Nationalities of Euro girls you hooked up with map

Nationalities of Euro girls you hooked up with map

Considering large amount of virgins here, making out also counts (paint it red)

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tfw no gf


>hooking up
found your problem.

Only France, and only because I actively pursue French girls for that goddamn accent

come on guys...come on
not even kissing with your countrygirls?

kek nice. I just recently slept with a Croat girl (my current gf) otherwise it would also be red. I'm just far more relaxed/better around foreign girls... money for travelling is the problem unfortunatelly


French accents are god awful

>I'm just far more relaxed/better around foreign girls

Yeah same. It's easier to keep the conversation running and you're "exotic" to them so that's attractive (women's meme but it's actually true)

They sound really good in English imo (at least for women). Does it sound retarded in Swedish or something?

I like Euro girls, but I rather want to start a real relationship with someone from my own country or Belgium with whom I could start a family

no, not even hold hands, hugged, had informal conversation with a non-relative female

I've never heard a frog speaking Swedish, but when they speak English it sounds retarded and super nasally

w..wait you kissed a girl from Faroe? or do you count it as Denmark?

hungary is gf


Denmark. Though I'd like to kiss a Faroese girl someday

Nice. How was the Albanian?
I know one from Croatia and she is very hot

Ah, shame. Me as well. My dream is to visit Faroe and/or Iceland one day..:(
>tfw no Icelandic gf

was my first gf when I was a teen, she was blonde and tall, kinda awkward because I am a manlet

Fucking normie gloating.

Really? All the girls I've spoken too have this sensuous contralto that makes me diamonds


french accent is very nice but i cant stand a swedish accent in english, you all lot speak with the exact same style and its annoying as fuck

same here kek Its such a pleasure hearing them without ugly eastern euro (russian) accents

you are lucky they even spoke english. All french girls I've spoken too spoke through a translator and those that didn't spoke half french half english

Griitings truu fränds. Todäj aj oill tåålk öbaott såmmting dätt iss värri impåårtönt änd dätt iss döh djuus in Nååtsi Jöörmänny.

Joo sii naoadäjjs öh lått åff MEER MÅRTÅLS säss things lajk "Öoh, Hittler häjtädd dö djuus", bått dätt iss nått truu. Iff Hittler riily häjjtädd dö djuus dänn oajj oudd hii hävv öh djuuish båddigaard? Nöu, åbbviössli hii didd nått häjtt dö djuus hii öunli häjjtädd dö intörnääshunöll glöuböllist djuus.

Öukäjj dätt iss åål får diss video änd hoo äm ajj? Ajj äm dii gådd åff öltimätt strängth äänd ouisdåmm, äcksoäckso poof






H-how do you do this?

I can't even find a Lithuanian gf.


I went in high school with a Serbian girl from Croatia
Lithuanian girl was on erasmus here, wehad a one night stand after some party
German went here for holidays on summer
and Russian, Ukrainian and Czech were from my trips to Prague. Its the most amazing place to get laid I swear

If it makes you feel better. Most of these girls are nothing special in looks tbqh
especially Lithuanian and Russian girl


I fugged a Russian hooker, that's it

In Germany?


At home?

Mine looks like this, too.
Girls don't fid me attractive.
I'm slowly reaching a state of acceptance, but I'm not quite there yet, which is why I sometimes reply to these types of threads.

You're a rich Norwegian, you can just pay some hookers if you want to get laid. Looks are secondary

just wanted to say this

just travel to poor countries, balkans etc. girls will jump on your cock as soon as they hear where you are from

countries and descriptions

the french was the best by far

Daily reminder that every virgin boy deserves to be raped and get taken care of by the girl that loves him

>no sex with gf

Fuck, all those Americans are taking our women. I can't stand this anymore. Please,

Modest is hottest


Oh, I also forgot an older woman from Athens.

why are German girls so educated, crazy and prude, man
mine was exactly the same

we chatted over whatsapp and facebook after the summer I met her and I blocked her as soon as I realised she was a crazy fucking german, her behaviour and way of thinking was literally nazi-like (except the jew part).. authoritative perfectionist.. fuck that

That is why I avoid German girls.
Sluts till they are 25, fucking ugly afterwards

I'm a poor Norwegian. And paying someone for sex is illegal for all Norwegian residents. And even if I could afford it, it seems like an even bigger failure than just masturbating to midget cuckolding fetish-porn by myself for the rest of my life.





Then do as your ancestors. Go to England, find an average English girl (most likely uglier than you) and fuck her. Super easy.

wrong template, here's the real one

Turkish girls and a non Muslim?

many turks are secular


Got a blowjob from a polish girl here in erasmus.We were both drunk and she whispered to me to let her suck my dick.

and that is why I dont trust girls who went on Erasmus, huge red flag.

How the fuck did you manage that many?

unironically this

The 80/20 rule at work

Serve izjebal cijelu Jugoslaviju ali ne Slovenke. Baš mi je toplo pri srcu.


gj man, which one was the best? tell us virgins more about it

nije stigao da ih izjebe
slovenke su inace najvece kurve

No matter the amount money or nationality, or even looks, will help if you are shy and assburger. Not even in "poor" countries like the Balkan countries.

t. good looking quite wealthy Swede with the social skills of a rock and with no courage

Btw look at Notch. Guys a literal billionaire but the autisms make sure he doesn't get a gf anyway.

He used to have a wife tho

>Srbski guzobol

I like me some Med ladies, they taste like olive oil

British girls (there was a one from Wales and one long term from Scotland) were from Facebook & stupid games like Bingo, Songpop and Candy Crush. They flew over here to meet me after they fell in love with me and all of them were 30+.

Swedish girl I met from one football forum, she is half chilean though.

Dutch girls were two sisters, 3rd generation serbian emigrants.

German and Swiss girls were from my gastarbeit 3 month long sessions.

Romanian girl is from Timisoara, not too far from my place, met her through Facebook Live Video, same goes with Bulgarian girl (go to Live video map on FB, click on blue dot and comment on their feeds how they're sexy and shit and you have almost a guaranteed pussy).

Croatian girl was a married woman, she added me as friend on FB and decided to meet her during my work trip to Slovenia.

Macedonian girl was the cutest, Gorgina from Ohrid, she was 16 and I really miss her :(

Bosnian girl was actually a serbian chick from Banjaluka, same goes with Montenegrin girl she's serbian too.

me speak

Only Swedish

That's impressive

>They flew over here to meet me after they fell in love with me and all of them were 30+.

how old are you m8?

This. Either he is lying or a pedo.

probably lying

6'1" and fit Asian-American here.

The exotic factor is real.

Isnt there a saying: "lying like a serb"

What kind of Asian?

yeah in Croatia...not sure about other countries

I know this from a Croat ^^


First time I hear about it.

I think this would be accurate.
The Faroe Islands as well.
Green sex, red make out.
I might have to color Romania green, but I can simply not remember