What was the original meaning of Nazi Punks Fuck Off?

What was the original meaning of Nazi Punks Fuck Off?

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>Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables [I.R.S., 1980]
>I do want there to be more punk rock--I do, I do. I do want there to be more left-wing new wave--really. By Americans--I swear it. But not by a would-be out-of-work actor with Tiny Tim vibrato who spent the first half of the '70s concocting "rock cabaret." Admittedly, I'm guessing, but I'm also being kind--it sounds like Jello Biafra discovered the Stooges in 1977. C+

That Jello thought a certain jock-minded part of the audience who were coming to the shows just to cause trouble were acting like a bunch of Nazis and should fuck off.

they wanted skinheads to stop fucking up the vibe at their shows

>I do want there to be more left-wing new wave--really.
What? Is New Wave considered Right Wing?


No, but I wouldn't say it's an explicitly left-wing genre. It's mostly quite apolitical, certainly compared to punk rock or post-punk.

So he just wants more shit to validate his political opinion?

Yes, Christgau is very much like that

communist degenerates

This. Nothing but useful idiots for globalist elites

14 year old poltard


Even if he is 14, how does it feel to have less sense than a frogposting teenager?

>calls others degenerates
>wears a symbol representing the biggest junkie in WW2

You must love twisting new angles

How does it feel to be a bonehead football hooligan. Oh i forget, you're all mentally retarded psychotics.

Funny thing is they weren't

Keep worshipping those methed-up jackasses buddy

>How does it feel to be a bonehead football hooligan.
>Oh i forget, you're all mentally retarded psychotics.

>shitting on football hooligans, the vast majority of whom traditionally come from poor working class backgrounds with very limited prospects in life
>calling people mentally retarded as an insult

Why are you being so classist and ableist? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Most football holligans in the late 80s were middle class so that's not half as smart as you think it is

Telling nazis to leave their shows pretty much.

>middle class
Not him, but mate, middle class workers are also tools to the powerful.

>Most football holligans in the late 80s were middle class

No they weren't. Not in the 80s, not ever, not anywhere.
Again, why are you shitting on poor and mentally retarded people? What is wrong with you?

Yeah, basically. It's complaining about people that went to punk rock shows just to fuck stuff up, having the political envolvment of a slightly damp towel and just going with the mass culture. It even continues on the whole "start thinking for yourself, jackass" thing for the stanzas that follow it. It's not hard to get the meaning, he's being very direct about it.

t. literally knows nothing about the 80s

You were born in 1999, fuck off.

>Zizek is less intelligent than a 14 year old video game playing frogposter

They go into full denial mode when you bring up how Hitler abused amphetamines like crazy.

Why the fuck are you bringing me into your shitty bait argument?


Zizek is the Michael Moore of contemporary philosophy.
Read some actual philosophy, you lazy, fashion-conscious faggot.

>not being an anarchy-syndicalist
you're all wrong.

Nazi punks fuck off my board.

dont stop a little thing like being wrong stop you

>anarchy not anarcho


imagine going through life this stupid.

follow your leader, shoot yourself like adolf hitler

>analytic philosophy

The state of American politics is some truly sad shit.

>this same picture posted over and over
no (you) for you, faggot
>Everyone RT this, it really annoys leftists.

Open a book faggot

nazi punks in need to be told to fuck off


We /ancap/ now

Better this than

This. Fuck Drumpfy McLittlehands AND also white "people".



Hehehe you're all cuck nu-males and I'm an alpha jock watching Stephan Molyneux videos!!

hello I also hate white people fellow leftist :DDD


Telling him to fuck off

Two images posted by virgins who fap to anime just debunked years of theory by Marx and Engels wtf I hate communism now

Can we stop using Nazi Punk Fuck Off to talk about politics in a very shallow way on Sup Forums ?

It works, always.

Are commies actually this fucking dumb open ANY history book

Read a book

I'm not a commie, I'm just allergic to retards posting on a fucking anime board disregarding decades of philosophical and economic research.

Inb4 socialism killed 43634683465 gazillion people worse than Hitler :(((((((((

>graph doesn't show the 50 odd years before 1970
>not sourced

>unironic communists on Sup Forums
This board is dead

He's not a Nazi, he's just a lonely guy who wants friends. Don't pick on him



>what was the cold war
Mother of fuck the worms already ate your brain

>radical sudden change in government causes no chaos

Well that convinced me user

>unironically posting zyklon ben cartoons
this board is dead

ITT: Shallow "discourse" by edgy 18 year old virgins whom haven't read a single book in their life. No, mangas don't count.

What's Voyakutd?

t. teenager who wears Che Guevara shirt in Starbucks

I read The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka that's a book

This but unironically
I think the user modified the original cartoon

Just that really, you don't have to be left-wing to understand how annoying it is to be performing a song with a bunch of edgy-looking pricks gurning at you like they're going to bash your head in over the smallest fucking stanza.

that's a novella user
also read the trial and the castle, they're both great

Should I rec you some lefty theory books?