ITT: we try to find sauce for this lovely trap and also Trap thread

ITT: we try to find sauce for this lovely trap and also Trap thread



thats a shop dumbass use your eyes

Thankfully not an actual trap.

damn, thats dissapointing
well, /thread

teresa cazabon, also known as ramune.
has a vagina

her name is ramune. that's a shop. she doesn't have a penis





Hot and has a cute face. More pl0x

When you finnaly find a qt3.14 trap and he turns out to be a girl.

100% photoshopped.

Its photoshopped dum fum

how about no you fucking photoshopping faggot

>trying to glorify a mental disorder
kys faggot piece of shit

What a complete waste. We warned him and he went and did it anyway but we got nothing good to fap to after he crashed and burned.


