why is everyone today so miserable in the entertainment industry? i watch old carson videos and rickles and sinatra were all happy and jokiing around, you never see that anymore
Why is everyone today so miserable in the entertainment industry...
I think it's because theatre and movies went hand in hand and now not so much.
the country is divided and I don't just mean the race shit the liberal media pushes. people don't feel connected to other people now. most are nihilist to some degree. the void keeps getting bigger and we keep being given new distractions to avoid it but it's always there.
Sinatra & company could drink and joke around about everything without everyone getting butt-hurt and pissy. These days we can't do that.
because they were drunk.
Why do Americans keep bringing up Don Rickles? Nobody knows him, I'm Canadian and the only reason I even know him is because Americans bring him up like he's a big star so much.
The best they'll ever know him was when he was in that one episode of Tales from the Crypt.
They came from a different time user. We're collectively more estranged from each other than we've ever been, and the people our age that get famous reflect that.
well he did 2 presidential inaugurations so he was pretty famous
fuck, the days of drunken banter.
I guess its because today every celebrity becomes a brand and everyone involved is determined to protect the "brand" and that means never offending anyone.
It used to be the case that entertainers would call the shots. These days its the publicists and the marketers that determine what/when they say things.
Because you are a fucking nostalgic idiot who pines for an age he never lived in and who judges a celebrities happiness based on the rehearsed interview they do on a late night talk show.
If you did the same with modern stars, they would all seem so different.
The only difference between celebs now and then is there no internet or TMZ/paparazzi to vent their "true" selves to show how "happy" they truly are
you don't think people as whole are less happy than in the past?
>I'd like to thank the NAACP for this trophy
manlets BTFO since the 60's
I think no matter what age people are from, they will always find ways to be unhappy and ways to be happy
I don't see the past as this glorious age you 20 year old manchildren do where everyone is happy, content with their lives and nice.
Comedy and politics are way too linked
Theres a popular theory that comedy is broken down to "Ah-ha I get thats really politically important" and "Haha that genuinely made me laugh". When in actuality the latter is only most important. All thought that humor should progress the conscience commonplace liberal tactics and should be disregarded
Obviously no one is saying that life in any era was universally great, the discussion is about the entertainment industry in different times.
When was the last time you say a modern entertainer drink during a show?
Its the over protection of entertainers images these days that annoys people.
Nothing is left to chance anymore, everything from live performances to talk shows are rehearsed to death, no one is talking candidly anymore, no entertainer is saying what they think or mean because theyre too afraid theyll awaken to an angry rabble of bloggers and twitter faggots.
In the olden days it used to be "if you dont like it, dont watch it" - for some reason we dont live by these rules anymore. Everyone has their finger in every pie and youre allowed to scream until youre blue in the face if you take offence to something.
Yeah there are lots of 20 year olds saying that the great depression was a happier time than now
the great depression actually had a better job market than right now.
40% of males just don't work right now.
>When was the last time you say a modern entertainer drink during a show?
>Its the over protection of entertainers images these days that annoys people.
Yeah that never happened in the past
>Nothing is left to chance anymore, everything from live performances to talk shows are rehearsed to death, no one is talking candidly anymore
Yeah that never happen in the past either, people who go on Carson don't rehearse idiot
>In the olden days it used to be "if you dont like it, dont watch it" - for some reason we dont live by these rules anymore. Everyone has their finger in every pie and youre allowed to scream until youre blue in the face if you take offence to something.
Oh please, you are talking out of your ass
The 30s are not the 60s. Let's not confuse the two. The 30s were in the Depression (although in the 30s you did have the Astaire-Rogers films, which were basically perfect in their own ways).
In the 60s, people were doing pretty well. And you could have an entire variety show based on a drunk host, sexy girls, musical numbers, and a bit of culture as well: youtube.com
>>Its the over protection of entertainers images these days that annoys people.
>Yeah that never happened in the past
>>Nothing is left to chance anymore, everything from live performances to talk shows are rehearsed to death, no one is talking candidly anymore
>Yeah that never happen in the past either, people who go on Carson don't rehearse idiot
what did he mean by this?
>Timberlakes own alcohol brand
>Nortons own wine brand
Thanks for proving my point.
t. 20 year old manchildren
>variety show based on a drunk host, sexy girls, musical numbers, and a bit of culture as well
That's not indicative of them being happy, that was just the big band and showtime era
Again, you are confusing how celebs act on a late night rehearsed programs with their actual happiness
>40% of males just don't work right now.
You're including people in education in that figure aren't you you cunt.
I'm actually talking about a certain joie de vivre that was expressed in pop culture of the past that isn't expressed today. Today you turn on the TV or go to the movies, and you see everything being taken incredibly seriously, or that there's a real conscious effort to not take things seriously, like that's some form of meaningful protest.
As opposed to the time OP is talking about, where people just didn't care about all the issues we care about today, and so they were able to just fuck around and not take themselves so seriously, and not worry about making some innocuous remark that others take completely out of context and try to destroy a career with.
This is a really good argument, I'm certain it will make the people your arguing with reconsider their positions
>I'm actually talking about a certain joie de vivre that was expressed in pop culture of the past that isn't expressed today.
If you are talking about fucking around on a talk show and acting friendly and happy, then that hasn't changed
yes it has you goober you fucking goober we have to tough crowd, no carson, no howard stern, no old o&a, it's all corporate. look at the "hang out" shows we have no Graham Norton, @midnight it's all fucking corporate they all plug shit and don't talk about anything
"So tell us about some of the great things that happened whilst you were making this movie"
"Yes! So we would prank eachother a lot on set"
"OH! PRANKS! Wow, tell us what kind of pranks you would do"
"So one time, I hid this guys script and he was all like 'wheres my script' and I was just there like, killing myself"