Here is the pinnacle of liberalism

Here is the pinnacle of liberalism.

Wow, you found 6 liberal douchebags and we pan to the thousands of virulently hateful bile spewing racist, ignorant conservatives preaching death and discrimination on a daily basis fucking everywhere.

That's not liberalism. Those guys are progressives. Some weird fucked up branch.
Conservatives in the U.S. are liberalists too.

I like how liberals like to pretend to argue by pulling the "YEAH WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS GROUP" Card. It's cute how you try to act grown up by using big words.

Nah, this is



Please see yourself out. We're here discussing the issues neoliberals cause by being uneducated prick babies. Much like yourself.

One problem at a time, child. We'll deal with all the Fauxzis once we get a handle on the sheep believing the Sorors narrative.

This, I wish the American right would pull their dicks out of their cousins long enough to learn about politics.

>stereotyping people
This is why Trump won.

Well, when you have to cherry pick one and the other is freely available particularly all over this site, I'd say it's a fair comparison faggot.

I'm gonn have to agree with this post. The amount of hypocrisy of the right on this site is staggering. I'm a leftie, but I don't lump all Trump supporters into the same camp just because of an extremely rare Trump supporter that may actually be bigoted or engage in incest.

>hits the mostly liberal houston
>the one place in texas were a significant number of people voted hillary
Liberals are so stupid, I swear.

those libtards are frothing at the mouth so badly that they somehow deluded themselves into thinking that houston voted for trump

I gaged

0/10 bait

Well it affected like 55 counties so

You could replace liberal with alt-right and there we go. Both sides are fucking stupid. I don't even know why I'm in this thread.

>hope whites die
>fuck white people
>whites are so stupid

Yet the minute they need help they immediately turn to the white man for handouts. Fucking hypocrites.

It proves how stupid liberals are, regardless

you murricunts are sick

I'm not saying to ignore the problems on the right, I'm saying stop using the rights behavior as justification for the actions and attitudes of people like OP pic

Who is doing that?

Just follow the comment chain and read it again slower my dude.

>I don't have an argument so I'm just gonna tell you to read what I wrote again

We aren't, it's our progressives that are sick.

But he actually states who is doing this, user. Just read the thread chain.

Except no one in this thread is and if they were it would be easy to just quote it, but since you're full of shit you won't.

The problems you murricans have will only ever end the moment you acknowledge that both extremes of the spectre are dumb as shit, cancerous ideologies that end up being the same but with another targeted group for hate.
It's human nature I guess, it's the same down here in Ecuador where we get these goats gobbling the ex-president's dick and excusing his party's blatant corruption because "the prior administrations were also corrupt".

Since when did progressive become a catch-all term for left wing extremism? Do you know what progressive means?

>thousands of virulently hateful bile spewing racist, ignorant conservatives preaching death and discrimination on a daily basis fucking everywhere.

you could have just said muslims and not typed out all that shit

dear alt left libetards,

nyet nigger

the fucking US of A. Most of us russians are laughing our ass off. the downfall begins now and we helped. Stories will be written for 1000 years.

US joining the Roman Empire, British Empire, the Czars.

Reps in the rust belt and Dems in the cities that matter, fighting each other. It's too fucking perfect.

Gee I thought he won because the right people voted for him?

Protip: these people aren't liberals. They're what actual liberals refer to as "regressive-leftists".

True liberals do not support censorship or wish death on their political,opponents. These are just dipshits co-opting the left, much like Trumptards and the Alt-right co-opted the right.