3x3 thread. Movies or TV shows, doesn't matter. Rate and hate.
Make yours here: bighugelabs.com
3x3 thread. Movies or TV shows, doesn't matter. Rate and hate.
Make yours here: bighugelabs.com
do you like a serious man OP?
Get some fucking taste.
Never seen it.
Is this memebait?
yep it's memebait
watch a serious man, it's the only coen bros film i really like
>fucking Face/off
you are my nigger OP
My brother and I had this cycle where we'd just go through 90s movies until our fucking eyes bled.
>The Rock
>Con Air
>US Marshals
>Broken Arrow
>Terminator 2
>Many others
I'm confident I've seen each of those at least 100 times.
Not bad
Oh god don't fucking reply to these threads, same thing happened with Sup Forums and it turned into a daily "oh my taste is better than yours" type of gig. It is seriously just a honeypot for tripfags and samefags circlejerking each others tastes.
>tripfags and samefags circlejerking each others tastes.
Neither has happened yet. Why are you afraid of discussion? Jesus Christ.
These threads have been on the board longer than you've been on the site my friend
>Neither has happened yet
Actually it has many times
>Actually it has many times
I meant that neither has happened in this thread.
on this thread tho?
i hate when redditors do this. how are wesupposed to know the movie titles?
Can we get some serious replies, for Christ's sake? This shit is literally unidentifiable.
if you can't recognize la dolce vita or andrei rublyov what the fuck are doing here?
lel you can't even recognize a garrel flick
>having to ask for titles
>not recognizing every single film in existence based on a screenshot
wew lads
also fuck you OP with your cancer facebook taste
we get it you think your art house taste is superior while you sit by the fireplace in your turtleneck with a buttplug up your ass. if you werent such redditors you would help people discover the titles of your reddit grids
says the guy who likes scarface lmao
im not OP but yeah scarface is an ok movie
Since people seem to be asking
Naked, Woman in the Dunes, Inland Empire
Performance, El Sur, Koyaanisqatsi
Diary of a Country Priest, Werckmeister Harmonies, The Third Part of the Night
Simon of the Desert, (can't tell, what is it?), La Dolce Vita
Andrei Rublev, Mudar de Vida, El Sur
La Religieuse, Orgullo, A River Called Titas
Nice picks