Trump & Bernie Sanders are victorious in Oregon primary, Clinton wins Kentucky by a nose, Democrats face revolt with latest Sanders win, Trump list his Supreme Court list, Obama & Dept of Labor give new overtime rules (more Leftist anti-business rules), Mitt Romney ends recruiting efforts for an independent candidate, Hillary Clinton surrogate & former Gov. of Pennsylania Ed Rendell say Trump won't win because "probably more ugly women in America than attractive women," Jeb Bush claims Trump's taco bowl tweet was like "Eating a watermelon and saying - I love African Americans," Senate passes bill to allow victim 9-11 to sue Saudi Arabia, NATO conducts military excersises by Russian border, U.S. Special Forces are now in Libya and Venezuela's crisis-hit hospitals where 7 babies die a day. Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!
Get in here fruitbowls.