XXXTentacion debut album hype thread

1. Jocelyn Flores
2. Depression & Obsession
3. Revenge
4. Save Me
5. Dead Inside (Interlude)
6. Fuck Love [feat. Trippie Redd]
7. Orlando
8. Ayala (Outro)


>“If you listen to me to get hype or to not think, don’t buy this album. This one is for the depression, for the depressed ones, for the lost ones.”

I gotta good feeling about this album.

XXX is fucking hot topic-tier soundcloud trap.

It's like crunkcore but with no self-awareness.

>Depression & Opression


aren't you too young for this website?

People like X and Lil Peep are the future of emo music. Get over it.

fuck this cry baby faggot. This kid makes emo bands look alpha

Doesn't mean it's good user!

Just imagine how insufferable /mu would be after release. I mean even more then now

>8 tracks that are probably like 2min long

bravo xxxmanlet

exactly this

I can't tell if this is bait, or summerfag post.

he let the fame go to his head and he made the album too quick
I'll just keep listening to bones

Shit, I thought it was "Depression & Obsession"
the song is good though

>listening to nigger manlets

It is Depression & Obsession.

>Dead Inside (Interlude)

Holy shit that's fucking hilarious.

>Bipolar depression by that I'm affected
>My manager cousin likes kids to have sex with
>I love beating women just like I'm John Lennon
>The devil's my daddy I'll kill all you peasants
>Slave owners were Christians and forced it on slaves
>I see their descendants when I'm on the stage
>Your ancestors stopped mine from learning the truth
>You Christians can't stop me from learning the truth

What incredible and thoughtful lyricism the teen suicide rate is sure to reach an all time low

How can anyone possibly take someone who looks like that seriously

>>I love beating women just like I'm John Lennon

Woah, how did he get away with this?

no one takes him seriously


Imagine being that attractive but then only growing to 5'6"


i'm glad i'm just ugly


he's objectively handsome

Lil peep is miles better than X

he has tattoos on his eyes, a fucking elephant on his neck, and unwashed disgusting MULTICOLOR dreadlocks. he's hideous. i would say he could be attractive if he cut off the greaselocks but he has tattoos on his face and an elephant on his neck so unfortunately it wouldn't matter.

You're lying to yourself if you don't think he is.

>Good, strong jawline
>Cute eyes
>Even face
>Nice, full lips
>Almost perfect eyebrows
>Normal nose
>Normal ears

Remove his tattoos and give him a none anime hairstyle then he'd be at least a 9

>Remove his tattoos
you can't do this, so none of that matters.


>What is laser removal

C'mon man. His tattoos are already faded as fuck so it wouldn't be hard to laser them off

>Remove his tattoos and give him a none anime hairstyle then he'd be at least a 9
he won't do neither so nope, the "what if" won't apply

as he is now, he isn't attractive

>laser removal
there's a reason people tell you to be sure you want something on your body forever when you get a tattoo. if laser removal can't even fully remove acne scarring how the fuck do you think it's going to completely remove tattoos that have been there long enough to have faded?

I can see it now...
>XXXTENTACRUEL's debut album drops
>Sup Forums in a shitposting frenzy
>among the people ironically fellating it are a host of underagefags who actually think it's a great album
>1 or 2 weeks later, the melon review goes up
>Strong 6 to Strong 7
>the message is sent to every Sup Forumstant's skull through the melonwaves
>wtf Sup Forums likes XXXTENTACLEPORN now


Would you hold his hand, Sup Forums?

But the picture you attached just proved you wrong?


Emo rap will not be a thing


>painted nails

Why do nu-rappers do this?

I bet he loves dick in his ass

sage and report shill threads

here i circled it for you

Because they're emo

(((((they))))) want to normalize black culture such as abusing women

It's called having multiple sessions

you can keep believing in your delusions that tattoos are easily removed. regardless, like the other guy said, he won't even attempt to remove them. therefore he is a 2/10 regardless of whatever "potential" you think he has. he's also black which is a deal breaker for many people.

Stop lying to yourself

tattoos on the face makes you a 2/10 or worse.
an elephant on the neck is so fucking stupid i don't even know how many points to detract.

What a fucking pleb

Even with the tattoos though, he still has an aesthetically pleasing face. You're acting like his full face is completely covered

>tattoos on the face makes you a 2/10 or worse.
nah they make you look like a gangster, women dig that


Entry level bad taste but that's what I expect from him

This genre is 100% image. They make shit music but you get to pretend you're hip and with the times by saying you like this nu-rap shit. The edginess is cringy.

i think we're listening to the aoty right here desu

You're acting like an attractive face is going to matter when there are tattoos on it, and elephant on his neck, half-and-half dreadlocks, apparently the words "kill me dead" tattooed into his hands, painted nails, and likely all kinds of other ridiculous socially unacceptable shit. Sure, some crazy fucks and crackwhores are going to like that, but on the "normal person" scale, he's completely unapproachable much less attractive. Literally as repulsive as trilby+trenchcoat.

You're wrong.

If anything, it's the opposite. Even "regular" girls would still be attracted to him because he looks edgy and has the bad boy look.
The only thing that would make him less attractive in their eyes is the fact he's only 5'6"

hey look, i have anecdotes too!

>Even "regular" girls
teenagers maybe. this is almost the exact same thing as when screamo was in, or that "crunkcore" trash, except instead of pasty white nerds acting like retards it's a short black nerd acting like a retard.

It's 2017, dude. No one cares if someone has tattoos on their face. Stop living in the 90's

screamo has never been "in" lol

born after 2000 confirmed.

>8 tracks including an interlude and an outro


do you know what screamo actually is?

lol keep cryin white boi

>Teenagers maybe.
Well duh, I don't expect 40 year old women to see him and be like "He's so hot"
Like I said, stop living in the past

both of y'all are wrong. it's literally cus he has clout. that's it

lol 2 bad for u niggerboi u'll never be as successful as these /objectively/ attractive ubermenchen.


none of them are as good looking as xxx, even without the meme hair

No it's not

They're ugly as fuck compared to XXX

kiss me

>none of them are as good looking as xxx
but i can guarantee you that each and every one of them has had more sex than xxx by 10x at least. but not with normal or respectable people; with degenerates, teenagers, and other trash.

i don't know what you're not understanding about this. xxx is ugly and he will always be ugly for as long as he continues to dress and act like a retard. the demographic he appeals to doesn't care about that. just like the cucks from brokencyde, or the freaks from bring me the horizon.

Huge pleb



this dork said evanescence was a legit inspiration

>8 songs, 26 minutes


>XxxMidget hype thread
>Nobody's hyped

Just delete your Four Channel account, OP

because they don't have fathers to teach them gay from straight


Even if X's stuff ranges from "just okay" to shit, I want him to be successful just to help kill the current trap scene and hopefully influence some better artists who can do his schtick but better.

Lol is he even tall enough to see the mixing board?

wings > pizza

peep is embarrassing

he's a lot more self-aware than x

X is pretty self aware. He's just into dark shit and has a pretty big ego




how's it not because of his clout? legit thots are thirsty for clout, that's why they go sleeping around with niggas. even fatboysse can get hoes

Because even without the music he's still attractive. Fatboysse isn't

sounds like the 2000s again

This is why mu is the worst board. Glorification of true degenerates but pretending to be alpha.

those previews are terrible. Literally high school talent show tier

I've got my Akatsuki headband and sharingan contacts ready.

*runs with arms behind me*

Is Ugly God the hero we need?

Also why are short dudes usually more handsome than behemoths.

>the hero we need?

That would be based Aminé

>The booty tape
>23 minutes
>filled with old songs

Stunning and Brave.