You think your life is hard? well let me tell you my story

You think your life is hard? well let me tell you my story.

I am ugly as fuck, look like an autist and since earliest childhood, i have a disgusting scar that runs all over my face. All my life i've been unwanted by everybody because of my appearance.

i grew up with my uncle who was a real jerk. his fat son was always favorite to him, and I had to live under the stairs in the broom room. All my childhood, i had not even one friend. My uncle and his wife molested me, they told me every day not to be such a creep. strange things happened, but it was not my fault. I got beaten by them daily.

One day, some fucking bird hit my room, and i just couldn't get it out of there, and since then this stupid animal dumped his shit all over my place. But at least, i haven't been alone anymore.

when i turned 12, a werid old man came, he told me to be from some kind of governemental institution and he wanted to bring me to school. i had no choice. i had to take a very very odd train that brought me far away from everything i knew.

since then, i was held as a prisoner / loveboy of some really crazy commune, believing they can do magic.

The worst of all is, that a man i never met before but most likely killed my parents is trying to contact me again and again.

I am scared, but i know, no hero will safe my ass. I must do it by myself, but he keeps trying to kill me.

Your life is easy folks, so cheer up. But I'm the one that will become an hero.

batman is gay

Harry is that you

WTF is this oppression Olympics fuckery

I thought this was real and was gonna tell about my own bad life.

no one should be alone.

Why so serious?

fuck off retard

I almost had a fuckin stroke reading this..

is pic related?
You could always get buff wear a mask join antifa and fuck famnazis. Im sure threesomes are common..

fucking harry potter... come on OP

not that good i know, i will improve.until one day daddy user will be proud of me.

the first three lines give away the ending you autist, nobody's gonna fall for this shit

At least you have a fucking roof over your head and internet access you whiny little bastard.

>i grew up with my uncle who was a real jerk

Get fucked too hard?

You're a wizard Harry.


As well as fail and aids

harry potter tbh


GTFO right now goddamnnnnnn