Some are called "God"

>Some are called "God"
>Some are called "King"
>Only free are called "Hero"
>Gamera noises.

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How badly are they nerfing Godzilla to try and make this seem plausible?

I still don't see how they're going to get over the size difference, King Kong is tiny compared to American Kaiju, he is literally fed on fuck you and freedom.

Who would win

200 King Kongs vs 1 Gojira

Dicks out for Kong

Kong 100ft tall
Godzilla 350ft tall

how can the ape even compete

>nerfing Godzilla
you mean buffing king kong?

Did you watch the Skull Island trailer? He's huge.

>Kong set up in the 70's
>fight is 2020

Skull island, he was but a prince.

Kongs gonna snap that lizard in half

You know, alot of people say that it would be impossible to hide Kong

Counter point

what if Kong in this version actually is a spiritual beast that the tribe thinks it is, instead of just a large monkey; this way he can appear and disappear at will and survive off of 1 sacrifice per ritual.

God I used to play Rampage all the time

They made King Kong Godzilla size in Skull Island. It's a bit silly honestly.

In that case how can Godzilla even do shit to it?

It must be because the only way it worked originally is because he was hiding on an island

Godzilla works because usually he is at the bottom of the ocean. So they're going just going to have this massive ape walking around and nobody notices? In a world with satellites?

Like they wouldn't have a million boats circling the island its on like a bad tourist trap

what if skull island has a real big hole in it and king kong just hangs out in there all the time

Maybe that could be the central conflict? A monster born of modern science vs a spiritual being of the old world? Could be interesting if that's how they go with it.

Kong is going to try that jaw breaking thing and Godzilla is going to cough up atomic breath in his face, and the audience will laugh

what if Skull island is just designated Monster Island.

does the movie really take place in the 70s do they say that in the trailer i must have missed it

and then Kong goes "SOMEBODY needs a breath mint!"

Well couldn't it be possible he has been shrouded in trees and caves?

We don't know the full story, he may have grown exponentially within the couple years.

>godzilla is big as the biggest skyscrappers

>thinks trees are going to block that out

>a large moving black object in broad daylight

What? It would stick out like a sore thumb.

apelet desu

Could be a cool way to bring Mothera in. Have her be in the same pantheon of gods as Kong

'Cause he's fucking Godzilla you nerd.

I like this idea. That's why you'll never be able to work in Hollywood

>yfw another monster shows up halfway into the movie and Godzilla and Kong have to team up to fight it

>Mothra descends from the skies while a guitar riff plays
>Kong and Godzilla turn to each other
>"Is she with you?"
>"I thought she was with you"

The military material shown heavily suggests tail end of Vietnam era, early 80s at the latest. The uniforms and Hueys are the giveaway.



>"I need to save MOTHRA"
>"Why did you say that name?"

>Godzilla: You're letting them kill Mothra...
>Kong: What does that mean? Why did you say that name?
>Godzilla: Find him... Save Mothra...
>Kong: Why did you say that name? Mothra? Why did you say that name? WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!

Cut that shit out right now.

where have I seen this again?

Nobody tell him!


Kong is confirmed to be 100ft. Not even as tall as KKvG Kong. The only way I see it as a fair fight is if Kong fights a baby/junior Godzilla

Le Martha Bvs jokes

and then I will laugh

They'll give him preptime.


Original Godzilla was only around 160ft. Given the fact that he's slow moving with useless T-Rex arms and King Kong is a dexfag, it might not be that big a mismatch.

Godzilla can just spam fireball and win.

A godzilla sized king kong just doesnt look right. I know that godzilla is also impossible to exist irl, but this really sticks out more when it is just an oversized gorilla

*slices Godzilla in half with a building*

tch... nothin personnel... kid...

pure kino

I don't think this will ever stop bringing me joy.

I wonder how this first started and why.

this will never not be hilarious

depends on whether it's at megawelter, or a catchweight

kong has been rolling with eddie bravo lately, and can probably catch gojira in something if he gets mission control

>"I don't see how that's a party."


When they make the inevitable Western Gamera remake, I just hope they're able to preserve the legendary Gamera theme song.

that sounds really shit user

I can't wait for Harambekino

Why aren't there any helicopters or destroyed buildings in this picture? It looks like they just shooped gohzeera and harambe into Manhattan with a fake sunrise

>Go to Skull Island. Meet with the Great Apes. There is a young Silverback among them. His father, Harambe, was a good Gorilla. His son may grow to be a great one.
>What is his name?
>He is known in the wild as King. His true name, you must discover for yourself.

I just came at the thought of a Godzilla-sized werewolf in a kino.

Oh boy! Another 2+ hour movie about CGI things smashing up a CGI city!





>mourn them

hmm really makes you think user

That's some trees considering he's taller than skyscrapers. Id rather think caves or something.


joe pls go