I see a lot of you MDE newfags posting a lot on here these days without respecting the classics so i have compiled a...

i see a lot of you MDE newfags posting a lot on here these days without respecting the classics so i have compiled a list of all MDE CORE vids that you should watch if you call yourself a fan, some videos were lost when their youtube channel got banned and shut down a few years ago

essential entry level MDE core:

level 1: the thanks computer videos

level 2: all of the KSTV videos (bonus points if you actually donated on the kickstarter and got a clown shirt)

level 3: the standup comedy of all the members

level 4: the livestreams / andrew ruse youtube channel / frank yang collab videos

level 5: bug sports weightlifting channel

Other urls found in this thread:


No thanks. Okay remove this thread OP...

a trigger mlp fag appears

>no smocaine
you can fuck right off


Reminder that Sam Hyde scammed his retarded fans out of their money with promises of t-shirts that they never got. Reminder that he tried the same thing with bronies but that the bronies actually figured out it was a scam and shut his ass down.

Reminder that bronies are LITERALLY more intelligent than the average Sam Hyde fan

thanks, op.

why should anyone who isn't dumb enough to fund random shit on the internet care? i like his comedy, our relationship ends there. don't care if he is a piece of shit.

this such gay, nü male garbage



>using the term nü male unironically


Did they take down the contest video? Does any one have a mirror?

why aren't the vertical phone videos not one of the levels? Those are essential sam viewings , videos like gamer dude , tomb raider , bowl cut ,IMG 6042 , good day today park

How did he do it? Did he GOMAD?

I look like top, I'm a 26 yo virgin and I'm unable to grow chest or facial hair.

all in the pastebin

there were too many to post them directly in the thread unless i make some kind of playlist

blunts and good fresh tap water

>nicks pizza rules
gets me every time

is that the nigga from the papa genos video?

yea he used to be sams twink

holy fuck. nigga went from looking like a 5th grader to a man. i need some of what he's on. tired of looking like a twink.


MDE isn't funny

i bet you're hilarious

Nick is the coolest guy ever

Take it easy man.

Lol, nothing happened but regular growth. He grew facial hair and started lifting.

Lifting makes it easier to grow hair on your face.

>but that the bronies actually figured out it was a scam and shut his ass down.

yeah sam intended to just steal $7500 from people and not get in trouble for it at all

>Lifting makes it easier to grow hair on your face.

wtf are you talking about

What's this guy's name, again? Is this Erick?

This is Andrew Ruse, the director

Oh shit, he actually helped with Surveillance Camera Man 6.

That's pretty cool.

t. bronie

is this kino?

How much is Sam paying you fucks to endlessly promote his shit on Sup Forums? Or do you guys do it for free?
It's almost like you don't know how kickstarters worked then. Keep blindly defending Sam, cuckboy.
High test from lifting means more growth and faster facial hair growth, what's so hard to understand about this?

yeah seriously hed get away with stealing $7500 scot free

his tv show is pretty shit but the youtube stuff is pretty good guess im just a shill for adult swim right?

nice bro science btw

oh so now i see why the channel gets hate, its all from bronies lol

you know that people got their shirts right? and the bronie troll thing was for a video not an outright scam but he made it too obvious so they had to cancel the project

get killed retard

My old roommate got a shirt and it tracked glitter everywhere.


Im looking for the vid of charles in the gym where his eyes & face get all messed up

>American Tom Green
I'll pass.


T shirts were sent out. Brony game was never meant to happen. It was part of a sketch. Triggered bronies are probably the ones that shit up any MDE thread by samefagging the shit out of it with their whining because they get bullied by everyone and everything in their life.

I'm surprised Sam collabed with that Frank Yang chink.

I bought a t shirt it just took like a year to arrive because he went broke trying to get them printed or some shit.

wait what am i supposed to wtach, the pastebin or the op?

what I want to know is, when will nick and/or charls drop the unfunny faggot known as Sam Hyde and go solo where they actually might have some success?

Nick > Charls >>>>>>> Sam

Fuck me sideways, another shill thread


I thought MDE was anti drugs/degeneracy.

Frank Yang is based that's why.


They were smoking in one of the WP episodes. Sup Forums just desperately wants them to be anti-drug.