What language do you think will be the most important to learn in the next 10 years? Pic semi related

What language do you think will be the most important to learn in the next 10 years? Pic semi related

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Chinese tbqh


Firefly will never happen, move on bud.


English, Chinese and Russian,

C++ or Javascript

What's that? Besides the insect i mean

Take it back bong, no one insults Muzzy




Firefly is a scifi flick/ series that was cancelled

It takes place in an alternate future where China takes over the Unites States and proceeds to slowly dominate the world causing steampunk and cyberpunk to slowly emerge into reality.

Body language, the language of loooove mmmm

Sanskrit will also be resurrected as a computer language, this comes from a very reliable source.

kek, just like learning Russian in the 70s or learning japanese in the 80s/90s. It's a meme m80, just stick to english.

Nah ,Chinese ,like Arabic are powerful but local languages. They don't have enough softpower to expand their language like the US did with English. They too aren't as powerful as Russian on the political scale. So even in a non Western power (BRICS etc), Russia would be the lingua francia of this block of country ,not chinese

Sounds dumb. My sister was always trying to get me to watch it, but it never really sounded interesting to me. I just don't like steampunk/cyberpunk stuff.

Esperanto, aka the meme language

>Chinese people are mass immigrating
>Muslims and Hispanics are not

memespeak to be honest

It is not for everyone, but if you liked star wars, you might enjoy it over time. It took about two weeks for my friends to get me to sit down and watch some.

Not Chinese.

I see
Only series i like is Daredevil so yeah never heard of that one

Java, C# and R. in the future translation technology will make learning spoken languages a luxury skill not a necessity for most people.

>1337speak desu

English will be the next latin which will follow the same fate of the Roman Empire.

It will get mixed with Spanish and some kind of SPANGLISH will emerge.

(Spanish, probably not because of Spain but thanks to Southern America)

It's more of a space western than steam/cyberpunk. Worth a watch if you have nothing to do.

The standard languages that are necessary to speak are:


Depending on your needs and context

English, german, korean, french, maybe russian.


Being multilingual has no benefit unless you intend to be immersed in that culture for a significant period of time. If you don't use it you'll lose it.

English will never falter tbqh.

English will be around forever but it's no longer enough. I can attest to the fact that trilinguals have advantages


He is coming soon. Better be prepared.

Depends on the job. Where I work I could double my pay if I knew Japanese, but it would barely make a dent to know Spanish.

If you want to learn widespread languages :
- English, 'cause most of the world
- Spanish, 'cause central/south America
- French, 'cause Africa
- Arabic, 'cause Middle-East and Maghreb

Other languages are more local and country-specific, even if they're spoken by billions of people.


Millions of Chinese parents are encouraging their children to learn the language of business, English.

Mandarin is a fucking disgusting language anyway and so is their writing system


Thanks to American meme movies and shitty forced trends you can all look forward to speaking English for at least another century.

universal translators will be in use by then

Kinda glad no one will be able to translate my language.