Which one should I join?

Which one should I join?

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Your not a NAZI are you? Because we PUNCH NAZIS. NO EXCEPTIONS.



you also punch yourselves because your a bunch of beta autists who happened upon your parents stash of soda in the fridge


i have never seen a nazi, how do i spot them and where do they live? is this from a fiction / hisory book? I dont understand

It sounds like you need to be fucking murdered for your opinion.

None. Don't let a fucking organization dictate your beliefs. Go to protests that you're passionate about.

Neither. Think for yourself. Dont be a sheep

Are you a Trump supporter? Against Hillary? Against Socialsim? Against Communism? Against SJWs? Then you support Nazis, and that makes you a Nazi and we punch Nazis.

About 28% of the country is Nazis. I'm sure you've seen a few.


if you're a retard it won't matter, if you're not an easily manipulated pawn then don't join either and do something productive

If you don't like proud minority's raping female police officers, then your a Nazi, and we punch Nazis. You need to die.

Using pepper spray on someone like that is felony assault.

only siths deal in absolutes

Found the Nazi! PUNCH HIM! PUNCH HIM!

Join the one that has beliefs which align with your beliefs.


No you need to take directives and orders from others, its called being selfless. Your own common sense lead you to become a NAZI.

The Alt right of course

What does antifa do with gay black nazis?


Just go on your shooting spree on one player mode, aim for the high score and then an hero

Both are shit. Can't wait for them to take each other out, like 2017 Bum fights. Retard v Retard.

Uncle Tom, Self Hating blacks need to be punched.

we murder the filthy uncle Tom

"Your opinion is bad in my eyes so you are a nazi"
good work user keep up the faggotry


what you do is shit, what you stand for is shit, and not any of those things (social,communist and/or trump) will ever be a humain manner in living all together. There are ways in wich we can live in harmony without kapital suffering. But for that you will have to start reading you little angry douche

yes my english is bad, its because i dont speak it.

Neither, but don't be afraid to punch a nazi.

neither, if you have no clear position observe until you understand


You don't punch shit, stfu.

I've said it many times and I'll say it until everyone is red pilled on this whole polarization shit.

"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right." Neither one of them are worth the oxygen they waste. Neither of them represent the nation, or the majority for that matter.


Obvious b8 thread but still a good point(s)

read this

Yeah, read the file name faggot.

read these

Cry more I guess?

Neither, if you don't want to be a pussy.

Think for yourself and don't buy into any ideology. Dipshit


>defends antifa
>uses hate speech
does this mean you have to destroy your own garbage can?

but the file name is wrong
if you think that's fixed you're retarded

kek so please start doing that.
Your president is white.
Blacks follow the law of the government, therefore they are owned by a white man.
This means they are Uncle Tom.
Please kill Uncle Tom.

>It's only hate speech if he really sucks dicks

>If your opinion is different than mine you're wrong
hmm are you sure it's only antifa playing that game?

I love this.

Nazis do not exist today. The brave men and women who fought them in the 1940s ended the Nazis. You people are dumb and mad. Fuck every one of you. You will never make a change. You only make yourselves look bad. You are wannabe revolutionaries. You're a bunch of fucking crybabies and you act like children.

I'm not part of either side I honestly think you're a pathetic group of ingrates who are causing the REAL victors against Nazism to roll in their graves with your self righteous arbitrary BULLSHIT. Literally fucking kill yourself. Do the world a favor. You cause more problems than you solve.

Leaving the thread now so your replies will not be read. I won't waste any more time than I wasted writing this on any of you morons.

Join the Alt-Mid.
Let's kill everybody.

If you're white and are tired of the consumerism and decadence of the modern liberal order? Alt right.

Antifa folks are sexual deviants with severe anti-social personality traits trying to out do each other

If you're the average Sup Forums tard who wants to fuck trannies and throw your own shit at people? Antifa.


become radically indecisive

depends on how much money you earn. if you are a jobless loser living with your parents, antifa is the way to go. if you earn good money and can work hard or plan on doing so, and want a strong, united country, join the right. the alt-right isn't really a thing. I've never really gotten a good definition for it. it seems like a label used to brand anyone who's not a libtard or neo-con and affiliate them with actual neo-nazis of which there are very few nowadays.

>Antifa folks are sexual deviants
you fucking bigot

just because they are literally shit-eating cucks doesn't mean theyre deviants

Neither, they're both loonies & idiots.

So National Socialism? SIEG HEIL!

Do you like cuckolding? if you say yes> Antifa
If you say no>Alt right
If you are alpha>Natsoc.

If you're alt left or alt right you should hang yourself after killing your family so your inferior genes and defunct brains can't spread.

neither, they are both equally retarded

If it ain't white, it ain't right. Sorry pal.

Western Civilization is white Civilization.

Jesus Christ, you're dumb.

To oppose what made western civilization great is suicide.

If it ain't white, it's probably not inbred.

Just join neither, buy some popcorn and enjoy their show.

Go home race traitor.

fuck antifa. i don't really care about politics and voted for hillary and I went to a berkely protest to see check out the chaos and they fucking pepper sprayed me and my friend because I had a "nazi" haircut. We went and told the police and they told us they couldn't do anything about it.

Kek have fun starving faggot


Neither they both contain arseholes.

They are essentially groups that give stepping stones to the very far left and right.

They are both scum, and they are a blight on nations and their resources.

actually, inbreeding is more common among aboriginals and Muslims than it is among whites. but you know, stereotypes lmao xD, right?


No idea where this shit graph came from, but I can tell you the UK is not that far right or authoritarian.

Yeah because she knew his backstory and that he was an immigrant while he was raping and killing her. Great logic. I don't really want immigration but this is fucking stupid

sweden is beyond fucked. unfortunately some countries must go down as martyrs to show people what really happens when you allow idiotic leftists to run thins.

Race traitors will die first. No matter which race you are.

Go back

Troll thread but you get more pussy in antifa

neither you fucking sheep.

your police is monitoring hate speech on the internet lol

>implying those who oppose nazis are on an equal moral plane as nazis

>Yeah because she knew his backstory and that he was an immigrant
He was black and almost certainly couldn't speak fluent swedish. She's fucking dumb, but I doubt she was that dumb. rip.

I refuse to believe this is true, no one is this retarded

Ahh the olde population rubbish again.

Remember that crime is actual crimes and not perhaps there will be a crime.

You will cry and say "but blacks are more likely yadda yadda", but that is not how it works, only the ignorant people of the world would use that as an excuse.

But you forgot one important thing, out of total arrests/crime, White crime still comes out on top, in fact they come out on top in all but 4 sections of crime.

And before you start doing the typical crying post and blaming me for being a liberal or a fascist, or whatever you are against. Let me tell you I am not, and I don't use fantasy stats to view other groups of people.

>Be black male in Sweden
>Be not an immigrant
You're a fucking moron user
>Native black people in Sweden
Ah yes how could I forget about the proud viKANG history.

Economically it still is. Socially probably getting degenerate.

>Troll thread but you get more pussy in antifa
thisbitches love low t effeminate males afraid to show their faces fighting against free speech and beating minority Trump supporters in packs.


Yeah I guess what would mostly go through my head is oh shit I'm getting raped lol
Also ok yeah there are no native blacks in sweden? Sure

>Implying stomping all over people who disagree with you about politics makes you anti-fascist


It isn't "monitoring" it is getting reported, because hate speech is a crime in the UK. You know what else they "monitor" drunk drivers, paedophiles on file, etc Guess monitoring them means the UK is authoritarian?

Notice how your own logic just failed you.

It is a graph, never heard of a scatter graph before?

Looks like someone doesn't know shit and is opening their mouths again.

Yes. There are no native blacks in Sweden. Black people are from Africa , user. Not sweden.

It's really a simple thing.

Are you a Nazi, a bit of a cuck or a permavirgin? Yes? Alt-right. You get to blame jews and niggers and muslims for your personal failings. Alt-right does not believe in personal responsibility.

Do you kill Nazis as is the god-given right to all red-blooded men? Yes? Antifa.

So if they are so effeminate, why then are trumpettes getting their asses constantly handed to them?

Alt Right, Antifa hates all white people. Join your white brethren against the antifa terrorists.

youre already in alt right idiot

liberalism is a mental disorder, so yes, they are that retarded.

oh my god. and look at this:


No it's a fucking political compass you absolute mongoloid

you should join Sup Forums faggot!