-Batman sort of
>You're Batman, you don't kill (Nolan Batman here, this isn't a Snyder film)
Then I'm Burton Batman.
that would end up being some kind of weird action montage
No. I came back to die FOR it.
Only slightly changed and it's so much better.
>but batman was too autistic and thought he was being serious
You're mixing up batman with Nolan. Nolan is a super-autist and everything is serious business for him.
>nolan verse Batman is beat to hell and can barely walk
>Went back in time to convince himself to kill his opponents and use lethal force
>BvS bat of murder, nearly superhuman strength even when graying hair because he didn't get the fuck beat out of him for years
get them, i'm bored, i'll call it in
Out of all brilliant movies you are in this thread discussing some piece of crap capeshit. Really is there anyone over 18 that enjoys those films at all ?
>Be 6'0 burly mick
>Vs 5'9 manlet Bane
I'd pull his mask off before he could do anything.
Y-Y-you too
I liked that bit where Bane did a big turn and punched the air and Batman just kinda fell over.
Does Nolan not review his footage or does he just take 1 shot of each thing? I refuse to believe he reviewed that footage and said "thats good"
>No explanation on Banes past
>No explanation on his mask
>No explanation on how Bruce got in to Gotham
>No explanation on how Catwoman found Bane/Batman at the end
>No explanation on how or why Bane contacted Catwoman or how she knew about Banes plan in the first place
>No explanation on how Batman spends 6 hours in an underground tunnel chasing Bane
>No explanation on how Robin knew where Gordon was, let alone how he knew Gordon was captured and escaped Bane
>No explanation on how Bane knows Bruce is Batman
>We're expected to believe the GCPD doesnt have a subbortinent for Gordon when he's injured, let alone that they'd let a clearly delusional and drugged up man give orders
>Anything that IS explained is through clunky exposition, ie, Bane in the sewers, Clean Slate, Talia, etc
Fuck this film 2bh
if i was batman id do the exact same thing as batman because im batman.
>You're Batman, you don't kill
He killed an entire ninja cult because he asked him to kill a man
He also killed their leader later
And then killed his daughter
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
Can I be Snyders Batman?
>Ascend to upper level after dropping smoke bomb
>Disrupters to Big Guys guards guns, can take them out later
>Use speed to dodge Big Guys punches and lure him to the lower levels, get him aggravated
>Put distance between us
>Batarang to the pipes on his mask
>Grapple gun to the shoulder while he's disorientated, pull him off his feet
>Swift punch to the back of his head using momentum created from grapple gun
>Tied up using reinforced cuffs
There. I then knock the fuck out of all his guards and use grapple gun to take down Catwoman for trying to fuck with me
Joker wipes the floor with Batman too in the street