Another shitty ylyl because why not

Another shitty ylyl because why not














Alright everyone, listen up.
This shit has to stop. I'm tired of every furfag/underage/self-righteous prick going out on other websites besides the Chans and saying HAY GUYZ I'M A /'b/TARDED LOL, because FYI...
Being a Sup Forumstard means that you have a morbid, vile sense of humor, and probably are close to being a chronic masturbator. And I have seen PLENTY of self-alleged Sup Forumstards who do not qualify for the Sup Forumstard title. If you are against lolicon in ANY way, shape, or form, you are NOT a Sup Forumstard. If you do not laugh at things like rape, AIDS, and decapitation, you are NOT a Sup Forumstard. And if you have EVER posted ANY furry porn, you are DEFINITELY NOT a Sup Forumstard, and also need to be murdered accordingly.
It has been said before that Sup Forums is the trashcan of the internet, for those who are completely inept and couldn't get laid if their lives depended on it. In conclusion, if you are a user of Sup Forums and you do not hold the traits of a Sup Forumstard, STOP SAYING YOU ARE A Sup ForumsTARD DAMMIT.









My cousin (who is older than me) one day arrived to my house and asked me to babysit his daughter (she's 5), I agreed, he left her with me.

Some time I was in he couch, using my tablet and she started to get bored because 1- there was a blackout so TV wasn't working and 2- I don't have girl's toys in my house, so she wanted to use the coloring app. I told her "OK but stay here with me" and put her between my legs.

I was starting to fall asleep there wile she played but she started to climb on me to get comfier, and she ended right over my crotch.

I suddenly had a boner, I was like "Oh God, please no, this is so wrong..." but she started to giggle and said "it tickles"

After I realized she liked it I lifetd her, placed her over my raging boner (I still had my pants on) and started to me her so her crotch rubbed my dick.

Now we do it everytime as a game, everytime she wants to do it she says: "be my horsey"































This site has become overridden with people too scared to do something new. But all to willing to bump a thread in hopes someone else will deliver.
Gutless newfags, without the common courtesy to lurk. Thinking that their one liner opinion matters.
This stems from have safe heaven. YLYL is that go to thread for these faggots.

But here lays it's corpse of 1000 underager's desu~. You think that this is just a kill joy?, no! des. This show that you have power over the content on this board.
Fight the faggotry; slay the trap threads. Reclaim Sup Forums for what it truly is. Not an adolescent's grooming ground; indoctrination to the homosex, of mind and body des. Psychological manipulation of the youth that stray here looking for a "meme", because their retarded brother let slip 1&2.
Kill the face's of Sup Forums, shitting all over our basic principle of Anonymity, and the freedom that entails.
Destroy the cam whores, judgeing their self worth by the amount of bumps they receive before they have to cling onto their audience with a poorly taken selfie. Needlessly killing threads with OC potential in the process.
The dick rate threads that are purely a cover for collecting dick pics that won't come up in a google search so that they can be used for gay bots on homosex dating sites.

Look at the catalog, the threads of reposted content, stale, and readily available else where. Stubborn to let free real estate for fear of missing their pray.
There's more at stake here than a meme posting thread. This is a war on both yours and your siblings minds. To pervert you in ways that not only suit a sexual lust desu. But for your sympathy to further degrade society as a whole.

Well now I'm hard

I am a 35 year old married man, and a father of 2 teenagers. Well, let's just say I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Recently I've realized that both of my children are being bf and gf to each other. My 15 year old daughter has been acting very clingy towards her brother, and my 17 year old son has been fiercely protective of his sister. They've even insisted on sleeping in the same room, in the same bed and in addition I suspect my son has gotten his own sister pregnant because she's been feeling sick in the morning and having odd cravings. Earlier today my son had gotten into a fight at school over some guys who were apparently checking out his sister. I had to excuse myself from an important meeting at work to have a parent teacher conference about his fight. Right now they're in their room with their door closed doing God knows what.
I know this isn't a good place to ask for advice, but I just need to release some stress I've been having.












I used to be absolutely disgusted by dickgirls. For years I would deliberately skip saving pages from doujinshi I found if it had one in it. More recently though, I've accepted that there is futanari art that turns me on. I don't feel compelled to seek out pictures of real-life shemales; it's just one of those things, like piss-drinking and genital piercings, that anime makes arousing even though you'd never go for it in real life. I think it's a combination of three things:

1) Attaching a PENIS to a girl causes her to become sexually aggressive. She can't stop touching herself or trying to have sex with every girl, boy or other dickgirl she sees. An erection means "I'm horny, I want to have sex." When you see a girl gazing at you with a hard on, you know she wants you. Normal girls, it isn't always that obvious (a wet pussy is hard to see through clothes for example).

2) Seeing a dickgirl ejaculate is like how you wince when you see someone else get kicked in the nuts; it's a sympathetic reaction, like psychosomatic or something. Beautiful girls and ejaculating are high on most guys' lists of favorite things; dickgirls put them together in a simple package.

3) A dickgirl's dick is just another toy for you to play with. I'd treat it like an extra breast or a really big clit, something that will make her feel good when you touch her, and a hell of a lot more user friendly than a teeny tiny little knob at the top of her crotch.

4) After four years of nothing but 'normal' hentai (and some real life sex), I'm jaded by hentai. I need something a little kinkier to get me interested, and this fits the bill nicely without getting too fucked up like scat or mutilation or sensory deprivation.


















what's your problem man do u have nothing else to do



When I was about nine, I had recently gotten a Nintendo Entertainment System from a garage sale down the road, the first gaming system I ever had. One game that I bought was Super Mario Brothers 3, the final chapter of the widely-acclaimed SMB trilogy, which like in the original Super Mario Brothers consisted of Mario/Luigi chasing after Princess Toadstool (whose name has since been bastardized to 'Peach'). Back on topic though; so I had advanced to World 2, "Desert Land" and I was moving along rather smoothly, in the back of my mind knowing that at some point the levels would start to get more difficult; I soon noticed a tile, one unlike the other tiles (Toad houses, numbered tiles, etc). It appeared to be some cross-hybrid of flowing diarrhea and sand, which caught my attention. I navigated my way to the tile, and hit the A button and was warped to what appeared to be a normal level; there even was a happy sunshine in the top left corner! As I side-scrolled my way through the level, the fucking sun decided to go apeshit and sodomize me repeatedly until I finally broke down in tears, throwing my controller at the ground screaming for my mom. That fucking bastard.

yes you are








