Star Trek: Enterprise

So Ive watched every series but this one. How is it? I know its a terrible reason but I tried starting this but the theme song killed it.
But Im considering watching it again.
How is it Sup Forums?
All shitposting aside what do you think of Star Trek Enterprise?

Other urls found in this thread:

I liked it. Good story arcs.

You'll never truly know until you see it with your own eyes.

I liked it but I watched it straight after voyager

ENT starts rough and gets better, just like every other Trek series. It was tragically cut short just as it hit its stride.

The mid to late 00s were a dark age for all genre fiction on television.

It depends, people who like more action and modernist angle tend like the later seasons, while the earlier seasons are more traditional trek but not done as well as previous seasons of other shows.

It tends to split down the middle for people.

Or this is your subtle attempt at starting a general star trek thread and using enterprise as a cloak for it.

It isnt.

It has some genuine must see episodes but a lot of misses.

It was made right at the tale end of written for syndication television and you can see the awkward transition taking place over the course of the series. It does have much better episode to episode continuity than Voyager in situations like "We made up technobabble 4 weeks ago to explain finding a cloaked ship, now confronted with a cloak again we will deploy the same device we built in that episode".

The Xindi arc is controversial and at the time I liked it but on reviewing years later I really disliked it. I suppose it was built on suspense and knowing the end ruined it.

"Dead Stop" is the only episode I can really stand.

Well then we must be currently be in genre fiction hell because the mid/late 00s beat the pants off the 2010s in this regard.

It depends entirely on whether you like the Canadian scifi and fantasy series Lost Girl and Continuum. For a solid 4 years they were the only watchable new genre material in Canada in the early teens.

It's a shining example of how not to make contact with alien worlds.

Though how could humanity know?
Anyway, it's a lot more interesting now that I got over the intro theme myself.

I've been literally shaking my fists with anger at Berman and Braga for the last decade at the ending.

View it for T'pol alone.

Seriously, she is 10/10. She also wears nothing but a skin tight body suit and, if she's not wearing that, she's in underwear.

100% solid.

This user gets it.

Also trips of truth, way to complete prefab an ending that doesn't make any sense with the series itself

it is worse than dexter's ending and that is hard to believe.

Here you go, user. Try this:

Hoshi > T'pol

there, I said it.

It was Star Trek done right.

No faggots.
No feminism
Less technobabble
More realism
More character
Interesting aliens
Solid storytelling

[trekiddie triggering intensify]

What's with all the reposts?

>I'm sure I speak on behalf of my entire crew when I say it's good to be home
Did Archer forget about T'Pol, Travis, and Phlox or did he just not give a fuck?

Trektards hate it because it isn't gay enough.

Name one member of the Enterprise writing staff who didn't forget about Travis.

They had all spent a significant amount of time on Earth, so they considered it their second (third?) home.

Enterprise was the only Trek series that was good from the very beginning.

Seasons 1-3 were the best. Season 4 was when the quality started to fade. All of the stinkers are in season 4.

What's with all the reposts?

Commander, Let me swallow your sexual organs.

Fits the stated premise of Star Trek better than any other. The others don't really feel like exploring.

TAS explored the shit out of things

Archer is best Captain.

Grabs borg and pulls out its borg tubes... commences killing it with his bare hands.

Archer is a real man... not a flaky faggot, a token gibsmedat, or self-entitled feminot like the rest of them.

Watch First Contact first. Added a degree of continuity when I started watching.

It is legitimately my favorite Star Trek series. Give it a try.

What's with all the reposts?

Why did this one not trigger the whats with all the reposts guy?

Enterprise was the best Trek.

In terms of actor performance, it was excellent. The cast of this show obviously worked very hard to make their characters interesting, likeable, and especially, believable.

In the areas of camera work, lighting, sound, and overall production values, it far exceeded any other Star Trek series or film to date.

The special effects were also superb, as was the design of the Enterprise NX-01, and the various vehicles used by the other space-faring races.

The sets, costumes, and props were interesting, practical, and far more realistic in design and function than anything seen before or since.

As many viewers had previously, and understandably, expressed disdain over the fact that such things as reset buttons, excessive techno-babble, uninteresting aliens, and lack of original ideas or individual character development plagued the previous series' episodes, the producers of "Enterprise" apparently took great pains to address those issues, and by and large, they succeeded.

The aliens were well designed, many looking far more "alien" than those in previous shows. The Xindi arc itself represented a major, and well executed effort to address viewer complaints of bland aliens and tired stories.

And as far as storytelling goes, the tales spun by the writers of this series were at least as good, and many times even better than anything that came before.

What's with all the reposts?

The stories in Enterprise were primarily character based, and relied rather sparingly upon technology to propel the plotline or solve many problems. There was a greater degree of realism and believability to the plots, without all of the "hocus-pocus", or even downright hokeyness that plagued all of the other Trek incarnations, including TOS. There was also far less techno-babble than TNG & Voyager, the characters actually developed, and the reset button was practically non-existent.

On balance, the tale of Captain Archer, his ship, and his crew was more than just an episodic TV show. It was a single, long-running story arc, with only a few deviations into the more traditional, "stand-alone" episodes. And although I admit there were a number of sub-par episodes - as there are in many television series' - I think they were fairly rare, especially compared to the ratio of outright stinkers found in previous Star Trek incarnations.

buttmad producing studio employee spotted.

>implying any new Star Trek is being produced
all news of upcoming Star Trek is fakery to run out the clock until the simulation ends

What's with all the reposts?

Whatever, faggot. The rest of us graduated to roleplaying games ages ago to get our sci-fi/fantasy fix.

great until the Xindi bullshit. see, 24 was the hottest shit there was and everyone was trying to make their show into one long episode. every show ends with a cliffhanger and you had to wait a week 'til the next one. it was absolute bullshit. cliffhanger episodes are supposed to be few and far between.

also, why set the series in the past if you're going to make up new shit then erase it in the normal timeline. it doesn't make sense. They should have had the overarching story be about Romulans or Klingons, they had such fertile ground to work with. why make up Xindi.

tldr; it's alright.

>why set the series in the past if you're going to make up new shit then erase it in the normal timeline

You seem to think that the Xindi should not exist unless they were referenced in every other series.

That's like complaining that they never mentioned the Horta in TNG(ay).

I don't have a problem with it in theory. My point is why go to all the trouble of setting the series at the "beginning", if you're not going to elaborate on the lore that's already been established. they did a fantastic job showing how the Vulcans were helping/stifling us. the Romulan episode with the mines was great.

I guess my biggest gripe is the cliffhanger bullshit. followed closely by the lack of Romulans and Klingons and the rest.

There were borg, ferengi, what more did you need?

You just seem to love complaining.


you wanna fight or something?

They also had stories/arcs about Romulans & Klingons.

what was a story/arc about the Romulans?

-the one with them seeing a bird of prey for the first time
-the Aenar/remote controlled ship

One of them involved the Romulans deployment of a chameleon type, false flag stealth warship which they used to destabilize relations between other worlds.

Another concerned an attempt to infiltrate and subvert the Vulcan High Command.

Then there was a mini arc involving a Romulan minefield.

Did you even watch the show?

>the mine ep i mentioned
>another little tease
they never get into anything with the romulans or klingons and you know it. we get to know the Xindi instead. the borg ep was fucking sweet. they give us more Xindi.

yep i did. you been following the conversation?

There were at least 3 Klingon story arcs.

You are obviously very blindly criticizing a show you never even watched.

Actually there were at least 5 or 6 Klingon stories/arcs, maybe more.

loads more. there was a whole season about the klingons

Nope. There wasn't a whole season. There were a lot of them, though. More than any other race, outside the Xindi.

>they never get into anything with the romulans or klingons and you know it
i meant like the Xindi. there should have been one about the romulans or klingons like there was about the xindi. the temporal cold war was gay too. although, the Suliban were pretty cool.

Or the Vulcans.

Haven't seen Enterprise, is the Romulan backstory outlined in TOS discarded? Are there any other fun references to TOS?

I think you're being very immature about your obsession. It seems you're just not satisfied with it because it wasn't exactly like the other series you do like.

In reality, what makes Enterprise the very best Star Trek ever produced id the fact that it wasn't like the rest..

I liked/it as it was airing and I like it still. I just don't like the Xindi cliffhanger plot line. the standalone episodes are superb. I like Archer too. I used to watch Quantum Leap when I was little.
when they said it was going to be a prequel type series I was ready for the Khitomer Massacre type shit or the explaining how the neutral-zone came to be.
they never fully explain how the neutral-zone came to be. give me Romulans.