PROTIP: if you prefer left over right you don't belong here and should go back to rёddit.
PROTIP: if you prefer left over right you don't belong here and should go back to rёddit
PROTIP: if you prefer right over left you don't belong on this earth and you should just fuck off and die
I'll go with the legal one.
>that look in moleface's eyes that she knows she's no longer relevant
If you prefer right then YOU should gobl back to rêddit as you are a numale liberal cuck because Jordyn Jones is a nigger lover. KYS.
>No ass
>No curves
What's the appealing?
>inb4 thigh pussy
>tfw always conflicted when this thread is posted
not really a wew jordyn poster sorry
Not everyone needs to share your taste, Sup Forums is not an extension of your criteria and you should definitely grow the fuck up and leave the muh secret clubhouse mentality behind because posts like yours look more and more like a mental illness every time.
What did he mean by this?
Left!! You can't even see the dude on the right's face.
elder god waifu reporting in
Hey newfig
I'd shit on you for not preferring the blonde, but it's obviously a dye, and I can't make out her eye color.
I've been here since 2009 you tryhard fuck, not everyone here is pedo scum.
Now this is something I can fap to.
they're both legal in where i live
If I could perform cunnilingus on Lia just once, my life would not have been in vain
Is this CP?
wow such and oldfag, epic.
If you've been on Sup Forums any amount of time you would know this is a bot thread
It's clearly a pepperoni pizza not cheese pizza
Fucking pedo scum
Why does she have such disgusting finger nails?