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>When did this happen?
A few days ago.
jesus h. christ, he starts with a william f. buckley joke
Why the fuck is Norm talking like that? I can barely understand what he's saying half the time
>it's not a lady
>Ah, well it's not THAT at least
>Stephen stepping on Norm's "real jerk" joke so much he just gives up
it's all over youtube, he probably knew about it
More of the best non-podcast podcast in the country. Norm is hilarious.
when he starts comparing cricket to the fucking expos i lost it
>It's a Norm alludes that Eget is a holocaust denier in front of a horrified British person episode.
Welcome back old Norm.
Thank you Jesus.
I love Norm so much
>When I die, I want to be cremated.
>And my ashes spread eagle and FUCKED
He's just the best
Woo Norm is back!!!
>Stephen Merchant
eugh fuck you Norm
Almost as bad as the time he said Amy Schumer was the funniest comedian working today (like in 2013 or some shit after he saw her read roast jokes written by a team of male writers)
I didn't think he could pull off that joke at the end it went on so long but somehow he did it.
All this pedophile shit is killing me.
that type of joke is called a shaggy dog joke and Norm is a master of telling those.
Google norm's moth joke from conan he literally wasted a 6 minute long segment
I think Stephen really threw Norm in this.
This is definitely one of the worst episodes.
>Mfw i realize there was no sponsor comercial on the whole episode
Maybe with that Amazon prime money was more than enough, i'll miss them tho everytime Norm did one along the guest it ended up being funny as shit.
>*genuine spit take*
Best episode
this is fucking amazing. uncensored norm macdonald is a great host
uh oh norm
Stephen Merchant is one of those people who I can't figure out why they're famous.
>tfw you will never get payed in oxy to live in norms house/feed his cat
fuck dude, i want some oxy right now
>Oh American humor huh? Watch me not give a shit, fucking Canadacuck. Independence was a mistake.
Based Merchant being based as always.
I remembered why I respect Norm and realised that Merchant is a pathetic growth of a human
thoroughly enjoyable
there you go
Shouldn't have had Merchant on though, he's not funny. Please don't have Ricky Gervais on either for the same reason.
>There is one other option.
>What's that?
>Have you ever heard of the Queensboro Bridge?
Nice callback to what the Holocaust denier Adam Egret does with punks for $15.
>Shouldn't have had Merchant on though, he's not funny.
>he's not funny.
this is why he's a good guest
you don't want some cunt trying to out do norm with garbage material
stephen is a good guest for norm to play off of
Nice to see the old chunk of coal back.
I kek everytime
Fugg that phrase kind of makes me sad desu.
>Season 3 finally
That was great.
Norm absolutely trolled the fuck out of Merchant.
He saw how awkwardly and obviously he was trying to kowtow to a certain level of political correctness and then just proceeded to give him the most uncomfortable hour of his life. He also repeatedly pricked his ego and visibly upset him.
Fantastic viewing.
This is one of my favourite Norm MacDonald performances. Love how Norm makes fun of it all but the faggots around him are so self-absorbed and self-centered they don't realize it.
Rewatching this for the umpteemth time.
>he's an Arab if it helps!
His recentish standup special is great at well.
That fucking bit about burying the girl in the woods, god damn. I just love Norm's style.
I love how this shows how unfunny KassemG is compared to a real talent. He has no idea what to say and just goes with the "uh heh you're a weird guy aren't you buddy haha" routine.
Couldnt stop laughing for the first half hour. I love how Norm doesnt stay on anything too long, just enough to get something funny out of it and move on to another topic.
why is Norm so based?
I love what he did here, but it's fairly obvious everyone there knows exactly what he was doing. They aren't self-absorbed, they're just slaves to the script (and paycheck).
All the stars are here.
Acid tonged A-rab
Seriously Kassem G and Jenny Slate were painfully unfunny.
I love how he does another spit take after Norm says "Chicken, Steak, has never tasted so good!"
I gotta get this if the whole thing is just a bunch of Norm stories, I can hear his voice perfectly