/bb/ - Big Brother 18

Previously on /bb/: Winner of Part 1 final HoH: Paul
Winner of Part 2 final HoH: TBD

Winner of Part 3 is live on finale

Winner of BB18: Paul or Nicole

>Friday 16th - 8pm EST Possible Memory Lane episode
>Weds 21st - 9:30pm EST Finale
>Weds 28th - 10pm EST Big Brother: Over The Top premiere on All Access

Other urls found in this thread:


stop spoilering the op image ffs


You're demoted from making generals until you learn to stop spoiling the image.

Me and Rachel are in charge of generals now.

does vanessa feel bad for treating steve like shit


She doesn't play the game with emotion
She was bred for this

>spolier image OP is back

bomb squad agreed not to do it anymore

I'm not in the bomb-squad tho



you now realize big dick vic is getting 10x the votes paulie will.


Not anymore you're not.

Why would spoilering the OP image matter to anyone?

I'm slightly worried because on last night's Big Brother After Dark they had a viewer poll where people could vote on who they want to win between the four most popular AFP picks on Twitter (Vic, Day, Natalie, and Tiffany of all people), and somehow Natalie got like 50% of the votes in that poll. Hoping that's just a niche minority exclusive to After Dark. /fit/ Vic deserves it.

its standard general etiquette you piece of shit

james's dream of buying trucks and someone borrowing them and not returning them was about nicole and james


>Tiffany actually has a shot

/tiff/ rides again my brothers.

>James wins the season
>Nat wins AFP

Darkest timeline could come true friends

Honestly, this isn't THAT bad of a final 2. Best social gamer and best UTR strategist. Good season overall with Jerry Springer fights and hot chicks and interesting boots like the Frank butt touching incident.

Every single time that there has been more than 1 vet in the game, a vet has made it to final 2

>Season 7: (obviously)
>Season 13: Rachel
>Season 14: Dan
>Season 18: Either Nicole or James or both

Jesse in season 11 is the only time it didn't happen but he was the only vet.

Moral of the story: if you get on the show and there are Vets, you really need to get them out, but without putting a target on your back

Does she still have a chance after the chimp out?

Its total bullshit that Victor got away with all of his female molestation honestly. If they didn't exaggerate the Nicole footage he could have legit borderline been punched out for doing some of those sneaky grab and hugs.

Everyone gave him a pass though but Frank and Paulie were both blown out of the house.

this isn't one.

As a matter of fact, this is the first thread I've seen someone samefag about being upset.

muh nority!

Yeah, I would put it closer to the lower percentile, but the late game has been fun to watch with constant changing of power and deals.

nice work camera guys

I think it increased her shot if anything since so many cat ladies despise Paulie, so they'd see it as "standing up" to him.

Nicole played along with his flirtyness, not to the extent he has, but still.
Just the other day someone posted a streamable of them jumping around on the beds, Vic was trying to get to her and she was totally playing along, giggling and jumping.
Nicole is a grown woman who could voice displeasure at his advances if she wanted to, but hasn't and has played into them.

quit lying about our boy.

bbad gave them a package

so they would not sleep LOL

Jokers ratings before and after the freakout.

>still below frank


its pretty clear that the catladies are just jealous of showmances that actually fuck eachother


Speaking of cat ladies, Bridgette's sister just uploaded this to her Twitter:


im so in love with her bros

Watching them make sushi is slightly more entertaining than watching them sleep

what a surprise she is a literal catlady

kek true

this is becoming debatable

clearly none of them have ever made sewshi

james is a gringo


Too cute!

Jame's sushi fucking kek

>her cat is named hercules

Wash down that wasabi with champagne

Tried to get some screenshots of the first Jury segment.
Here's the gem of the bunch.

I'm a fucking idiot.
HERE is the gem of the bunch.


Thanks, desu.

This one from last night is BlackPeopleTwitter-tier good


this is so embarrassing

a fitting end to a shit season

Wrong one

Nat nat in those boots just does it for me senpai.

Upped the brightness on this one because it was kind of hard to see.
It's Zakiyah trying not to sneeze while production watches, wary.

>tfw Paulie says Zakiyah has done nothing to Bridgette

lmao this old guy


Bridgebro is in this picture


>Paul to James: "Bridge and Nat, that would have been a scary tag team"
>James: " Oh Yea"
>Paul: "If it were Bridgette, Nat, Bronte, oh man"


Paul is trying so hard to entertain for POP. It's kinda sad

me in the middle

i love friendship time with paul

We share this pain

Paul is the most deserving player left to win at this point imo.

James and Nicole are automatically disqualified for all of their bullshit advantages, and Corey is a close second.

He has played an extremely sloppy game and his lack of knowledge on BB often hurts him, as demonstrated by the past couple of weeks, but he has consistently been able to adapt from falling out of power and has saved himself from tight situations numerous times:
>He's shifted alliances five times this season and has gotten away with it scot free.
>He's managed to have two meat shields in Nicole and Paulie who take the blame for everything.
>He's won as many comps as Victor and yet he's received only a single vote cast against him.
>He's managed to play both gender sides broing down with the boys and being catty with the girls yet neither has blown back on him.

I believe he has the potential to be a truly great player if given the chance to play again, but as of now if he won I would give him a C+/B-


>cat on a leash


paul is definitely the best player this season

It was cool to see how many people were there to film them during the segments.

even julie is rooting for Paul


BBAD pressuring CBS to allow them to talk with the lights off

they paid money for this

Irresponsible cat owner detected.
Get the fuck off of /an/ and go to a vet.

I'd definitely give him the B. I can see Nicole making a decent argument for herself and wouldn't be pissed or anything if she won (James winning would definitely be bullshit, though), but Paul's easily the best of the trio. Him winning while Vic wins AFP would be great.

james is so assimilated

its fascinating

i know its a stupid move, but i hope Paul takes Nic just so James misses out on a guaranteed 50k, and then sees Vic win afp.

>Letting your cat go outside and diminishing it's life span

You and her are irresponsible

based James!

is this the longest they have let people talk in the dark and about personal stuff?

james baby mama confirmed a whore

when it gets down to final 3 they just let them do their thing especially if they aren't talking game.

i think its BBAD related

it will cut to fish in 10 minutes or they will get barked at

damn james got raped


>Scared of a team that literally blew themselves the fuck out with their retarded schemes and lack of loyalty

Does James deserve to win?


lol paul telling nicole to go to bed.

that was cute

He played the most efficient game.


I want to boop Nicole's cute little nose.

>james this fucking cocky
even paul is laughing about it

Is there going to be a survivor general when that starts next week?

There are usually 1 or 2 threads that last until bump limit on the day of a new episode once a week, because there is nothing to discuss after an episode ends. There are no "generals"

watch threads maybe, not generals

So when Bridge gets out should we just flood her twitter with OC?