Remind me why this nigger won a Nobel Peace Prize???

He wasn't even president for a god damn year

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Because the Nobel committee is full of left-wing faggots who politicize it frequently and jump on trends and popular opinion without any critical consideration for the merits required for the prize. They're JUST like the Oscars.

In Obama's defense, I'm sure he would have preferred to not won it, certainly not just after he became president. It was thrown into his lap and even admitted he did not deserve it. But, to his credit, he humbly accepted the honour without stepping on toes and soap-boxing about it.

Because he's a nigger and was going to finally heal race relations and stop wars.

Race relations are worse than they were in forty years ago and there is much more war, but that doesn't matter. Niggers are graded on a curve.

Because he's black

So are there no qualifications for winning?
Why Obama? Because muh first """"""""""""black"""""""""""" president?

I haven't started any way, I haven't ordered drons to kill people, but I haven't gotten any NPP.

He wasn't bush.

Because he's black


didnt see ya there

Yeah but he was born ""black"", and you've gotta hand it to him that's a pretty big accomplishment.

Literally because he's black.

How can someone who GOES TO WAR win a Peace Prize? It should have been revoked as soon as he got involved in Lybia

The process started early. Unfortunately, you started paying attention to politics six months ago.

This is the speech that opened all the doors for the man.

Marxists and their "muh first black president" dream.

Too bad he is the worst president we've ever had and didn't increase the chances for World Peace. Instead he's pushing for war with Russia, Iran and any country that doesn't give into his cultural Marxist fantasies.

Someone should post the "Congratulations to ___ and __ for being black teens" picture

Unrelated, but I wish Sweden took over this prize.

Its committee is nothing but political leftists humiliating and fucking up our country's diplomacy to make themselves look good.


That was seriously their reasoning. "He inspired millions." Yeah, okay.

They gave him the prize for promises he made, not for anything he actually did.

But my Facebook friends say he good president :(

they gave him one to blackmail him.

hurrdurr nobel peace prize, please be peaceful now

Same reason Caitlyn Jenner won woman of the year

Wait why is that again?

danisha can't wake up

Nobel is a Jewish prize.

They had no good candidates that year.

he is a good president. Says a little to much?

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums was behind that, oh how it backfired though...

People are starting to realize that the Nobel Prize isn't as credible as academia makes it to be....being that academia is all run by jews.

he tried to tell the middle east to chill the fuck out. Now were gonna..well wait till after the election.

>the Nobel committee is full of left-wing faggots who politicize it

The peace Nobel committee is completely separate from the science Nobel committee.

They're not even in the same country.


Basically as a reaction to bush's wars which rustled the jimmies of the international, liberal community.

Obama was given the nobel peace prize as a giant fuck you to bush, rather than anything obama acutely did to merit it.

>Be President for less than 1 month
>Win Nobel Peace Prize
>Drone Strike Weddings
>Give arms to rebels in the Middle East
>Rebels overthrow Libyan government, erupts into chaos
>Rebels in Syria fighting endless war on 2 fronts
>ISIS forms in the chaos
>ISIS beheads people, burns people to death in cages, murders 150 people in Paris
>ISIS literally owns vast areas of land and territory along with an unending supply of oil which it sells to fund it's murderous rampage
>Obama a good boy
>He dindu nuffin
>It's the Republicans' fault

So did Kissinger. It means nothing.

Because he wasn't Bush.

>It's not a war crime because it was accidental.
>Only person to bomb another nobel peace prize winner.

Didn't he win it before he became President? For making speeches pretty much the opposite of what Trump says?

>He wasn't even president for a god damn year

He wasn't even President yet. I think the Nobel committee gave it to him in the hopes that it would convince him to pursue a certain type of foreign policy.

One would think that they probably regretted that decision fairly quickly.

He's literally the worst president we've ever had, not necessarily all because of what he does, but because of the lack of criticism he receives when he does it. Bush is one of the most hated public figures directly behind Hitler when it comes to people under 30, and Obama is one of the most beloved, even though Obama has done arguably worse things than Bush ever did.

Explain how that changes what I said.

Think the guy that won the award alongside him refused it because he felt giving one to Kissinger made it worthless.

You're complaining they "politicize" the peace prize?
Peace (like war) is already politics.

They thought he was going to take it seriously and not be another Bush. Turns out he's black Bush. Only a more cancerous and effeminate one.

This. Bush, wherever he is, can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he's not going to go down in history as the worst president of the 21st century. Obama was like Bush on steroids, with full control of the media narrative.


Hahahaha who cares about that quack jerk off organization.


They politicize it by awarding it to people who share their politics, even if they've done little or nothing for peace.

Because Europeans hated Bush.

And he made racial tension go up.
Yet he got a peace prize.