Have you ever had to fight for a girl Sup Forums? Be it because someone messed with your gf...

Have you ever had to fight for a girl Sup Forums? Be it because someone messed with your gf, a jealous ex tried to start shit with you or whatever.

What's the alpha thing to do? Defuse the situation or stand your ground and fight? Memes aside, there is a line that separates retarded white knighting from reasonable self-preservation. Where do you draw that and are bitches ever worth risking injury for?


whos that?


The Alpha thing to do is walk away. No bitch should matter that much to you. All that matters in life is yourself and how much you're worth financially and to those people that love you. Be comfortable with yourself, and bitches will stick by you because they are drawn to men who they know aren't besotted with them and would happily move on to someone else.

This is how I live my life.

If you care about her, be unreasonably violent at the slightest provocation.

This guy is a virgin and probably thinks traps arent gay

Immature. You are immature.

so have you ever been in a situation where you had to be violent because of a girl?

he has. i fucked his mom and he tried to punch me, didnt work. nutted in his moms mouth then kicked him in the chin. lil bitch.

Should be the other way around. Bitches should be fighting for you lol

been there. just walk the fuck away. If your gf leaves you because you wouldn't fight some neck beard for her, shes obviously a slut and doesn't give 2 shits anyway.

No I haven't. Yes I would physically defend my girlfriend if I needed to, and probably would utilize premeditated violence if learned someone assaulted or molested her. But I wouldn't become violent over petty drama shit.


Someone tried to mug my sister. I happend to be nearby. It ended with me calling an ambulance from a phone booth.

Greentext that shit did you knock some cunts out?

LOL i fugged his mum xD

Fighting over a female is highschool shit. I got to much shit to worry about rather then some bitch.


yeah, i wasnt mugging her, was raping her asshole remember? then i kicked you in the chin and you went to call an ambulance from a phone booth for your dislocated jaw.


started going out with some chick. bout a week later her ex or whoever the fuck he was starts messaging me threatening me and shit. Even did the shittiest Photoshop to try and make it look like I was talking shit about said girl. I'm just telling him to fuck off basically and after a day or 2 he calls me up and starts saying he wants to fight me and he's gonna bring his crew and some other stupid cholo shit. I said sure I'll meet you up. gave him some far as fuck location and just blocked him. never heard anything after fucked around with the girl for a while and moved on. Its usually not worth it OP and half the time they're just little bitches anyways.

Wise mafuckin words user. true Dat!

>be me 17 att
>dating this gnome like chick, cute but flat
>anyway life is good, that is until 2 months pass
>she starts to get a little distant and weird
>didn't think anything of it because we were still having sex normal
>one day a friend texts me that she is cheating on me
>don't believe him, decide not to confront her
>however that night i go to her house to see if she was there
>she is not. weird, my mind starts to doubt her >the next day she wants nothing with me and breaks up
>i apologize with bro realize he was probably telling the truth
>but. this random person she was dating decided to vandalize with a screw driver, my sister saw the whole thing
>i went to his house to confront him, and i'm greeted by really nice parents.
>they don't believe me though
>when he arrives i'm there having a chat with them (ex gf is there)
>he goes apeshit on me, we both lack any sort of ability to fight
>eventually manage to subdue him on the floor
>only to have my face kicked by his father
>anyway mother calls the police
>they believe me since i was there in the first place
>ex gf actually testifies in my favor (?

weird shit. After that i left my hometown to go to law school, never contacted any of them, they eventually paid for the repairs of my car.

i signed up for mma classes last year.

Moral of the story is that bitches are crazy. don't fight over them, is not worth it.

Wtf psycho family