Does anyone else identify with Bojack Horseman a bit too much?
Does anyone else identify with Bojack Horseman a bit too much?
I think that's the point
I'm happy for you
At times, yes.
I bitch and moan about something I want, how it will complete me, etc. I was really sick with bipolar and addiction in 2013 and all I wanted to do was go back to college, that was ALL I WANTED! In 2014 I went back to community college and had a blast and graduated top of my class.
Just started at University. It's hard, but I'm happy...but not like the happy I thought I would be. Depression fucking sucks.
No, I'm not a horse.
I don't know, it's like someone took every characteristic about myself and made it into a tv show. It makes me feel more depressed than I already am, but I can't stop watching it.
If you do, you should get your life together and stop moaning all the time.
1 out of 3
I think I identify with him a relatively good amount. I'm hella depressed and emotionally dead, but I haven't yet tried to fuck an underage girl
I'm in the same boat. Thinking of going back to university myself. I don't know what I want. Truly I want to continue pursuing acting because it's the only thing that makes me happy (besides drugs and alcohol)
I don't know what I want
>le depression is real meme
jesus fuck why do i still go to this board
And you never will if you sit around expecting it to come to you.
because you're edgy
Reminder that depression is a choice
I don't though, I'm always pursuing what I want but it's never enough. Maybe I need to do it more than I already am? I'm too afraid of committing to something full-time
Here's your (You)
and an excuse to act like a degenerate
>he thinks being sad and awkward is 'depression'
If you're afraid to fail and go outside your comfort zone, then you're pretty much going to be in the same place forever.
>listening to depressing music
>watching a depressing tv show
>working a depressing job
>not choices
You're right. Thankyou.
We all went through a down period
Some come out on top.
The weak don't.
Depression has always been a meme.
Anyone who thinks they identify with bojack is lying to themselves.
What makes you think you can't identify with him on an emotional level rather than a circumstantial one?
The only thing Bojack has in common with anybody who "identifies" with his character is the fact that he's just plain unlikeable
Some people go though fucked up shit they can't get over, you can't compare that to you getting the blues for a couple of weeks in highschool.
I did in that I spent two years deep in alcoholism, but it ruined me financially. Circumstances and emotional reasons for alcoholism were also different. I can, at the very least, identify with being a self loathing alcoholic.
If you mean when I look at my horsedick then yeah all of the day bro.
There are some people like that you know.
hey you identify with parts of him as youre supposed to and the fact that we're uncontented with our lives is a pretty common theme for most people
thus we relate, and they take the being a self destructive asshole overboard more than a normal person would do to make you empathize more with him because you already believe yourself to be like him
Jesus christ
Yes, we identify with Bojack Horseman. It's been established a thousand times before
no you sick freak fuck
Thanx, I rarely come on Sup Forums and mostly browse Sup Forums but love to talk about some depression and bojack!
Everyone gets a (you)
I think one of the main reasons why I like Bojack is that I'm 33 and can identify with the Jadedness. That is the thing that is KILLING me right now.
I beat bipolar (it's been under control for 3 years with a stable medicine regiment and therapy sessions), have been in recovery (NA meetings) for my alcohol and pill addiction for 3 years, went back to school, did all these things, and shit still went south.
Had a girlfriend for a year and a half, my first in recovery, still blew it because I'm difficult to be in a relationship with. I've never cheated, been abusive or whatever, but I've been in over a dozen long term relationships, one failed marriage, one failed engagement, and it's not like I do some terrible thing that breaks them all apart.
I just see Bojack as this extension of myself. He bitched and moaned all season one about coming off as an asshole and not doing anything relevant. Season 2, he FINALLY gets his dream job of playing the role in a movie he always wanted to, and it still sucked. Season 3 he is riding the oscar hype train but who gives a fuck?
I battled bipolar, addiction, did my best to stop being the asshole I was in my 20's, but its still just me there. Just fucking me. No matter how much sex I have, how many degrees I get, how many days I remain clean, how many letters I get to put next to my name, how many people I help when I become a Therapist, how many pounds I lose, how many songs I create and albums I record, how many charity runs I do, it's just me in the end and I just don't care much anymore. I'll continue in school, continue music, continue dating and having sex, continue trying to find God, but life looks more and more like 1's and 0's every day.
I've been severely depressed for many years and even I agree to an extent.
didnt read lol
kill yourself
>using lol
Lost thanks you cured my depression
for a brief moment
I was the dude that wrote the long post and I even laughed at this for like a minute straight
Bojack is emotionally compelling for people who don't read books.
your autism is showing